



第1章: 会議の開始

1. 開始時の挨拶

Let’s get started (始めましょう)

  • Let’s get started with today’s meeting.

Good to see everyone here (みなさんに会えて嬉しいです)

  • Good to see everyone here for this progress meeting.

Thank you for joining (参加してくれてありがとう)

  • Thank you for joining today’s session on time.

Hope you’re all doing well (みなさん元気でいるといいのですが)

  • Hope you’re all doing well and ready to begin.

Let’s dive right in (早速始めましょう)

  • Let’s dive right in since we have a packed agenda.

Thanks for making time today (時間を取ってくれてありがとう)

  • Thanks for making time today despite your busy schedules.

Let’s kick off (始めましょう)

  • Let’s kick off with a quick overview of today’s goals.

I appreciate your punctuality (時間厳守に感謝します)

  • I appreciate your punctuality; it helps us stay on track.

2. 目的の確認

The purpose of this meeting is to (この会議の目的は〜です)

  • The purpose of this meeting is to review our progress.

We are here to discuss (〜について話し合うためにここにいます)

  • We are here to discuss the current challenges.

Let’s focus on (〜に集中しましょう)

  • Let’s focus on what we need to achieve this week.

Our main goal today is to (今日の主な目標は〜です)

  • Our main goal today is to align on priorities.

We aim to resolve (〜を解決することを目指します)

  • We aim to resolve any outstanding issues.

Let’s clarify the objectives (目標を明確にしましょう)

  • Let’s clarify the objectives before we move forward.

This session is dedicated to (このセッションは〜に専念します)

  • This session is dedicated to refining our strategy.

What we hope to achieve is (私たちが達成したいのは〜です)

  • What we hope to achieve is a clear path forward.

3. アジェンダの共有

Here’s today’s agenda (これが本日のアジェンダです)

  • Here’s today’s agenda for your reference.

Let’s walk through the agenda (アジェンダを確認しましょう)

  • Let’s walk through the agenda to ensure alignment.

We’ll cover the following points (以下のポイントをカバーします)

  • We’ll cover the following points during this meeting.

Let’s stick to the agenda (アジェンダに沿って進めましょう)

  • Let’s stick to the agenda to stay on track.

Does everyone have a copy of the agenda? (アジェンダのコピーは全員持っていますか?)

  • Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?

The agenda is divided into (アジェンダは〜に分かれています)

  • The agenda is divided into three main topics.

Feel free to suggest changes (変更案があれば遠慮なく教えてください)

  • Feel free to suggest changes before we begin.

Let’s allocate time for each item (各項目に時間を割り振りましょう)

  • Let’s allocate time for each item to stay efficient.

4. 出席者の確認

Who’s here today? (今日は誰が来ていますか?)

  • Who’s here today? Let’s do a quick round of introductions.

Let’s confirm attendance (出席を確認しましょう)

  • Let’s confirm attendance before we begin.

Is anyone missing? (誰か欠席していますか?)

  • Is anyone missing? Please let us know if so.

We have a full team today (今日は全員揃っています)

  • We have a full team today, which is great.

Let’s do a quick roll call (簡単に点呼を取りましょう)

  • Let’s do a quick roll call to ensure everyone is here.

Thanks for being here (来てくれてありがとう)

  • Thanks for being here; your input is valuable.

Welcome to our new members (新しいメンバーを歓迎します)

  • Welcome to our new members, we’re glad to have you.

Let’s check if we’re all connected (全員が接続しているか確認しましょう)

  • Let’s check if we’re all connected for those joining online.

5. 会議ルールのリマインド

Let’s keep this brief (簡潔に進めましょう)

  • Let’s keep this brief to respect everyone’s time.

Please mute your microphones (マイクをミュートにしてください)

  • Please mute your microphones unless you’re speaking.

Feel free to ask questions (質問があれば遠慮なくどうぞ)

  • Feel free to ask questions during the discussion.

Let’s respect everyone’s opinions (全員の意見を尊重しましょう)

  • Let’s respect everyone’s opinions throughout the session.

Please stay on topic (話題に集中してください)

  • Please stay on topic to make the most of our time.

Keep comments concise (コメントは簡潔に)

  • Keep comments concise so we can cover everything.

Let’s follow the agenda (アジェンダに従いましょう)

  • Let’s follow the agenda to stay organized.

Time management is key (時間管理が重要です)

  • Time management is key, so let’s keep track of it.

以下は「第2章: 進捗の確認」のフレーズ集です。

第2章: 進捗の確認

1. タスクの進行状況

How is the progress on (〜の進捗はどうですか)

  • How is the progress on the marketing campaign?

Can you give us an update on (〜の最新情報を教えてください)

  • Can you give us an update on the new product launch?

