#110 移住ブームってホント?前編 (People want to move out from city area to rural? - 1)
(English follows)
While I have stayed in Singapore during pandemic, I heard that there is a emigration trend in Japan that people want to move out from city area to rural area. In fact, I have few friends who moved from Tokyo to far away where it might be a bit troublesome to commute to Tokyo.
I can find many articles which encourage people to have "Slow life" in rural area. According to Nabito (2022), Quite many of people want to move out to rural area and popular destinations are Shizuoka, Yamanashi and Nagano. I see, I feel them, it is a bit too far to go to Tokyo everyday but it is OK if you go to the office only few times in a month. So maybe it is connected with WFH trend? I'm just wondering how the actual figure looks like about population moving.
For this post, I focus on the population change by prefectures in Japan. Above chart refers to E-stat (2022), government population stats. According to this, it seems at least Shizuoka, Nagano which are mentioned in Nabito (2022) do not increase its population while Yamanashi shows the slight increase! Moreover, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba which locate besides Tokyo increased population extremely. So I would say not a movement to rural area but a bit away from central Tokyo…?
Well, basic trend still seems that people move to big cities. How do you think? Personally I find the growth of Fukuoka very interesting. Of course, I can not tell there is no emigration trend in Japan only by this data since even those prefectures which shows decrease, it might be lower decrease than before. So I'll have a look at some more data in the next post. Ummm, interesting.
*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.
Reference (参考)
1) e-stat (2022), https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&cycle=7&year=20210&month=0&toukei=00200523&tstat=000000070001&tclass1=000001148746&result_back=1&tclass2val=0&stat_infid=000032163815
2) Nabito (2022), https://nabito.jp/colum/iju-popular/