Photo Language をやってみた その2
さて、前回に引き続きなんちゃってPhoto Languageの続きです。
Picture Descriotion を何度かやった後の活動です。
A man arrived at home. He was going to take a bath with his son. But, he didn’t want his father to take a bath with him. He made his father sad. His father was crying in the bed...
The boy’s father came home. He was going to take a bath with his son, but it’s too difficult to take a bath. He didn’t know what to do. His son who is sitting on the yellow sofa is cute, but his father was getting angry. A few minutes later, they take a bath together. The bath makes them happy.
30 minutes ago, the father arrived at his house. The father wanted his son to take a bath with him. But, his son didn’t say, “Yes” This made the father angry. He usually gets angry. The son is good at making the father angry! The son making him angry is very scary.
Two years ago, the man working in Akita took the train. Then, he saw a girl who had a very cute face. So he sat near the girl. At that time, he didn’t know what would happen... A few minutes later, she started eating a watermelon on the train. It was too difficult for him to believe!
One day, there were two people on the train. The man was tired. A girl was hungry. When she saw him, he looked like meat. So, he made her even more hungry. Suddenly she took out a big watermelon. He was surprised. Then she
started eating it. He didn’t know what to do.
One day in the afternoon, the man finished working today, so he took the train a little early. He found the girl who had a beautiful face. He was so happy because he found the girl. He sat near the girl, but he didn’t know what she wanted to do. He heard the sound of someone eating...
元々この活動を思いついたのはPhoto Lanugageの手法に出会ったということもありますし、英語検定2級の2次面接試験で4コマ漫画を英語で説明するという活動があったからです。非常に英語の表現力をUpする活動になり、トレーニングとしては非常に優秀な活動だと思います。