こんにちは!🎉 このページでは、ウォルトディズ●ーのイマジニアが製作中にチーム内でよく使う英語フレーズを楽しく学んでいきます!
Chapter1: Creative Collaboration
1. Brainstorming Ideas
● Let's brainstorm
Let's brainstorm some new character ideas.
Point: チームでアイデアを出し合う時に使えるよ!🧠
● Think outside the box
Think outside the box for unique solutions.
Point: 創造的な発想を促すフレーズ!🎨
● Build on that
Build on that idea for the storyline.
Point: 他の人のアイデアを拡げる時に便利!🔗
● No bad ideas
No bad ideas during brainstorming.
Point: 自由に意見を出す雰囲気を作る!🚫
● Let's pivot
Let's pivot to a different approach.
Point: 話題を変えたい時に使えるフレーズ!🔄
2. Sharing Feedback
● I appreciate your effort
I appreciate your effort on this project.
Point: ポジティブなフィードバックを伝える時に!👏
● Can we refine this?
Can we refine this scene further?
Point: 改善を提案する際に使える!✍️
● What are your thoughts on...?
What are your thoughts on the new design?
Point: 意見を求める時に便利!💬
● Let's iterate
Let's iterate on this concept.
Point: 継続的な改善を促すフレーズ!🔁
● Great job on that
Great job on that animation sequence!
Point: チームメンバーを褒める時に!🌟
3. Problem Solving
● Let's troubleshoot
Let's troubleshoot this issue together.
Point: 問題解決を提案する時に使える!🔧
● What's the blocker?
What's the blocker for our progress?
Point: 問題点を明確にする際に!🚧
● How can we overcome this?
How can we overcome this challenge?
Point: 解決策を模索する時に便利!🏆
● Let's prioritize
Let's prioritize these tasks first.
Point: 重要事項を決める際に使える!📌
● Any suggestions?
Any suggestions to improve this scene?
Point: 意見を募る時に便利!💡
Chapter2: Project Management
1. Setting Goals
● Let's set milestones
Let's set milestones for the project timeline.
Point: 目標設定をする時に使える!📅
● Define the scope
Define the scope of this phase.
Point: 作業範囲を明確にする際に!📐
● Establish deadlines
Establish deadlines for each task.
Point: スケジュール管理に役立つフレーズ!⏰
● Set clear objectives
Set clear objectives for the team.
Point: チーム全体の方向性を示す時に!🎯
● Align our goals
Align our goals with the company vision.
Point: 全体の目標を統一する際に便利!🔗
2. Task Allocation
● Assign roles
Assign roles based on strengths.
Point: 効果的なチーム編成に使える!👥
● Delegate responsibilities
Delegate responsibilities to each member.
Point: 責任分担を明確にする時に!📋
● Track progress
Track progress regularly.
Point: 進行状況を把握する際に便利!📈
● Update the timeline
Update the timeline as needed.
Point: 柔軟なスケジュール管理に!🕒
● Monitor deadlines
Monitor deadlines closely.
Point: 期限遵守を促す時に使える!🔍
3. Resource Management
● Allocate resources
Allocate resources efficiently.
Point: 資源の有効活用を提案する際に!💼
● Manage the budget
Manage the budget carefully.
Point: 財務管理に役立つフレーズ!💰
● Optimize workflows
Optimize workflows for better efficiency.
Point: 作業効率を向上させる時に!⚙️
● Utilize tools
Utilize tools like project management software.
Point: 効率化のためのツール利用を促す!🛠️
● Ensure resource availability
Ensure resource availability throughout the project.
Point: 必要な資源を確保する際に便利!🔒
Chapter3: Communication Strategies
1. Effective Meetings
● Let's convene
Let's convene a meeting tomorrow.
Point: 会議の開催を提案する時に!📅
● Agenda items
Let's review the agenda items first.
Point: 会議の進行をスムーズにする際に!📝
● Action items
Let's assign action items at the end.
Point: 会議の結論を明確にする時に!✅
● Stay on topic
Let's stay on topic during the meeting.
Point: 会議の集中力を保つ際に便利!🎯
● Follow up
I'll follow up on these points later.
Point: 会議後の連絡を約束する時に!📧
2. Clear Communication
● Let me summarize
Let me summarize our discussion.
Point: 話の要点を整理する際に!🗣️
● Be concise
Please be concise in your reports.
