


I forgot the lesson of The Last Supper. I made the same mistake as when I was satisfied with cutting out and pasting the "warrior's arm" in "The Battle of Anghiari". I forgot to align. When Leonardo da Vinci's alignment instructions were given to "Virgin of the Rocks" and "Annunciation" this time, I tried pasting the "Annunciation" as it was.


I found the instruction. It was more difficult than aligning the "Annunciation" and "St. Jerome in the Wilderness" and easier than aligning "The Last Supper" and "The Battle of Anghiari". It's relatively easy for me because I had to solve the mystery of the Last Supper, which is the most difficult. You can understand the evolution of the alignment of Leonardo da Vinci by arranging each painting by age.


Now, I will explain how to paste them together. Align the bottom of "Virgin of the Rocks" with the bottom of the "Annunciation". Then just align the tip of the index finger of the Archangel Gabriel in the "Annunciation" with the index finger of the woman to the right of "Virgin of the Rocks".


Aligning in this way creates a system in which Maria clearly rejects the "white lily." The rumor that "Maria rejects the white lily that symbolizes her virginity" that is said in the world seems to have been proved. I don't want to say deeply about that.
