プロフィール (Profile)
(English follows)
名前 長谷川 順一郎 (Junichiro Hasegawa)
経歴 ソフトウェアエンジニア・調査データ分析
趣味 ドラム(ちょっと)
Twitter @Juntranet
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/junkedin/
ブログ https://note.com/jundroid
会社行きたくないINDEXの説明 https://note.com/jundroid/n/n11a5d04385e0
一方多国籍な環境でビジネスを行い、「楽しく働ける組織」についての実験を繰り返し、今落ち着いているのは、「異文化マネージメント」ではなく「人間マネージメント」だった(のかもしれない)ということ。組織が活性化していくために「やってはいけないこと」は文化や個人の違いはあっても、「やったほうが良いこと」は意外なほど共通点が多い気がする。マネージメントの理論の中にも Cognitive と Emotional という考え方があり、集団とか組織とかが「個人の感情の集合としての感情」を持っているという意見を知り、大きく共感し、組織の感情が良い状態のときには会社のパフォーマンスも良いと実感している(そんな気がしている)。なども思いもあり、なれてきたらそれを使った「お話」も書いていければと思ってます。
Name: Junichiro Hasegawa (Jun)
Birthday: 1976/05/01
Career: Software engineering/Data analysis
Master of marketing in University of South Australia
Client service
Business set up & MD in Singapore (Current)
Director of global marketing innovation (Current)
MD of multinational start up (Current)
Hobby: Drums (a bit)
Volleyball (a bit)
Programming (a bit)
Twitter @Juntranet
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/junkedin/
My Blog https://note.com/jundroid
Don't want to go to work index https://note.com/jundroid/n/n11a5d04385e0
While using data is my work, I have been wondering if there is any "fun" usage of data than just supporting business. Is there any not serious way of interpreting data? With this in mind, I decided to write this blog which also can help improving article writing skill, English and imagination to me. Please do not take this serious but look an eye on my improvement!
Also to sum up my all trial & errors to develop organizations which has "Enjoy working" culture, I reached to the conclusion that I do not manage "Different culture" but "different individuals" (maybe...). We (maybe) should not too generalize difference in individuals to "culture or nationality" level when it comes to what we "should" do to motivate people" while what we "should not" do seems to have cultural gap. After touching management theory that organization has "emotion" as the consolidation of individual emotion, I personally feel comfortable about it and recognizing that company performance is good when its emotional status is good. So after seeing my improvement in writing. I'll step into covering this topic also for "fun" too.