NHKラジオビジネス英語2024 Interview1-1
Dr. Juneja, welcome to our program! First of all, what inspired you to join the present firm and take on the role of CEO? Whether any unique challenges or opportunities that attracted you to the company?
Why I joined this food company, Kameda Seika, was, you know, I always like food, food when you write in Japanese is the hito-wo-yoku-suru, human and right. There is so much power in the food. And I used to like kaki-no-tane very much, you know, because this was one souvenir when I take back home, or anywhere people used to like it because it's very crunchy taste and it's not very expensive, and I was a fan of the products of this company.
Also, you know, I saw that "oh, this is the company not only of kaki-no-tane but it has many tane, many seeds!" There's so much potential in this company. They were trying to do new things. Not many food companies are expanding globally so much, but we have factories in US. We have factories in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, India, China, everywhere, you know, so base was there. I thought "wow, this is a huge potential of this company!"
And the best thing I like to ask, you know, this is very focused company on rice, you know. And rice has so much power, a lot of people do not know, so I thought my experience, my career and I worked on food power, you know, the nutrition part and making people good, you know. This company had, you know, kaki-no-tane happy-turn you eat anything, you know, it's so good, you know, so deliciousness that we had. I thought if I add more nutrition part and more environmental part, this is one thing we can take global. But I joined this company because this is a very very unique rice cracker company.
take on ~ ~を引き受ける
to accept the challenge task or responsibility, to begin something that will probably take a lot of work. For example, "I can't take on any extra projects right now," there is just not enough time. Mr. Shibata asked what inspired Dr. Juneja to take on the role of CEO, or what inspired him to assume the responsibilities of that role.
crunchy サクサクした、カリカリした
If something is crunchy, it makes a sound when you bite into it or crush it, like an apple or some almonds, having a crushing noise. "Crunchy" is not only used for food, for example, "you might hear a crunchy sound when you walk on the pile of autumn leaves." It can also be used as a verb as in "the leaves were crunching underneath my feet," and a noun as in "the crunch at the leaves"
crispy, flakey…
nutrition 栄養
nourishment. "Nutrition" is about consuming sufficient food and drink to keep the body healthy, or help it frow. If something is nutritious, it's good for the body and provides some substances that needs to function properly. For example, "having a salad with dinner is nutritious, but having a bowl of candy for dinner is probably not nutritious at all."
rice cracker せんべい
Rice crackers are any kind of cracker make from rice flour, but the other ingredients and the preparation methods may differ. Sembei are the most commonly known type of rice crackers. They may also be known as Japanese rice crackers.