慧子/2.疎外感 2005年9月 Keiko/2. Alienation
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However, it wasn't just the uphill and the weather that weighed down Keiko's feet and heart this morning. Those were there every day. Merely due to them, she wouldn’t have thought of turning back halfway through.
今日の理科の授業を、比較教育システムの日本の研究者チームが見学することになっていて、科学の教師、ティムは、特別な討議形式セッションを計画していた 一昨日、ティムがこのことを発表したとき、ティムは、他の生徒たちがいる前で、慧子に「ケイコの意見を楽しみにしているからね」と言ったのだ。彼の言葉に、慧子は、自分への揶揄と挑発のようなものを感じた。 慧子は、授業中に、ほとんど発言しないからだ。
Today's science class was to be observed by a team of Japanese researchers of comparative education system, and the science teacher, Tim, planned a special discussion session. When Tim announced this the day before yesterday, he said to Keiko in the presence of the other students, "I'm looking forward to your inputs". In his words, Keiko sensed a sort of teasing and provocation aimed at her. Because Keiko rarely spoke up in class.
Keiko felt like she could understand Tim's desire for her to contribute to the class discussion. Keiko had come from Japan just three months ago and yet was fluent in English. A teacher was likely to expect Keiko’s inputs would add diversity to the class discussion.
However, being outspoken in class meant breaking, in just three months after coming to America, the seal that Keiko had been imposing on herself for the last six years. It seemed to her impossible.
Keiko was a fast learner of words. In particular, she learned to speak logically at an early age. Since she became ten years old, she came to win almost all the time, in any argument over anything, with her friends. She often defeated even her teachers.
Though Keiko's parents, who received higher education in the United States, highly valued this quality in her, it did not help her make school life easier at all. On the contrary, it made her school life miserable. Her classmates regarded her “too outspoken”, ostracized and bullied her. The situation was made worse by the fact that Keiko told only what she really thought and was unable to tune herself to the talks of her classmates..
慧子は、中学時代の丸3年をかけて、自分自身を静かで目立たない存在にした。 それは本当に辛い日々だった。 しかし、そのおかげで、彼女は高校での最初の2年間を、友人とも教師とも、ほとんど何の問題もなく過ごすことができていた。 それなのに、母親が エル・カミノ研究所 に採用されたため、高校の最後の年になって、アメリカに移住することになったのだ。
It took her three whole years of her junior-high days to make herself quiet and inconspicuous. And that was really a painful trial. But thanks to these hard days, she was able to spend the first two years at her high school with almost no trouble at all either with her friends or her teachers. Then, she moved to the States in the last year at her high school because her mother was recruited by El Camino Research Institute.
慧子はこのような展開を憎んだ。 父親がそばにいないという事実が、彼女をさらに憤慨させた。 母が、慧子は自己主張が認められやすいインターナショナルスクールに行くべきだと主張したのに、慧子に日本の普通の公立学校に通うことを勧めたのは父だった。
Keiko hated the turn of the events. The fact that her father was not with her now made her more resentful. It was Keiko’s father that recommended she go to an ordinary municipal school in Japan, despite her mother insisted Keiko should go to an international school where her self-assertion would be accepted.
父は、日本文化に慣れることで、慧子が日本とアメリカの架け橋になれるだろうと言ったのだ。 慧子は、「そう言ったからには、お父さんは、私がアメリカと日本の文化のギャップから生じる困難を乗り越えるのを手伝うべきだ」と思っていた。しかし、父は自分が教えている大学の学生たちに対する責任があると言って日本に残った。 恵子には、それは信じられない行為だった。
Dad said that being accustomed to Japanese culture would enable Keiko to be a bridge between Japan and America. Keiko often said to herself, "Since Dad said so, he's got to help me overcome the difficulties arising from the culture gap between America and Japan".
However, Keiko was wise enough to realize that, no matter how much she resented the past, what happened was over and would never change.
登り続けてきた道が下り坂になり、目の前の丘の麓に高校の校舎と広いグラウンドが見えてきた。 慧子はペダルをこぐ足を止め、少し考えた。 そして、ティムに指名されない限りは沈黙するが、話せと言われたら迷わず言うべきことを言おうと、心に決めた。慧子は、ペダルを強く踏み、学校へと坂を下っていくのだった。
The road that had been climbing for a long time became a downhill, and at the foot of the hill in front of Keiko, the high school building and the large ground were seen. Keiko stopped pedaling and thought for a moment. Then, she decided that although she would be silent unless she was named by Tim, she would say what she had to say without hesitation if she was asked to speak. Keiko stepped hard on the pedals and went down the hill to school.
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