混節文(mixed sentence):
Nick was so goody that he said he would happily lend the money I needed, so I was completely deceived.
[[Nick was so goody [that he said [he would happily lend <the money [I needed]>]], so [I was completely deceived].]
[S]┬┬S: Nick
│├V: was
│└C┬so goody (形) 道徳家ぶる,善良ぶる (GCEJ.p611)
│ ├that ☞従属接続詞 so_that節
│ ├s: he └(従接)副詞
│ ├v: said
│ └o:┬ (that)
│ └┬s: he ┌ (副) 喜んで, 進んで
│ └v┬: would (happily) lend
│ └o┬o the money
│ ├s: I
│ └v: needed.
└┬, so ☞等位接続詞
├S: I ┌(副) 完全に,すっかり,まんまと
└V: was (completely) deceived.
be助動詞 + en分詞⇒受動態
[[SVC [svo]] ,so [SV]]
[複節文] + [単接文]