【歌詞MV/和訳は日本語字幕ON】"Somewhere in the Stream of Time" by ジュン・フクミツ (1990年)

『Somewhere in the Stream of Time』は、ジュン・フクミツが生まれて初めて作ったオリジナル楽曲。1990年5月にタカミネのアコギで作曲し、ヤマハのシーケンサーQY10でオケを打ち込み、タスカムの4トラックMTRで録音。2チャンネル音源からStudio One 4でほんのりリマスター。

Somewhere in the Stream of Time
Words & Music by Jun Fukumitsu

Go where no man has gone before
We can't stay here anymore
Do what no man has ever done
The endless future has just begun

Looking backward in a rearview mirror
We can see ourselves trying to come this way
We've been on the path to forever
The glory of life has always been here to stay

*We are legacies of the past
somewhere in the stream of time
We are seeds of the future
somewhere in the stream of time
Somewhere in the stream of time

Billions of souls soar into space
They don't want to know where they belong
The earth is trembling with hope and faith
The sun never knows the time
to stop singing a song of joy

Repeat *

©℗1990,2019 Jun Fukumitsu

Video ©2019 Jun Fukumitsu