Point: 簡潔なコミュニケーションを促す時に!✂️
● Clarify your point
Can you clarify your point?
Point: 理解を深めるための質問に!❓
● Use clear language
Use clear language in documentation.
Point: 誤解を避けるために!🔤
● Active listening
Practice active listening during discussions.
Point: 効果的なコミュニケーションを促進!👂
3. Conflict Resolution
● Let's address
Let's address this issue calmly.
Point: 問題解決に向けた第一歩に!🕊️
● Find common ground
Let's find common ground on this topic.
Point: 合意点を探る時に便利!🤝
● Stay professional
Stay professional during disagreements.
Point: プロ意識を保つ際に!💼
● Seek a compromise
Let's seek a compromise that works for all.
Point: 皆が納得できる解決策を模索!⚖️
● Move forward
Let's move forward positively.
Point: 前向きな姿勢を示す時に!➡️
Chapter4: Enhancing Creativity
1. Inspiring Innovation
● Embrace creativity
Embrace creativity in your designs.
Point: 創造的なアプローチを奨励!🎨
● Encourage experimentation
Encourage experimentation with new ideas.
Point: 新しい試みに対してオープンに!🔬
● Foster a creative environment
Foster a creative environment for the team.
Point: 創造性を高める雰囲気作りに!🏡
● Inspire innovation
Inspire innovation through collaborative efforts.
Point: チーム全体の革新を促す時に!🚀
● Think creatively
Think creatively to solve problems.
Point: 創造的な解決策を提案する際に!🧩
2. Developing Ideas
● Refine your concept
Refine your concept for clarity.
Point: アイデアをより良くする時に!🔍
● Expand the idea
Expand the idea to include more details.
Point: アイデアの幅を広げる際に!📈
● Visualize the concept
Visualize the concept through sketches.
Point: アイデアを具体化する時に便利!✏️
● Prototype the design
Prototype the design to test functionality.
Point: 試作品作りを提案する際に!🔧
● Iterate the model
Iterate the model based on feedback.
Point: 継続的な改善を促す時に!🔄
3. Encouraging Team Creativity
● Share your ideas
Share your ideas with the team.
Point: アイデアの共有を促進!📢
● Collaborate effectively
Collaborate effectively to enhance creativity.
Point: チームワークを強化する時に!🤝
● Celebrate creativity
Celebrate creativity in all forms.
Point: 創造的な成果を称える際に!🎉
● Provide creative freedom
Provide creative freedom to your team members.
Point: 自由な発想を奨励する時に!🕊️
● Inspire each other
Inspire each other to reach new heights.
Point: チーム内のインスピレーションを高める!🌟
Chapter5: Presentation Skills
1. Preparing Presentations
● Let's prepare
Let's prepare the presentation slides.
Point: 発表準備を始める時に!📊
● Organize your thoughts
Organize your thoughts before presenting.
Point: 明確なプレゼンのために!🧠
● Create a storyboard
Create a storyboard for the presentation.
Point: 流れを視覚化する際に便利!📖
● Design engaging visuals
Design engaging visuals to support your points.
Point: 視覚的な魅力を高める時に!🎨
● Rehearse your presentation
Rehearse your presentation to build confidence.
Point: 発表の自信を高める際に!🎤
2. Delivering Presentations
● Capture attention
Capture attention with a strong opening.
Point: 聴衆の関心を引く時に使える!👀
● Maintain eye contact
Maintain eye contact with your audience.
Point: 信頼感を築くために!👁️
● Use clear language
Use clear language during your presentation.
Point: 分かりやすさを重視する時に!🔤
● Engage the audience
Engage the audience with questions.
Point: インタラクティブな発表に!❓
● Manage your time
Manage your time effectively during presentation.
Point: 時間内に収めるために!⏳
3. Handling Q&A
● Open the floor
Open the floor for questions.
Point: Q&Aセッションを開始する時に!🎤
● Clarify questions
Clarify questions before answering.
Point: 質問の意図を確認する際に!🔍
● Provide concise answers
Provide concise answers to queries.
Point: 効率的な回答を促す時に!✂️
● Stay composed
Stay composed during tough questions.
Point: 落ち着いて対応する際に!🧘
● Thank the questioner
Thank the questioner for their input.
Point: 感謝の気持ちを表す時に!🙏