The age of web3 is gradually approaching✨Among them, this time we will introduce a little bit of the game content of P2E "BOUNTYKINDS" from Blockchaingame 👀
This time about the scholarship system.Since BOUNTYKINDS is a Blockchain game, it is necessary to charge a small amount, but this scholarship system allows you to play with less charge.Of course, there are free characters that can be rented from BOUNTYKINDS, but there are limits. Therefore, by borrowing characters from other players, you will be able to advance the game with an advantage.In addition, the lender can also receive the rental fee, so it is a win-win relationship 🤭I also borrow and lend out 🫶🏻
By all means, let's clear Zealy's quests, get free α-tickets, and play with everyone🎠↓zealy URL

#Blockchaingame #bountykinds #Web3
