
1937/08/26 上海ベイビー資料

26 August, 1937 CONFIDENTIAL
1. Operations
R-2 REPORT FOR PERIOD 18:00, 25 AUGUST, TO 18:00, 26 AUGUST, 1937, pootung and the vicinity of Kiangnan arsenal were bombed by Japanese planes. (An eyewitness states that yesterday afternoon, when he made an inspection of the premises, the arsenal was undamaged. The fire seen burning near it comes from a large building in the vicinity of the South Station). Chinese trench mortars fired intermittently into Yangtzepoo last night and a Chinese plane flying over the Settlement drew Japanese anti-aircraft fire, but generally speaking the heavy fighting has shifted from Shanghai to the north.
2.『Sydney Morning Herald』

SHANGHAI, Aug. 25.
A new danger to the foreign areas at Shanghai has arisen. This afternoon the Japanese announced that unless the Chinese discontinued using the Chinese district of Nantao, adjoining the French concession, as a base for supplies and troops at Pootung, Japanese aircraft would bombard the area. The Japanese state that they are unwilling to bomb this thickly populated district, which includes the famous Chinese walled city, which is more densely populated than any part of the entire city, but they say that action will be taken unless the warning is heeded. The threatened area projects dangerously into the French concession, which will undoubtedly suffer severely in any bombardment. The Japanese, in the meanwhile, are stating that fair warning has been given to Chinese civilians to evacuate Nantao.
This afternoon the Japanese aeroplanes flew over Nantao and dropped a number of bombs on the outskirts, starting fires in several isolated villages, as an indication of their intention to enforce their demands.
The internal defences were strengthened today by stringing barbed wire across most of the important thoroughfares at points where Chinese troops and crowds are likely to try to force an entry into the settlement from the surrounding areas when the Japanese push properly started.
NEW DANGER 上海で警報。 南太平洋を爆撃する脅威がフランス領に迫っている。 (特派員より)上海,8月25日。上海の外国人居住区に新たな危険が発生した。今日の午後、日本人は、中国人がフランス租界に隣接する南涛の中国地区を、プートゥンの物資と軍隊の基地として使うのを止めなければ、日本の飛行機がこの地区を爆撃すると発表した。日本側は、中国の有名な城壁都市を含む、都市全体のどの部分よりも人口密度の高いこの地区を爆撃する気はないと述べているが、警告が聞き入れられない限り、行動を起こすと述べている。この脅威の地域は危険なほどフランス租界に突き出ており、どのような砲撃でも間違いなく深刻な被害を受けるだろう。一方、日本側は、中国の民間人には南濤から避難するよう公平な警告を与えたと発表している。 上海で警報。 南涛を爆撃するという脅迫がフランス地域に迫っている。 (今日の午後、日本の飛行機が南涛の上空を通過し、郊外に爆弾を投下し、いくつかの孤立した村で火災を発生させた。 今日、内部防衛は、中国軍と群衆が、日本軍の攻撃が始まったときに周辺地域から入植地への侵入を試みる可能性のある地点の、重要な大通りのほとんどに有刺鉄線を張ることで強化された。
3.『The Evening News』

Chinese Being Steadily Driven Back On
Shanghai Front
LONDON. Wednesday.
The correspondent of The Times at Tokio states that the report of the capture of the natural stronghold at Nankow Pass, after 11 days' fighting, has been confirmed. The country is so difficult that some Japanese units are being fed and receiving munition supplies by air.
A typical operation was the capture of the village of Chunyunhkwan, where the last position was a watch tower on the Great Wall. Here, when the supply of band grenades failed the Chinese rolled great stones upon the Japanese. Many dead and wounded, both Chinese and Japanese, fell down a ravine. A Japanese column, after the capture of Kalgan, is now advancing on the Peiping-Suiyuan railway.
A Tokio message also claims that the Japanese have advanced along the whole length of the Shanghai front.
