
#11 ありのまま、あるがまま



---------JP/EN---------------- English is available.
※Sorry,I'm not good at English, so I use a translation app for some of it.



それは僕が バイセクシュアル(両性愛者)であることです。

What I am about to write may not be what you are expecting or hoping for, but I hope you will understand. I will explain below how and why I made the announcement, but I myself had been wondering until just before I wrote this whether or not I should make the announcement. However, I felt that I would break down if I did not tell you about it as soon as possible, so I decided to make the announcement this time.

That's because I'm bisexual.





それはNetflixシリーズ「heart stopper」です。

イギリスの男子校に通うゲイのチャーリーと1学年上でラグビー部員のニックは、出会ってすぐに親友となり、やがて関係は恋に発展していく。 ゲイやレズビアン、トランスジェンダー、多人種なキャラクターが登場するなか、カミングアウトの逡巡、周囲の偏見から精神的な病といった問題まで取り上げる。





Since I was a child, I often played with male friends and was often called “gay and lady boy” by those around me. When I was a child, I was not aware of this and thought I was just playing with them as friends. Of course, I also played and talked with girls, and sometimes I even developed a liking for them.

I met many people in elementary school, middle school, and high school, and I don't think any one of those encounters was wrong. At the time, I had no knowledge about LGBT myself and did not try to understand my own sexuality.

As I became a university student, I had many opportunities to come into contact with LGBT through classes and various activities, and I was finally able to think about my own sexuality. At first, I spent my days denying myself, wondering if it was really OK to be like this, and what people around me would think of me. I did a lot of research on the Internet. The more I researched, the more anxious I became. I also noticed that when I was playing with male friends in front of my friends, or when they saw me getting drunk and touching myself more and more, people started to say, “He must be gay,” or “He must be gay. I even began to think that there was a big gap between “who I perceived myself to be” and “who people around me saw me as. It was during this time that I came across a video work. It was the Netflix series “Heart Stopper.

Currently, the series has been distributed up to series 3, and the content gets deeper and deeper with each installment, and the structure is designed to light a ray of hope for those who are suffering from the same problems. I too have watched up to series 3 and it has given me the courage to take the first step forward.

This year, I traveled outside of the prefecture more often and visited various places to get a taste of LGBT culture. In Tokyo, when I joined the LGBT community and had drinks with them, and saw them speak freely and talk about their own experiences, I went from being worried to confident that it was okay for me to be confident.

I also had many people listen to me when I made this presentation. Friends who had similar experiences and were in the same situation. My seniors. Distant friends. And the other day, I reported to a person I had been in a relationship with before. They all gave me a strong push, saying “I support you” and “I respect your decision.



I myself had a lot of trouble deciding whether or not to make this announcement. While I was thinking about it, something happened that triggered me. There are matching apps that have become popular in recent years, such as Tinder and Tapple, which can be used by gay and bi people as well. I also created an account and have actually met several people in Tokyo, Osaka, and Yamaguchi. I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Aren't you embarrassed?", but there's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's just like everyone using apps to meet people.

Do you know the word "outing"?

Simply put, it is the act of disclosing confidential information such as a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, name on family register, medical history, etc. to another person without the person's consent. Overseas, people younger than me are being outed, and there are situations where people come out at the age of 19.

「Kantaro is gay」
The reason I decided to make this announcement was the "attempted outing by a third party." The other day, I opened the app as usual and was having a conversation with a user I was interested in. Since I could know the general location information, I also understood that the user's location was close to me. After finishing the conversation, I received a shocking message. "Kantaro is gay" At that moment, my heart palpitated so violently that I couldn't move for a while. Immediately after that, I had a part-time job, but naturally I couldn't concentrate and my face looked pale, so I had to go home halfway.

I can't help but wonder who is saying this. I can't imagine that people who tell people in advance that they are bisexual would do something like this. However, I was extremely angry and shocked that there were people around me who played with other people's sexuality and made fun of them.

どこの国の、誰が こんなことをやっているのか知りませんが、あなたのその行動が僕に大きな影響を与えました。立派なアウティング未遂です。

I don't know which country or who is doing this, but your actions had a big impact on me. It's a splendid outing attempt. If you make one wrong move, that action will hurt others, and depending on the severity, it can even lead to death. If you're watching this, please promise me you'll never do it again. You don't need to apologize to me.

If I didn't have this, I would have explained it to my closest friends first. I haven't told my family yet, but I will tell them when the time comes.


I think there are people who are surprised or disappointed when they read this. sorry.

I hope that by reading my article, those who are in a similar situation will be given the courage to take a step forward. In Japan, the penetration rate of the LGBT community and culture is low, so people inevitably become a minority. I would be happy if more people read this article and become interested in LGBT issues and show more understanding.

そして、これまでも これからも僕は僕であり誰にも僕の人生は否定させません。文句も言わせません。
And, up until now, I will continue to be myself, and I will not let anyone deny my life. I won't let you complain.

To all the people who have called me "gay" or similar words. Are those words really correct? Do you really understand the other person?

I would appreciate it if you could respect and accept my decision.
Of course, the love interests are still men and women😁


2024.11.6 Kantaro
