NHKラジオビジネス英語2024 Lesson3
Enough about Silicon Valley, let's discuss your assignment! What aspects would you like to explore during your stay?
I'd like to gain insight into the process of investing in start-ups. Additionally, I'd like to understand the criteria and focus areas that go into investing.
Sounds great! Understanding these aspects will lead you to explore the ecosystem. I think the best way is to attend pitch events.
Pitch events? The events where start-ups pitch their ideas to potential investors?
Yes! Start-ups present their service or product ideas to investors, and investors explore which company is to support. I'll be attending a pitch day in Palo Alto next Wednesday. So why don't you join me?
Thank you. I'd love to.
aspect 点、側面
explore 探求する、検討する
gain insight into ~ ~を深く把握する、~の理解を深める
= learn about the ins and outs of ~
= delve into ~
criteria 規準
pitch (商品などを市場に)投じる、売り込む