Japanese also bombed and set fire to the Kiangwan arsenal, south of Shanghai. It is recalled that the first arsenal there was blown up by Admiral Seymour, in 1900, during the Boxer rising. Admiral Hasegawa has proclaimed a blockade against Chinese shipping extending from Shanghai to a point near Hongkong. The Japanese army spokesman stated today that unles the Chinese ceased firing from Pootung the Japanese would be compelled to dislodge them. If they retired to Nantao the Japanese must regard it as a military area and shell it, despite the large civil population there. The danger of the retreating Chinese making an attempt to storm the barricades of the International settlement is becoming graver. Artillery has arrived from Hongkong and all measures are being prepared to assist the attack.
The Australian Trade Commissioner in China (Mr V. G. Bowden), whose headquarters are in; Shanghai,' will remain there for the time being to advise the Government immediately of important developments and cooperate with representatives of other Powers in measures for the protection of Australian, lives and property. Sir George Pearce, in making a statement to this effect in the Senate yesterday, said that before the situation in North China became dangerous it had been arranged that Mr Bowden should return to Australia on departmental business. It was considered the defense position in the International Settlement in Shanghai was now satisfactory.
ロンドン 水曜日。
日本軍は、上海の南にある江湾造兵廠も爆撃し、火を放った。同地の最初の工廠は、1900年の義和団蜂起の際、シーモア提督によって爆破されたことが思い起こされる。 長谷川海軍大将は、上海から香港付近までの中国海運に対する封鎖を宣言した。 日本陸軍の報道官は今日、中国人が浦東からの発砲を止めない限り、日本軍は彼らを排除せざるを得ないと述べた。もし彼らがナンタオに退却すれば、日本軍はそこを軍事区域とみなして砲撃せざるを得ない、そこには多くの民間人がいるにもかかわらず。 退却する中国人が国際居住区のバリケードを襲撃しようとする危険は、ますます深刻になっている。香港から大砲が到着し、攻撃を支援するためのあらゆる措置が準備されています。
オーストラリア人の保護 木曜日、キャンベラ。
在中国オーストラリア通商代表部長官(V. G. Bowden)は、上海に本部を置き、当面の間そこに留まり、重要な進展があれば直ちに政府に助言するとともに、他の国の代表と協力してオーストラリア人の生命と財産の保護に努めます。ジョージ・ピアース卿は昨日,上院でこの趣旨の発言を行い,華北情勢が危険な状態になる前 に,ボーデン氏が省益のためにオーストラリアに戻ることが手配されていたことを明らかにし ている。上海の国際居住区における防衛態勢は、現在では満足のいくものであると考えられていた。
4.『The Tribune』

Japanese Will Close Harbors to China Ships
( Continued from pope 1)
By Associated Prese
Shanghai, China. Aug.25. Shattered. Shanghai was engulfed In many new great fires this afternoon. The most serious of the fires flamed in the thickly populated Nantao district. The burning area. not far from the building housing the Associated Press bureau, is threatening the great munitionーladened Kiangnan
Arsenal, and the Chinese and French waterworks, upon Which a million people depend for their water supply. A second conflagration broke out in the Yangtsepoo area, not far from the huge new Simmons bed factory. Another fire roared south of Pootung, a half mile from the Dc●ar Line wharves. No attempt was made to control the fires because firemen previously evacuated the regions and there is a serious- shortage of water. Flames "were sweeping Chapei, which has a normal population of 1,000,000. Two additional conflagrations were reducing Hongkew's vat industrial area to ashes. Some of the fires, notably those in Nantao, Chapei and Pootung, were alleged by foreigners to have been deliberately started by Japanese airmn who were dropping incendiary bombs in retaliation for the Chinese artillery shelling of Japanese- held districts.
With property losses from fires already estimated at $100,000,000 gold, the new blazes were expected to add another quarter million gold to the list.
