この記事はアメリカ国内の問題に言及しています。 果たして日本の現状はどうなのか、ここでは分かりませんので、誤解のないようご留意ください。
Americans have been eating pork treated with gene therapy for nearly five years already, and even more of our meat supply is about to get the same treatment. mRNA-lipid nanoparticle shots for avian influenza are in the works, as are mRNA shots for cows.
For now, this is speculative, as we do not know whether veterinary mRNA shots are substituting uridine with pseudouridine, as was done in the COVID-19 shots. But if they do, then one of the obvious concerns would be that the mRNA might end up in the final meat product that you eat because this substitution makes it extremely difficult to destroy.
As explained by Dr. Peter McCullough:
“Repeated administrations of mRNA studded with apparently indestructible pseudouridine may have changed the course of lives forever.”
If mRNA shots can cause significant disease in humans, how has it affected our pork supply for the last five years? And how will it affect beef and chicken in the future? Can consuming genetically manipulated meat affect your health? These are questions that currently do not have answers and must be thoroughly and comprehensively investigated.
もし、mRNA注射が人間に重大な病気を引き起こす可能性があるのなら、この5年間、私たちの豚肉供給にどのような影響を与えたのだろうか? そして、今後、牛肉や鶏肉にどのような影響を与えるのだろうか? 遺伝子操作された肉を摂取することは、健康に影響を与えるのだろうか? これらは現在、答えのない質問であり、徹底的かつ包括的に調査されなければならない。
In the meantime, I recommend avoiding all pork products, including organic ones, as they not only have high levels of the omega-6 fat, linoleic acid, because of the grains they are fed, but virtually all have been contaminated with the mRNA vaccines for the past five years.