
小説『慧子』17/宝生グループリーダー/Keiko 17/Group Leader Hosho


   At first, Keiko thought this workplace was the right choice for her. But as she sat alone in the deserted office with nothing to do, a different thought came to her mind.
   When she left America, she was not in a bright and hopeful situation, nor did she have any expectations. However, Keiko's interview with Director Oda, Ashikawa's words, and the deserted office made Keiko feel wary and worried that something was going wrong. A remorse crossed her mind that, wanting to leave the U.S. too much, she may have made a rash choice .

   Feeling depressed, Keiko looked around the deserted office again, and her eyes met those of a woman who had come in through the door.
"You're Dr. Lennox. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."
A woman spoke to Keiko in a clear voice. She was a woman who possessed feminine gentleness and softness, as well as an androgynous feel.
   She came and stood in front of Keiko while Keiko was standing up from the chair. Having waited for Keiko to stand up completely, the woman said,
"I'm Hosho, the group leader. Nice to meet you."
And she held out her hand to Keiko.
Keiko grabbed her hand
"I'm Lennox Keiko. Nice to meet you."
The woman smiled softly and said,
"Please have a seat. I'll get you something to drink."

``At this time of the day, almost all the researchers in this group are in the laboratory. Today, I was scheduled to come back here ,'' Hosho said regretfully.
``I'm sorry for keeping you waiting all by yourself.''
``I was not alone all the time. I met Mr. Ashikawa.''
``Ah, Mr. Ashikawa,'' Hosho said, then gave Keiko a mischievous look. "Didn't he say something strange?"

   “He said to me, ‶Welcome to the hang-out for deported researchers.”
Keiko answered honestly.
“As expected.”
"You expected him to say that?"
“Yes. ‶the hang-out for deported researchers.'' is a favorite phrase of Mr. Ashikawa.''
"What does that mean?"
“I have never confirmed his true intentions, but I think he means a collection of people who have been kicked out of the mainstream of the organization.”

   Keiko asked Hosho,
"Were you, too,  kicked out by somebody?"
After she had said that, Keiko came to be embarrased by her own directness. She picked up bad habits living in America. No, even Americans who have some basic manners wouldn't say such outrageous things. "This is where my true nature is revealed."  Keiko talked to herself and felt her face stiffen.

Hosho did not seem, to notice Keiko's embarrassment. 
"I was on Chief Researcher Kawakita's team."
she said.
   Kawakita is an internationally recognized researcher, and Keiko has read Kawakita's papers. Along with the Director Oda, Kawakita is prominent researchers in this institute, although according to Keiko's evaluation criteria, both  are only 1.5 to 2nd rate researchers.
``I could not agtee to Mr. Kawakita's research policy, so I asked the director for a transfer and came here.''
Hosho said.

   "However, people around you think that you had been  forced out by Chief Researcher Kawakita."
After having said that, Keiko hought that she had said something bad again.
   But Hosho did not look offended at all.
“If I had stayed longer, I would certainly have been kicked out. I didn't like being kicked out, so I volunteered to get out. That's the way it is."
Hosho smiled. Her smile was straight and bright, the complete opposite of Asikawa's dark, distorted smile.
”I might be able to get along well with this person,"  Keiko said to herself.  She felt like she saw a glimmer of hope.

