
#191 クリスマスプレゼントの本音 (Desired presents shows the real Christmas in Japan)

(English follows)


上記は株式会社secret placeが2022年に発表した、クリスマスプレゼントに欲しい物調査の選択肢とその男女別の結果なのですが、そもそも選択肢が家族からもらうことを前提とはしてない気がする(笑)なんか、両親から何が欲しいと言われて「心がこもっていたら安物でもOK」と答える心のきれいな人になりたいと、思ったことが無いことも無い(無い)。ちなみに調査は20代以上が対象なので、少年少女の清らかな気持ちはこの調査には反映されていない。。。



Nothing special today although its the day before Christmas. What did I do last year? Having a look at my blog posts last year, it seems I uploaded a post "Christmas is the day to spend alone"… What did I think at the day (Mystery)? According to the post, it seems the last Christmas was still under COVID regulation in Singapore. I feel it was long before.

Although its always summer and we never have white Christmas in Singapore, it is the public holiday and the day for a big celebration. Its hot though (again). Christmas is the day to spend with family in western culture I guess while it is the day to spend with your partner in Japan. So if you have a look at desired present kind of survey in western countries, the options are based on "getting it from your family" like cash/vouchers… But in Japan it looks totally different Lol

The chart above refers to the report "secret place (2022)" which shows the desired gifts by gender. I assume the options above are not based on the idea that you are given it from your family (Obviously). Well I could be a pure mind person who answered to your parents "anything as far as its from your heart" (Probably not). By the way, the survey is from over 20s. So boys and girls pure mind are not reflected in it…

I think I have to touch the reality of the difference between male and female since it shows something scary… Top of male is "Practical gifts regardless of price", 35% and Top of female is "Premium thing which I can not buy by myself", 29%… I see, I see. OK, I got it. Well according to the report example of practical goods for male is Wallet which is understandable to me. I see, I like the reality shown in this chart (?). No I'm not trying to avoid touching to something. Definitely not…

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) secret place (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000008.000099303.html
secret place (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000010.000099303.html
