
慧子/3.実験 2005年9月  Keiko/3. An Experiment September 2005

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   Science class was in the first period that afternoon. Before the teacher appears, the classroom is a space of hustle and bustle and chaos, and it gets even more intense right after lunch break in both America and Japan. There were only a handful of students sitting in their seats, and that is only because their seats happened to be gathering places for like-minded friends. All around the classroom, groups of four or five people were indulging in small talk.
 However, for Keiko, there was a distinct difference between Japan and America. In Japan, there used to be a group that Keiko could sneak into to make her less visible, but here there was no such group, and she had no choice but to isolate herself, sitting on her seat.
   Yet, when Tim appeared in the classroom with the guests from Japan, 80% of the students had got back to their seats. The visitors, two men and one woman, introduced themselves one by one. All three were professors at Japanese universities studying education, and one of the men belonged to the same university as Keiko's father. Perhaps it was because Keiko was conscious of this when she looked at him, Keiko felt that he gazed right upon her at the end of his self-introduction. Keiko averted his eyes, thinking it would be troublesome if he talked to her after the class.

   Tim had set up seats by the podium so that the three professors could see the students' discussion face-to-face. When the three were seated, Tim handed out letter-sized pieces of paper to the students. In the center of the page was an illustration of a man sitting at a table facing a clock on top of the table. Wire-like things are growing from the man's head and arms.

   "The illustration in your hand is a simplified version of an experiment that was actually carried out. There are wires coming out of the man's head and arms. They are meant to show that the electrodes to measure electrical potential change in the human nereves  are attached to his brain and arm."

   "You know that electrical signals from your brain move your muscles. The electrode on his head measures the electrical potential change that occurs when the brain gets ready to send electrical signals to the muscle nerves. The electrode attached to the arm measures the electrical potential change that occurs in the muscle's nerves when electrical signals from the brain reach the muscle nerves."

   "Let me explain the experiment, the man, the subject, was instructed to raise his arm at any time he liked, and, to check the clock in front of him when he thought he would raise his arm. This clock was actually an oscilloscope-like measuring instrument that could keep time much more precisely than a normal clock."

    After pausing and looking around the class to make sure the students were following along, Tim continued.
"So, here's the question: In what order are these three timings will align, the timing when he feels like raising his arm, the timing when his brain gets ready to send a signal to his arm, and the timing when the arm receives the signal from the brain? “

   "Common sense tells us that. First, you want to raise your arm, then your brain is ready to send the signal, and finally your arm receives the signal. That's the only way."
Bob Miller answered promptly, with a slight sneer in his tone.

   "Wait a minute"
Chris Hutton, who is known in the class as a cynic, said.
"That answer is so obvious that it doesn’t make sense for Tim to ask us.The result must be different from what we usually think. That’s why it will be an issue to be discussed. "

 Tim gave Chris a suggestive smile and said,
"Then how do you answer?"
“An interesting story is that, first, the brain gets ready to send a signal, and second, that signal is transmitted from the brain to the muscle, and last, the subject feels like raising his arm.”
"I see, after everything is done, the subject thinks about it.”
"Yes. Humans are creatures who are always regretting what they have already done with little thought about it.

   Having given a wry smile to Chris' ironic way of saying, Tim spoke to the class.
" It's way too far to say you want to do something after you've done it, but the order between being ready to send signals and wanting to move is as Chris said. Experiments show that, first your brain gets ready to send a signal, then you want to move your arm, and finally the signal from your brain reaches the arm"

   "There was a commotion in the class, and Keiko heard voices saying 'No kidding”, and ” I can't believe it''' from here and there.

   Sally Bowen stood up and asked Tim.
“Does that mean that my brain is preparing for the action before I even think of doing it?”
"That's right."

「あなた、わかってないの? ティムは、私たちが知らない間に、私たちがすることを脳が決めてしまうと言っているのよ」
   "If that's true, then we have no free will."
Claire Atkins kicked up from her chair and said in a raised voice.
"What does it mean that we have no free will?"
Bob Brown asked Claire.
"Can’t you see that? Tim says that our brains decide what we do without even our knowing it."
"In other words, we are slaves to our brains."
Added Chris, in his usual sarcastic tone, which made the class roar.

   After looking around the noisy classroom, Tim came close to Keiko and asked
"What do you think about this result, Keiko?"
Keiko was a little surprised that Tim would ask so early, but she had an answer. Keiko slowly stood up.

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