
NHKラジオビジネス英語 2024 Lesson2


The people working here are  innovative and take pride in collectively shaping the future of the earth. It's an unparalleled ecosystem.

Ecosystem? When I hear the word, a forest comes to mind. Are you saying Silicon Valley is similar to an ecosystem in a forest?

Yes. In the case of a forest, it refers to a system, where organisms and plants within the same natural area influence and depend on each other. In Silicon Valley, we call it an innovation ecosystem. All the different parts of the technology and business world collaborate. This includes tech companies, start-ups, venture capitalists…

And universities, research centers, lawyers, accountants…

Exactly! These professional groups and infrastructures foster a spirit of collaboration and entrepreneurship and create a virtuous circle.

take pride in ~ ~を誇りに思う
collectively 集団で
unparalleled ほかに類を見ない、匹敵するものがない
organism 生命体、生物
venture capitalist ベンチャーキャピタリスト、新規事業への投資家
foster 育む
entrepreneurship 起業家精神
virtuous circle 好循環
Are you saying ~ ? ~ということですか
 = Are you suggesting ~ ?
 = You are indicating ~ ?
