

Countless battles have honed Kaya to perfect fighting form, proving repeatedly she has the will and strength to survive against seemingly impossible odds. She fights for the rush of battle, which brings her a visceral joy, but also with a determined belief that her enemies deserve destruction. Her clarity of purpose springs from the same wild spirit that allows her to effortlessly control the beasts accompanying her, including the great wolf Laris who keeps constant vigil at her side. She stands on the precipice of greatness and has proven her willingness to leap into the unknown—regardless of the dangers—to seize it.
Laris is a creature as preternatural as he is wild, a cunning and adaptive reflection of some inner portion of Kaya’s predatory spirit. He is the answer to Kaya’s call for the other half of herself, and the bond between them is essential and profound. The link that joins their minds and emotions allow them to accomplish otherwise impossible feats. Kaya’s power flows naturally through Laris, and Laris feels her wounds more keenly than injury to his own flesh. Outside of battle his mind is a soothing influence on Kaya’s inner turmoil, and his instinct to preserve her life perfectly contrasts with her sometimes reckless courage. He is a manifestation of Orboros with a wisdom and personality all his own.
Connecting to Laris was no simple feat, requiring Kaya to stretch in a way she never had before. One key to unlocking this deeper power was learning the role of celestial influences empowering the Circle Orboros. Under the tutelage of Morvahna the Autumnblade she began to tap into the moons’ mystical pull on the blood of all predators. Morvahna initiated Kaya into these elder rites by urging her to undertake a strenuous ordeal: climbing to one of the highest peaks in the Wyrmwall Mountains to unlock her inner strength and predatory awareness.
Atop the mountain peaks, she arrived at a nearly forgotten sacrificial site. She spilled her blood on ancient stones as lightning crackled across the storm-tossed sky. Then the black clouds parted and the three moons of Caen illuminated the tableau. She was startled and awed when a ghostly white wolf emerged from the wilds at the ritual’s climax. With a single look, Kaya knew the wolf’s mind and could sense its greeting. He invited her to hunt, and as she joined the wolf in a run through the mountain passes the two bonded inextricably.
She named him Laris after the second of the moons orbiting Caen. The ignorant call this moon baleful and wicked, and it is associated with storms and ill fortune. Laris has in fact proven to be a calming influence on the other beasts accompanying Kaya into battle. Through the bond they share, Kaya can feel the complex flow of his emotions and thoughts, receiving warnings and sometimes seeing through his eyes. Laris does not filter the world through language but boasts a keen perception and insight. He is an accomplished hunter and a brave guardian. Though Kaya has become calmer since bonding with him, the cold predatory stare of a wolf sometimes shines in her eyes. A wolf feels no sorrow or compassion for its prey, and Kaya has put aside such human feelings, knowing hesitation could mean death in battle.
When Kaya descended the mountain and met again with the Autumnblade, the senior druid was surprised and unsettled by the way her protégé had exceeded her expectations. The appearance of the wolf showed that Kaya had transcended the mentorship of elder druids.
Kaya has learned from hard experience that some of her peers will try to exploit her potential for their own benefit. Over time her confidence has grown; she has learned how to put her power to use without becoming the tool of another, and she has refined her instincts. Once she moved from one battle to the next without thought beyond the moment. She has learned to transcend this, mastering deeper rites and rituals from the lore of beast masters who preceded her. The more Kaya learns, the more she appreciates the solid foundation given to her by Baldur the Stonecleaver. She intends to heed Baldur’s example by focusing squarely on the enemy and ignoring all other distractions.
The soil of countless wild places in western Immoren has tasted the blood of Kaya’s enemies. In battle she moves with fluid grace and amazing speed, and she relishes being surrounded by foes. As Kaya leaps into the midst of her enemies, warpwolves, satyrs, and Laris suddenly appear from the shadows of trees, their limbs infused with vitality. Never has carnage achieved such sublime perfection as when Kaya and her beasts unleash themselves, holding nothing in reserve as they leave the enemy shattered and bleeding across the forest soil.
