

You should not take all the explanations of native speakers about, for example, “which” and “that” usage for granted as if you were cormorants to swallow them! 例えば、" which"や"thatの使い方の説明など、ネイティブ・スピーカーの説明全てを鵜呑みにするべきではない!

Unfortunately, it is a fact that Japanese people tend to revere “native English speakers” simply because they are “the native speakers of English,” even if they have rarely read “written” English documents, whether papers or contracts. In many cases, especially on YouTube, “American colloquialisms” are set as the absolute standard, and this is even applied to the “written” language, resulting in many strange cases where the correct usage in the “written” language is claimed to be incorrect.残念ながら日本人は、論文であれ契約書であれ、"書かれた"英語の文書をほとんど読んだことがなくても、"英語を母国語とする者"というだけで崇め奉る傾向があるのは事実だ。特にYouTubeなどでは、"アメリカの口語表現"が絶対的な基準として設定され、その基準が"書き言葉"にまで適用されるケースが多く、その結果、"書き言葉"での正しい使い方が間違っていると主張される奇妙なケースが多発している。

1) I got a guitar which is produced by Rickenbacker.
2) I got a guitar that is produced by Rickenbacker.

Both “which” and “that” of these relative pronouns are informative and restrictive, and both are correct in written English. これらの関係代名詞の”which"も"that"もそれぞれどちらも情報制限・限定用法であり、書き言葉として両方とも正しい英文である。

By the way, if you want to make the sentence mean to add information"ギターを手に入れた、リッケンバッカー製のやつをね。", add a comma before "which" and express it as follows. ところで「ギターを手に入れた、リッケンバッカー製のやつをね。」と、情報を追加する意味の文にしたい場合には、"which"の前にコンマを付けて、次のように表現する。

3) I got a guitar ,which is produced by Rickenbacker.

This “,which” is an expression used in the information-adding usage of relative pronouns.この”,which"は、関係代名詞の情報付加用法で用いられる表現である。

However, in colloquial (spoken) language, it is often difficult to tell whether or not there is a comma by sound alone, and when information is to be restricted or limited, “that” is frequently used as a relative pronoun that has only information-limiting usage, instead of “which”. しかし、口語(話し言葉)では、音だけではコンマがあるかどうかわからないことが多く、情報を制限したり限定したりする場合には、情報を限定する用法しか持たない関係代名詞である"that"が、"which"の代わりに使われることが多い。

Certainly, it is a mistake to put a comma before “that” in written language, as in “, that clause”. However, even in colloquial speech, “pause+,which clause” is sometimes used instead of a comma to indicate that additional information is being added. 確かに、書き言葉では",that節"のように"that"の前にカンマを置くのは間違いである。しかし、口語でもカンマの代わりに " pause+,which節 "が使われることがある。

However, since this “pause” is difficult to hear in colloquial speech, “that” is used exclusively for convenience in the restrictive and limiting uses of the relative pronouns, and in the additive uses of the relative pronouns, “, + which” (described in school as “nonrestrictive uses of the relative pronouns”) has become a custom that is used exclusively in common. しかし、口語ではこの"ポーズ(間)"が聞き取りにくいため、関係代名詞の制限用法や限定用法ではもっぱら便宜上"that"が使われ、関係代名詞の付加用法では",(カンマ)+which"(学校では”関係代名詞の非制限用法”と説明される)がもっぱら一般的に使われる習慣になっている。

On the other hand, in written English documents such as scientific papers and contracts, “which” clauses without commas (for restricting or limiting information) and “, which clauses” (for adding information) are strictly distinguished, and “which” rather than “that” is overwhelmingly used!  一方、科学論文や契約書などの英文文書では、カンマのない "which節"(情報を制限・限定する場合)とコンマのある",which節"(情報を追加する場合)が厳密に区別され、"that"ではなく"which"が圧倒的に多く使われている!

Therefore, one should not take it for granted that the explanation of an illiterate who has barely read any “written” English document, be it an article or a contract, even if it is spoken in “native English". したがって、記事であれ契約書であれ、「書かれた」英語の文書をほとんど読んだこともない無教養な者の説明を、たとえそれが”英語のネイティブ・スピーカー”の言葉であっても鵜呑みにしてはならない。

1) I got a guitar which is produced by Rickenbacker.
2) I got a guitar that is produced by Rickenbacker.
3) I got a guitar Rickenbacker produces.
4) I got a guitar produced by Rickenbacker.
5) I got a guitar by Rickenbacker.
6) I got a Rickenbacker guitar.
7) I got a Rickenbacker.

⇒うさぎあひる / あひるうさぎのゲシュタルト(<地<図>>)認知