What’s the status of (〜の状況はどうですか)

  • What’s the status of the software development?

Are we on track with (〜は予定通り進んでいますか)

  • Are we on track with the budget plan?

Let’s review the timeline for (〜のスケジュールを確認しましょう)

  • Let’s review the timeline for the ongoing projects.

Have we completed (〜は完了しましたか)

  • Have we completed the client feedback revisions?

What’s the current progress on (〜の現在の進行状況はどうですか)

  • What’s the current progress on the quarterly report?

How far along are we with (〜はどのくらい進んでいますか)

  • How far along are we with the recruitment process?

2. 達成された目標

We have successfully completed (〜を無事完了しました)

  • We have successfully completed the first phase of the project.

The team has achieved (チームは〜を達成しました)

  • The team has achieved all the targets for this month.

We’ve reached a milestone with (〜で重要な節目を迎えました)

  • We’ve reached a milestone with the prototype development.

I’m happy to report that (〜を報告できて嬉しいです)

  • I’m happy to report that our revenue grew by 10%.

This marks the completion of (〜の完了を意味します)

  • This marks the completion of our initial goals.

Let’s celebrate the success of (〜の成功を祝しましょう)

  • Let’s celebrate the success of our recent product launch.

We have met the deadline for (〜の締切に間に合いました)

  • We have met the deadline for submitting the proposal.

Our efforts have paid off in (〜で努力が実りました)

  • Our efforts have paid off in securing new clients.

3. 問題点の共有

We are facing a challenge with (〜に課題があります)

  • We are facing a challenge with meeting the tight deadlines.

There seems to be an issue with (〜に問題があるようです)

  • There seems to be an issue with the testing process.

One concern is (懸念の一つは〜です)

  • One concern is the unexpected increase in costs.

We need to address (〜に対処する必要があります)

  • We need to address the delays in production.

Let’s identify the root cause of (〜の根本原因を特定しましょう)

  • Let’s identify the root cause of these frequent errors.

The biggest hurdle right now is (現在の最大の障害は〜です)

  • The biggest hurdle right now is limited resources.

We’ve encountered a delay in (〜で遅延が発生しました)

  • We’ve encountered a delay in finalizing the design.

Let’s find a way to overcome (〜を克服する方法を見つけましょう)

  • Let’s find a way to overcome this staffing shortage.

4. 解決策の模索

Let’s brainstorm solutions for (〜の解決策をブレインストーミングしましょう)

  • Let’s brainstorm solutions for reducing production delays.

How can we address (〜をどう対処しますか)

  • How can we address the lack of customer feedback?

One possible approach is to (一つの可能な方法は〜です)

  • One possible approach is to increase training sessions.

We should consider implementing (〜の導入を検討すべきです)

  • We should consider implementing a new workflow system.

Let’s evaluate the pros and cons of (〜の利点と欠点を評価しましょう)

  • Let’s evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing.

Can we allocate more resources to (〜にもっとリソースを割り当てられますか)

  • Can we allocate more resources to this critical task?

It might help to (〜が役立つかもしれません)

  • It might help to simplify the reporting process.

Let’s develop an action plan for (〜の行動計画を立てましょう)

  • Let’s develop an action plan for handling these issues.

5. チームメンバーのフィードバック

What’s your take on (〜についての意見はどうですか)

  • What’s your take on the current strategy?

Do you have any suggestions for (〜について提案はありますか)

  • Do you have any suggestions for improving our workflow?

Let’s hear your thoughts on (〜についての考えを聞かせてください)

  • Let’s hear your thoughts on how we can move forward.

Any feedback on (〜についてのフィードバックはありますか)

  • Any feedback on the new system so far?

What do you think we can improve in (〜で改善できる点は何だと思いますか)

  • What do you think we can improve in our communication?

Your input is valuable for (〜にあなたの意見は重要です)

  • Your input is valuable for shaping our future plans.

Any thoughts on how to tackle (〜をどう解決するかについての考えはありますか)

  • Any thoughts on how to tackle the recent issues?

Let’s discuss ways to improve (〜を改善する方法を話し合いましょう)

  • Let’s discuss ways to improve collaboration within the team.

以下は「第3章: 課題の議論」のフレーズ集です。

第3章: 課題の議論

1. 課題の明確化

What seems to be the main issue with (〜の主な問題は何ですか)

  • What seems to be the main issue with the project timeline?

Can we pinpoint the challenge in (〜での課題を特定できますか)

  • Can we pinpoint the challenge in delivering quality on time?

The issue we need to address is (私たちが対処すべき問題は〜です)

  • The issue we need to address is insufficient resources.

Let’s outline the scope of the problem (問題の範囲を明確にしましょう)

  • Let’s outline the scope of the problem before moving forward.

