The beginning of mystery solving
This bird was the most important "key" to solve the mystery of this painting.
This is a cut-out and inverted figure of a "bird flying to the right". The shapes match. I tried it again. The two birds are a perfect match.
何故、この様なことをレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチはしたのでしょうか?そもそも、この葉の中の鳥に気が付いた人はいるのでしょうか? その前にこの絵画の謎解きの方法はレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの他の作品と違います。この「鳥」を見つけられれば扉が開くのです。さて、ここから先が、重要なのです。
Why did Leonardo da Vinci do this? Did anyone notice the bird in this leaf in the first place? Before that, the method of solving the mystery of this painting is different from other works of Leonardo da Vinci. If you can find this "bird", the door will open. Well, from here onward is important.
This is where I am a little eccentric.
I was inspired. I understand that this is the direction of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci said: "Flip this picture. Paste the flipped picture. Then make it transparent like a bird in the leaves." I decided to follow Leonardo da Vinci's instructions. Did. First, I tried to reverse "The Baptism of Christ".
And I overlaid it on the original without thinking about anything. And I made it transparent. A surprising image has appeared.