
Hiroshima Atomic bomb 2021


Hiroshima marks the 76th anniversary of the world’s first atomic bombing. The bomb devastated the city with a tremendous number of casualties and moreover, survivors have suffered or have been suffering from acute radiation disorders as well as the onset of the delayed effects of radiation from the bombing. Second and third-generation A-bomb survivors have suffered from severe discrimination and social prejudice…needless to say, the bombing is one of the worst atrocious war crimes in human history. There are still 13,500 nuclear weapons around the world, with 90% of the total in the United States and Russia. The proliferation of nuclear weapons to less stable nations has been feared.

Through the coronavirus pandemic and natural disasters caused by human-induced climate change, we all have been witnessing the fact that our daily lives are fragile and easily destroyed. Even a single nuclear weapon will crush many daily lives instantly and anybody in the world can be involved in the danger. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not merely sad memories of the past. They may be our future aspect...Please seriously remember and learn from the catastrophes if you truly hope to make the chaotic world a better place.
Friday is the 76th anniversary of Hiroshima. Doomsday is closer than ever • Missouri Independent

Hiroshima Day: When Most Cruel Atomic Bomb Killed Tens Of Thousands

Hiroshima marks 76th A-bomb anniv., urges end to nuclear deterrence - The Mainichi

Hiroshima marks 76th atomic bomb anniversary, urging end to nuclear deterrence | The Japan Times

New Publication: Hiroshima Report 2021 | Hiroshima for Global Peace

The Photographers Who Captured the Toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - The New York Times

Counting the dead at Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