What specific aspect of (〜のどの部分が具体的な課題ですか)

  • What specific aspect of the process needs improvement?

It seems that the primary issue is (主な問題は〜のようです)

  • It seems that the primary issue is unclear communication.

We need to identify what’s causing (〜を引き起こしている原因を特定する必要があります)

  • We need to identify what’s causing the frequent delays.

What are the key challenges we face in (〜で直面している主な課題は何ですか)

  • What are the key challenges we face in implementing the new system?

2. 根本原因の分析

What’s the underlying reason for (〜の根本的な理由は何ですか)

  • What’s the underlying reason for the drop in productivity?

Let’s dig deeper into (〜をさらに掘り下げてみましょう)

  • Let’s dig deeper into why these errors are recurring.

Can we trace the cause of (〜の原因を追跡できますか)

  • Can we trace the cause of this issue back to its origin?

What factors contributed to (〜に寄与した要因は何ですか)

  • What factors contributed to the recent setbacks?

Let’s identify the key drivers behind (〜の背後にある主要な要因を特定しましょう)

  • Let’s identify the key drivers behind the missed deadlines.

Why do you think we are experiencing (なぜ〜が起きていると思いますか)

  • Why do you think we are experiencing difficulties in communication?

What led to the current situation? (現在の状況を引き起こしたのは何ですか?)

  • What led to the current situation?

Could this be linked to (〜に関連している可能性はありますか)

  • Could this be linked to the lack of proper training?

3. 解決案の提案

How about we try (〜を試してみるのはどうですか)

  • How about we try introducing a weekly progress review?

One possible solution is (一つの解決策は〜です)

  • One possible solution is outsourcing some tasks.

Let’s explore the option of (〜の可能性を探ってみましょう)

  • Let’s explore the option of using automation tools.

We could consider implementing (〜を実施することを検討できます)

  • We could consider implementing a more flexible schedule.

Another approach might be to (別のアプローチとして〜するのもありです)

  • Another approach might be to prioritize key deliverables.

Would it help if we (もし〜すれば役立つでしょうか)

  • Would it help if we hired additional support staff?

Let’s brainstorm some actionable steps for (〜に対する実行可能なステップをブレインストーミングしましょう)

  • Let’s brainstorm some actionable steps for improving collaboration.

A practical step could be (実用的なステップは〜かもしれません)

  • A practical step could be creating a centralized document system.

4. 代替案の検討

What are some alternatives to (〜の代替案は何がありますか)

  • What are some alternatives to increasing the budget?

Can we consider other options for (〜に対する他の選択肢を考えられますか)

  • Can we consider other options for addressing this issue?

Let’s evaluate the feasibility of (〜の実現可能性を評価しましょう)

  • Let’s evaluate the feasibility of switching to a new supplier.

How about comparing the pros and cons of (〜の長所と短所を比較してみませんか)

  • How about comparing the pros and cons of each approach?

What alternative strategies can we explore for (〜に対する代替戦略を探れますか)

  • What alternative strategies can we explore for meeting these goals?

Would another method be more effective than (〜よりも別の方法が効果的ですか)

  • Would another method be more effective than adding more staff?

Are there any other viable options for (〜の他に実行可能な選択肢はありますか)

  • Are there any other viable options for cutting costs?

Let’s consider the trade-offs involved in (〜に関するトレードオフを考慮しましょう)

  • Let’s consider the trade-offs involved in reducing the project scope.

5. 優先順位の決定

What should we prioritize in (〜において何を優先すべきですか)

  • What should we prioritize in the next phase?

Let’s rank the tasks based on (〜に基づいてタスクを順位付けしましょう)

  • Let’s rank the tasks based on their urgency and importance.

The top priority right now is (現在の最優先事項は〜です)

  • The top priority right now is meeting the delivery deadline.

Which tasks should we tackle first? (どのタスクを最初に取り組むべきですか?)

  • Which tasks should we tackle first?

We need to allocate resources to (〜にリソースを割り当てる必要があります)

  • We need to allocate resources to the highest-impact areas.

Let’s agree on the key priorities for (〜の主要な優先事項について合意しましょう)

  • Let’s agree on the key priorities for the upcoming quarter.

How should we balance our focus between (〜の間でどうバランスを取るべきですか)

  • How should we balance our focus between short-term and long-term goals?

It’s essential to prioritize tasks that (〜するタスクを優先することが重要です)

  • It’s essential to prioritize tasks that align with our strategic goals.

以下は「第4章: 次のステップの設定」のフレーズ集です。

第4章: 次のステップの設定

1. アクションアイテムの割り当て

Who will take responsibility for (〜を誰が担当しますか)

  • Who will take responsibility for completing the report?

Let’s assign tasks for (〜のタスクを割り当てましょう)

  • Let’s assign tasks for the next phase of the project.