Japanese reinforcements were waiting restively today outside the gales of Shanghai to launch a big push designed to eject Chinese troops from the city. 'Supported by three core Nippon warships on the Whangpoo river and off Woosung, as well as fleets of heavy and light bombing planes, the Japanese were expected to begin a major scale offensive instead of remaining on the defensive as during the par week of bitter and bloody battling.
The now Japanese attack will be under the command of General I wane Matsui, new commander-in-chief of the Nippon forces in the Shanghai area, and a veteran of Russo-Japanese war.
Meantime Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's German-trained warriors whose bravery and tenacity had surprised even the Japanese, are set to meet any onslaught. It is expected that three entire Chinese divisions will be pitted against one Japanese division when the big battle starts because of the overwhelming superiority of the Japanese armaments.
In view of the imminence of large scale battling, thousands of foreigners, including Americans, are fleeing the city. The s.s.Empress of Canada was to evacuate 1.200 today, including members of the staff of foreign consulates.
The land forces of both sides today appeared to be content to hold their respeetive lines.
The big guns of the Japanese navy ships off Woosung continued bombarding that area and other sections up the Yangtze river.
Meanwhile the Chinese air force followed the example of the Japanese of several days ago when they sprung night reconnaissance flights over Shanghai. They did not attempt any bombings but drew fire of Japanese anti-aircraft batterios, throwing the populace of the city into a renewed state of tension and apprehension.
Fusilades of giant shells, believed to have' been fired by Chinese, shore batteries, exploded early in, the afternoon dangerously near the U.S. Destroyer Parrott, which had been guarding the great Texaco oil plant on Gough Island. Apparently the Chinese mistook the Parrott for a Japanese warship. The destroyer was forced to abandon her position, imperilling not only the lives of 120 U.S. sailors and the American members of the staff of Texaco, but the huge fuel tanks of the company which it appeared might be blown up at any moment.
Sensing the danger instantly, Commander R.F. Melling. of the Parrott, snouted "push off." Members of the crew went into action at once, and with shells still falling "around, took the American warship right miles up the Whangpoo river to the comparative safety of the Socony docks.
There were no Japanese warships on the river fronting the Texaco area during the shelling, which wan an fierce that Commander Mrlling refused to risk the lives of his men and the ship. He offered to evacuate the oil company superintendent, A. R. McCoy, of Port Arthur. Texas, and the American workers there, but all refused to desert their posts.
The bombardment eased shortly after the Parrott's departure, lending weight to the belief the Chinese mistook her for a Japanese destroyer.
A spokesman for the Japanese army said Nippon guns and planes are continuing their shelling and bombing of Pootung with a view to driving out the Chinese forces who are stubbornly resisting the Japanese attacks. Should the Chines retreat from Pootung and reestablish themselves at Nantao, the Japanese army and navy are determined to attack Nantao, the spokesman added, in spite of the
fact there is a civil population of 200,000 and Chinese refugees in the area at the present time. An attack on Nantao. the spokesman, said, "would be in retaliation for the Chines bombing of Hongkew from Pootung, in which Japanese civilians were killed or wounded."
The Japanese spokesman reiterated "this is no time to consider any neutral proposal respecting cessation of the Shanghai hostilities. Japan must secure decisive results before peace can be discussed. "
The Nippon spokesman complained American and foreign flags are being misu .nd by the Chinese. He said the big Chinese cotton .mills at Woosung, owned by the bombed Wing On department store, flew large American flags while Chinese snipers, concealed in the mills fired on Japanese forces landing at Woosung. This, he said, forced Japanese planes to bomb the mills and silence the fire. The spokesman urged American and foreign consuls to take action to prevent such abuse of the flags of their nations. He assorted Red Cross and Swastika flags similarly were misused on Chinese buildings.
Reliable British and American in formation today indicates 55 ,000 Japanese army reinforcements arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze river during the past three days, and of the total 4,000 were landed at Paoshan, 6,000 at Liuko, 2,000 at, Woosung. 1.000 at Yangtze Poo and the remainder are awaiting on ships at sea until the Japanese command deems it safe to land them.
