


how is it? John the Baptist's hand is gently placed on the angel's shoulder. And the proportions of the angel are perfect. That paper craft-like body becomes a human proportion.


The hands of Christ fit perfectly in the center. And something like a glass will appear. Isn't this the Holy Grail? Isn't Christ's waist cloth transformed into a tablecloth of the Holy Grail? It was the moment I saw a miracle.


At this moment, I got the key to solve the mystery. It is the discovery of "a method of pasting an inverted picture on an original picture and making it 50% transparent". Well, of course you will be wondering. I also thought. "You could easily flip, superimpose, and make 50% transparent on your computer. But how could you do that in the days of Leonardo da Vinci? It just happened to happen. That's it. " I think so. However, the image of this "method of pasting an inverted picture on the original picture and making it 50% transparent" does not seem to be a coincidence. I feel the will and intention of Leonardo da Vinci. I was honestly worried. How did Leonardo da Vinci see the image "paste the inverted picture onto the original and make it 50% transparent"?
