
#133 飽きっぽい人 (Those who get bored easily)

(English follows)




I always find difficult to explain about my characteristics. Am I a person who get bored easily? I thought I was. But sometimes I consistently keep doing the same things for a long time, like writing this blog. I initially thought  I would soon get bored of writing this blog Lol. Now its 4 more days to 1 year birthday! Congratulation to myself.

Although I have been in my company for 20 years (Soo long), I honestly got bored of my work quite few times. But then fortunately I got a different type of role in the same company. Thanks. In a mean time, I often get bored to a book and don't finish reading it. The same to games, I have many games which I started but didn't clear (Too bad). Well I'm wondering what the criteria to categorize people to "Easy to get bored". Maybe it is just how you think about yourself though…

The chart is the survey to those who claim that they get bored to things very soon referred to Rise square (2022). Half of them said that they made mistake in their work due to their easy to get bored characteristics. Um. But referring to the open answers, some said that "I was in the role of sorting post cards every day and made mistake since he got bored… Honestly to me, sorting post card for a day is too tough and only very few iron men can complete it without making a mistake… Maybe I'm not an excellent worker (Very possible). Thanks god I was not involved in that type of work. Or I was totally a useless person.

Then right chart shows what are the suitable jobs for that type of people? I see, I see. It seems most popular jobs for them are hospitality industry and sales rep. Maybe jobs which require them to meet up with many people are preferred? That is understandable. Um? Is it that people don't like too simple task? Then I assume most of people fall into that category… No? 
I actually ,being overseas, what I see as good point of Japanese people is that they are patient for simple/craftsman type of job? If so… can AI be our direct competitor?? I don't think I can compete against AI for that… Really not. How we should do then?


*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Rise square (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000004.000053076.html