A majority of those landed be long to the 5th Riroshima, Division. Those still on transports include the tall 5th Kyushu Division and the entire Himeji Artillery Division.
This is approximately the same number of troops Japan dispatched to Shanghai in 1932.
British and American military observers declare, however, that Paoshan, Liuho. Woo Jung, Yangtze Poo, Nanwei Chwansha and Chapoo. where the Japanese forces landed, are too small to effectively serve as bases for a big offensive against the Chinese unless they intend to march much closer to Shanghai.
The observers were of the opinion the Japanese repeated the fatal mistake made by the Anglo-French command at Gallipoli by deploying battleships openly before the landing of troops from transport this giving the enemy ample warning of the intended landings.
With scores of Japanese warships moving back and forth in front of the landing places, the Chinese forces were warned long in advance of the intended landings and consequently made the fullest preparations to resist. With amazing cunning and speed the Chinese placed extensive concealed mine fields in all areas and these took heavy toll among the Japanese troops as they attempted to come ashore. This caused frenzy among the Japanese and they staged fierce bayonet charges against the Chinese who took the Nipponese completely by surprise.
The Japanese troops suffered heavy losses while attempting to land at Chang Weh Pang, a mile upstream from the Woosung forts.
An Associated Press correspondent observed one Japanese destroyer making her way upstream with her decks littered with dead and wounded for evacuation aboard the Japanese hospital ship Kawaiso for return to Japan.
Seven hundred of the Japanese reinforcements landed successfully at Chang Weh Pang but when they reached the Chinese second line of defense a series of land mines decimated them. The scattering survivors took refuge, in the Shanghai-Nanking railway machine shops.
In the face of these heavy losses the Japanese landings sloyedup or were halted. Further landings await a more favorable time.
Meanwhile Japanese warships and air bombers, with great fury, kept up a frightful barrage of demolitior. bombs, converting Chinese villages in the region into veritable harvests of death and reducing the countryside to cemetery-like barrenness. Undismayed, the Chinese gunners In the distance trained their big weapons on the enemy and smashed the newcomers and Japanese warships
in the harbor with withering howitzer fire. An observer said the German training of the Chinese gunners gave them surprising tar get accuracy.
Chinese reports reaching Nan! king claimed the Chinese sunk two Japanese warships and killed 1.500 Japanese troops when the latter attempted to land in the Woosung area.
The U.S. Navy supply ship Gold Star is due to reach Shanghai August 27 from Manila for possible emergencies. She also is calling at Tsingtao and Chefoo.
Eight hundred French Colonial reinforcements from Indo-China arrived on the liner Sphinx at woosung. Two French destroyers rushed the troops to the French Concession, bringing the defenders of that area to an estimated total of 5.000. French authorities indicated 2,000 additional Colonials are ready at Haiphong and Saigon to dash to Shanghai in case of necessity.
Chinese business executives announced that China, since the undeclared Sino-Japanese war began, has cancelled contracts for Japanese goods totaling $470,000,000 Mex.
By Associated Press
Tokyo. Japan. Aug. 25.
The newspaper Kokumin, which is considered the organ of the Japanese, army and the ultra-nationalists, today urged the United States to maintain a "cautious" policy in the present Sino-Japanese situation.
Secretary of State Cordell Hull's statement, urging peace, pleased the newspaper Yomiuri which said "the American government is maintaining a fair and just attitude."
The Japanese press was greatly Interested in the American attitude.
By Associated Press
Nanking, China, Aug. 25.
Telephone messages from Chinese field headquarters at Soochow today said the Chinese reoccupied Yikung, opposite Tsungming Island, and also Lotien, Paoshan and Chang Hua Pang.
By Associated Press
London. Aug. 24
The Chinese embassy here announced today Nanking had approved the British posal that the Chinese and Japanese armies withdraw from the Shanghai area provided Japan accepts.
Thus far Tokyo has indicated a negative attitude on the proposition.
