ケイドア ウィンター コーア
特殊ルールフィールドマーシャル 「アークノード」を所有する。
Ekaterina Baranova is among the most powerful arkanists of her generation. Once the pride of the Greylords Covenant, which she served faithfully in the years following the infernal invasion, Baranova denounced the organization and her former tutors within it. With a meritorious service record and recommendations from both the Order of Illumination and the entire Old Faith Synod in Korsk, Baranova received an imperial pardon and was able to join the newly established Winter Korps as a kapitan in 618 AR. Her mastery of the arcane arts is not only singular among Khador’s depleted ranks but in the whole of the Iron Kingdoms. She now hungrily awaits putting her talents to use against the hated Orgoth host now ravaging the Motherland’s western shores.
When one or more living enemy models are destroyed by an arcane attack while in Baranova’s control range, Baranova gains one focus point.
Possesses the Field Marshal [Arc Node] special rule.
Her Storm of Ages feat says, “Enemy models/units activating in Baranova’s control range suffer –2 SPD, cannot charge, or make slam or trample power attacks. When a friendly model in Baranova’s control range is targeted by a ranged or arcane attack, the attack suffers –4 RNG. Storm of Ages lasts for one round.”
Despite the unrest that plagued Khador in the years following the war with the infernals, a war that kept the Motherland from taking advantage of the full fruits of the technological renaissance that swept the other Iron Kingdoms, the nation was not entirely without its own innovations. Long a dream of the Khadoran High Kommand, the Dire Wolf was envisioned as a modern warjack designed to support Khador’s infantry forces in the field. Lighter and faster than any Khadoran warjack ever built, the machine was engineered to act as an anchor point for the infantry in battle.
Friendly warrior models cannot become knocked down and suffer one less die from blast damage while base-to-base with the Dire Wolf.
Has the Shield Guard special rule.
While not as innovative as the lighter Dire Wolf chassis, the Great Bear sets Khador’s new standard for heavy warjacks. As physically powerful and durable as the Motherland’s last generation of heavy warjacks, the Great Bear also offers a more stable weapon platform alongside a suite of advanced optics, greatly increasing its proficiency in ranged combat. Its massive steam engine grants it the force necessary to knock aside its opposition’s heaviest machines.
Has the Aggressive, Bulldoze, and Heavy Boiler special rules.
RAT 5.
Its Quad Chain Gin has ROF 2d3 and the Volume Fire special rules.