
NHKラジオビジネス英語 (Lesson 30)


So, Ron, Daniel, what were your findings?

Mr. Honda from the supermarket sais our lineup of Champagne, Bordeaux and Burgundy is still selling well, but he seems to be buying his natural wines from else where.

which wines, regardless of whether they are from us, that he sell most?

Natural wines from New Zealand, followed by South Africa and strangely Georgia.

Georgia!? But why? To think Georgian wines are selling more than our Bordeaux and Burgundy is alarming to say the least. Lisa, this is Japan's most fancy supermarket we are talking about, right?

Yes, the most upmarket.

I don't know why people are so into organic wines and SDGs, but I think the ground is shifting beneath our feet a lot more than we anticipated.

SDGs... I know it's important, but…

Well, it is the trend. We must adapt or die, Emily.

regardless of ~ 〜にかかわらず、〜に関係なく

alarming 憂慮すべき、警戒すべき

to say the least 控えめに言って

fancy しゃれた

upmarket 高級な

be into ~ 〜にはまっている

shift beneath one's feet 大きく変化する
 drastic change, sea change

anticipate 予想する、見込む