By Associated Pies
Nanking, China, Aug. 25
Nine Japanese war planes carried out a spectacular night air raid on China's capital last night. Two of the raiders were shot down, according to the Chinese Central News Agency.
By Associated Press
Tatung, China, Aug. 25
Eleven Japanese air raiders bombed this northern Shansi province, today, killing a score of persons' and wounding many others.
By Associated Press
Tsingtao, China, Aug. 25
The danger of Sino-Japanese warfare enveloping this former German city on the coast of Shantung province was temporarily averted today through an understanding between Admiral Shen Hung-lich, mayor of Tsingtao, and Takuya Murachi, chairman of the Japanese Residents Association.
The mayor and the Japanese representative agreed to do everything possible to adjust all outstanding Sino-Japanese disputes, including the recent killing of a Japanese Blue Jacket while he was on regular shore patrol duty, and the wounding of his companion. The alleged assailant was a native.
Berlin, Aug. 25:
The Japanese contention that the struggle in the Far East is one against the dangers of Bolshevism is given increasing publicity in the German press, recalling to mind the secret anti-Comintern agreement reached between Japan and Germany last year.
The official Nazi organ Der Angriff last night suggested Moscow was contemplating becoming more than a mere onlooker hi the Far East.
Under the heading " Moscow's Shadow over China," Der Angriff maintained it would be the end of Moscow's plans of Bolshevising the world if China joined the strong anti-Communist group.
By Associated Press
Tokyo. Japan, Aug. 25
The Japanese news agency Domei reported today that Kalgan had been captured by Japanese forces. The advices added that at least six and possibly eight Chinese divisions were trapped between the mechanized Japanese armies at Kalgan and Nankou Pass.
( ローマ法王1章より続く)
中国、上海。8月25日。 粉々です。上海は今日の午後、多くの新しい大火災に包まれた。最も深刻な火災は、人口密度の高いナンタオ地区で発生しました。AP通信の支局があるビルからそう遠くない場所で燃えており、巨大な軍需工場である江南造兵廠や、中国と中国の軍需工場が脅かされている。
日本側スポークスマンは、アメリカや外国の国旗が中国人にいたずらされていると訴えた。彼は、爆撃されたWing Onデパートが所有するWoosungの大きな中国綿工場が、大きなアメリカ国旗を掲げ、工場に隠れていた中国の狙撃手がWoosungに上陸する日本軍に発砲したと言いました。このため、日本軍の飛行機は工場を爆撃し、火を消すことを余儀なくされた、と彼は言っています。同報道官は、アメリカや外国の領事に対して、このような国旗の乱用を防ぐために行動を起こすよう促した。彼は、赤十字や鉤十字の旗が同様に中国の建物に悪用されたことを指摘した。
しかし、英米の軍事オブザーバーは、宝山、柳北、? 日本軍が上陸した呉中、揚子江浦、南渭川沙、チャプーなどは、上海にもっと接近するつもりでなければ、中国軍に対する大攻勢の拠点として有効に機能するには小さすぎるというのが、英米の軍事オブザーバーの見解だ。
日本軍は、Woosung要塞から1マイル上流のChang Weh Pangに上陸しようとして、大きな損失を被った。
700人の日本軍援軍はChang Weh Pangにうまく上陸したが、中国の第二防衛線に到達したとき、一連の地雷で壊滅した。散り散りになった生存者は、上海-南京鉄道の機械工場に避難した。
東京 Japan. 8月25日。
スーチョーの中国現地本部からの電話メッセージによると、今日、中国軍はTsungming島の反対側にあるYikungを再占領し、Lotien、Paoshan、Chang Hua Pangも再占領した。
ロンドン 8月24日
! 8月25日、中国、チンタオ。
日中戦争がこの山東省沿岸の旧ドイツの都市を包囲する危険は、今日、青島市長Shen Hung-lich提督と日本人居住者協会会長の村地卓也の間の理解によって一時的に回避された。
東京 日本、8月25日