

The gift of a fragment of Everblight’s athanc generally weaves subtle changes into the bodies and souls of the Nyss, whose essence the dragon has studied exhaustively. Absylonia’s blighted transformation continues to reshape her flesh, however, and there is no sign she will ever settle into a stable form. A unique embodiment of Everblight, she is a creature who can adapt her flesh and bones to suit her needs. Her mind and body bear little resemblance to what she was. The blood flowing through her veins surges in sympathetic harmony with the spawn she crafts for battle. Most would call Absylonia a horror, but among the Legion she represents singular draconic perfection.
For most of Everblight’s chosen, the real change happens deep within. They must open their minds to control blighted energies and assume a leadership role in the Legion while offering absolute obedience to the dragon. Each must adapt to the watchful presence and guiding voice of Everblight. Absylonia’s twisted form might have resulted from her body’s involuntary resistance to this change. She has little memory of those early days except as a haze of pain and confusion, and she remembers even less of her former life as a Nyss. This virtually blank slate pleases Everblight, who finds her consciousness easy to inhabit and influence, with none of the confusion of residual memories. In many ways Everblight treats Absylonia with particular patience, as if she were a favored child. He spends considerable time retraining her animalistic instincts and preparing her for the work ahead.
Within days of her transformation, Absylonia proved to be entirely devoted to the dragon and responsive to his will. Though lacking both memories of her former existence and, initially, the language of her former people, she demonstrated an inhuman cunning backed by the powers imbued in her during her transformation. She possesses intuitive control over the spawn around her, and those generated from her blood grow with surprising alacrity—a gift transcending the other warlocks’ to rival those of Thagrosh himself. She can restore her own body or even the most mutilated spawn to wholeness with a single outpouring of blighted power.
When Everblight took the bulk of his army to confront Pyromalfic at the Castle of the Keys, he chose to leave Absylonia behind, thus safeguarding some portion of his essence from the battle with the ailing dragon. As the rest of the Legion moved south for this violent confrontation, Absylonia continued to create fresh spawn in their absence. She brought these reserves to rejoin the Legion at Everblight’s call, enabling him to replace nearly half the spawn lost in Pyromalfic’s destruction.
Absylonia is more abomination than Nyss. She glides swiftly across the battlefield on sleek, fresh-grown membranes that extend from between her fingers and arms. Her appendages can lengthen in moments, the bones thickening and stretching with a sickening sound. Chitinous barbs and spikes extrude through her flesh and shift unpredictably in battle, leaving gruesome wounds where she strikes. Her mutable form and the resilience of her spawn terrify all who oppose her.