Can you take charge of (〜を担当してもらえますか)

  • Can you take charge of preparing the presentation?

Who would like to handle (〜を担当したい人はいますか)

  • Who would like to handle the client communication?

Let’s clarify responsibilities for (〜の責任を明確にしましょう)

  • Let’s clarify responsibilities for each action item.

Please ensure that (〜を確実にしてください)

  • Please ensure that all updates are shared by Friday.

We’ll need someone to take ownership of (〜を担当する人が必要です)

  • We’ll need someone to take ownership of the testing process.

Let’s document the action items and assign owners (アクションアイテムを記録し、担当者を割り当てましょう)

  • Let’s document the action items and assign owners before we wrap up.

2. スケジュールの調整

What’s the timeline for (〜のスケジュールはどうなっていますか)

  • What’s the timeline for completing this task?

Let’s set a deadline for (〜の締切を設定しましょう)

  • Let’s set a deadline for submitting the draft.

Can we adjust the schedule for (〜のスケジュールを調整できますか)

  • Can we adjust the schedule for the next delivery?

What’s the estimated completion date for (〜の完了予定日はいつですか)

  • What’s the estimated completion date for the initial review?

We need to finalize the timeline by (〜までにスケジュールを確定する必要があります)

  • We need to finalize the timeline by the end of this week.

Let’s prioritize tasks to fit within (〜に収まるようにタスクを優先付けしましょう)

  • Let’s prioritize tasks to fit within the revised timeline.

Are there any conflicts with (〜に矛盾がありますか)

  • Are there any conflicts with the proposed schedule?

Let’s review and adjust the timeline if needed (スケジュールを見直し、必要なら調整しましょう)

  • Let’s review and adjust the timeline if needed to avoid delays.

3. リソースの確認

Do we have enough resources for (〜に十分なリソースはありますか)

  • Do we have enough resources for completing the current tasks?

What additional resources are needed for (〜にはどんな追加リソースが必要ですか)

  • What additional resources are needed for this project?

Let’s allocate resources for (〜のためにリソースを割り当てましょう)

  • Let’s allocate resources for the high-priority tasks.

Can we secure more budget for (〜のための追加予算を確保できますか)

  • Can we secure more budget for the upcoming campaigns?

We’ll need additional support to handle (〜を処理するために追加サポートが必要です)

  • We’ll need additional support to handle the workload.

Do we need to reallocate resources from (〜からリソースを再配置する必要がありますか)

  • Do we need to reallocate resources from other projects?

Let’s evaluate the current resource availability for (〜のための現在のリソース状況を評価しましょう)

  • Let’s evaluate the current resource availability for the critical tasks.

We might need external help to support (〜をサポートするために外部の助けが必要かもしれません)

  • We might need external help to support this initiative.

4. 合意形成の確認

Are we all aligned on (〜について全員一致していますか)

  • Are we all aligned on the next steps?

Does everyone agree with (〜に全員賛成ですか)

  • Does everyone agree with the proposed plan?

Let’s confirm our agreement on (〜について合意を確認しましょう)

  • Let’s confirm our agreement on the project timeline.

Is there anything unclear about (〜について不明な点はありますか)

  • Is there anything unclear about the assigned tasks?

We all need to be on the same page for (〜について全員が同じ認識でいる必要があります)

  • We all need to be on the same page for the delivery strategy.

Let’s finalize our agreement on (〜についての合意を確定しましょう)

  • Let’s finalize our agreement on the action items.

If there are no objections, we’ll proceed with (異議がなければ〜を進めます)

  • If there are no objections, we’ll proceed with this plan.

Does this approach work for everyone? (この方法で皆さん問題ありませんか?)

  • Does this approach work for everyone?

5. 次回会議の計画

When should we schedule the next meeting? (次の会議はいつに設定しましょうか?)

  • When should we schedule the next meeting?

Let’s set a date for (〜の日程を設定しましょう)

  • Let’s set a date for the follow-up discussion.

Can everyone confirm their availability for (〜の日程での出席可能性を確認できますか)

  • Can everyone confirm their availability for next Tuesday?

We’ll need to meet again to review (〜を見直すために再度会議が必要です)

  • We’ll need to meet again to review the progress.

Let’s plan the next meeting to focus on (次の会議を〜に焦点を当てて計画しましょう)

  • Let’s plan the next meeting to focus on finalizing the strategy.

What’s a good time for everyone to meet next? (次回の会議の都合の良い時間はいつですか?)

  • What’s a good time for everyone to meet next?

Let’s send out a calendar invite for (〜のカレンダー招待を送りましょう)

  • Let’s send out a calendar invite for the next session.

We’ll follow up with an agenda for (〜のアジェンダを後で送ります)

  • We’ll follow up with an agenda for the next meeting.
