MSP: プログラムの種類
作成日: 2019/10/23
Vision-led (ビジョン主導のもの)
Has come into existence to deliver a clearly defined vision that has been created and is sponsored by the top of the organization (組織のトップが掲げた明確なビジョンに伴うミッションであり、予算が組まれている。)
Tends to be top down in approach, with cross-functional implications for the organization's operations (トップダウン型の傾向が強く、部署をまたいだ活動。)
Entrepreneurial programmes developing new products and services, that focus on innovation or strategic opportunity offered by the business environment (新しい製品やサービスの開発のための新事業。発明や戦略に焦点が置かれる。)
In the public sector, this could be the translation of political priorities into a programme which will refine and deliver the desired changes (公的機関においては、政治的な複雑な情報を、噛み砕いて伝達するのに使える。)
Emergent (新興のもの)
Evolves from concurrent, individual projects that have grown within an organization. There is now recognition that coordination of the project is necessary to deliver the changes and the desired benefits (同時進行中の、別々のプロジェクトから発展するもの。望む利益を得るために、プロジェクトの調整が必要との認識がある状況。)
Is transitory, as it becomes a planned programme when its vision, context and direction have been defined and established (一時的なもの)
Compliance (法令遵守)
May also be referred to as a "must do" programme (必須のもの)
The organization has no choice but to change as a result of an external event, such as legislative change (法改正など避けられないもの)
Benefits may be expressed in terms of compliance, achievement and avoidance of negative implications rather than measurable improvements in performance. (施行による利益は「効果測定」でなく「法に従わなかった場合」との比較から評価される。)