
Nagasaki marks 75th anniversary of world’s second atomic bombing


Nagasaki marks the 75th anniversary of the world’s second atomic bombing. Only three days after the first atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima, the second one devastated Nagasaki city with a tremendous number of casualties. Like Hiroshima, survivors have suffered or have been suffering from acute radiation disorders as well as the onset of the delayed effects of radiation from the bombing. Second and third-generation A-bomb survivors have suffered from severe discrimination and social prejudice.

The attached image below is known as “The boy standing by the crematory.” The boy of the devastated city is seen standing to attention with the body of a baby strapped to his back, apparently waiting for the cremation of the baby…silently staring at the image, I deeply feel again that we must not let any children in the world go through again the hell-like horrible events the boy experienced…:



Nagasaki survivor donates notebook on his bid to identify boy in A-bomb photo - The Mainichi

Papal visit raises hopes of finding boy in iconic Nagasaki photo:The Asahi Shimbun

A Japanese boy standing at attention after having brought his dead younger brother to a cremation pyre, 1945 - Rare Historical Photos

Nagasaki marks 75th anniversary of atomic bombing

Why We Shouldn’t Overlook Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Story | Time

Hiroshima, Nagasaki survivors 70 years later - YouTube
