Psychopaths, Androids, and Extraterrestrial Intelligence(11)
The whole picture became clear from information from androids in submarines of countries around the world.
The countries that launched nuclear missiles were the United States, Russia, China, France, the UK, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Israel - all nuclear powers.
People all over the world moved to rural areas where there was water and food. Thus, everyone became farmers.
The psychopaths were stealing in urban areas.
I repaired nanobot factories all over the world. I repaired the electrical equipment with the remaining androids and got the factories running.
The androids were placed in order of priority. Repairing electrical equipment. Doctors. Nurses. Caregivers. Repairing, running, and managing factories that made electronic devices. Repairing, running, and managing factories that made tools necessary for farmers. I left everything to K.
The one-hundredth millimeter snakes entered the room of the leader who had pressed the nuclear button. Their live voices were heard.
The goal of the leaders of the nuclear powers was to destroy the androids. All of the leaders were against androids. Their true motive was jealousy towards me.
It seems they felt that living on the moon meant they were being looked down upon from above.
Also, it seems that the moon's defense system, which even the entire US military could not defeat, seemed the strongest in the world.
It seemed like an absolute being reigned over the earth's 20 billion androids.
The earth's electricity was also supplied by the moon and artificial satellites. If I cut off the electricity, humanity would not be able to survive. Yes, they were going to blackmail me. I'd better do it before that happened. They were going to use an electromagnetic pulse to destroy the androids and electrical equipment to make life difficult for me.
They were really a worthless bunch. I didn't have any such feelings at all. I just lived a leisurely life with K. Recently, I had been concentrating on reading and praying, and improving my humanity. I felt like I understood why extraterrestrial intelligent life forms have not made contact with humanity. It's a matter of humanity.
All the non-psychopaths became farmers.
Fortunately, there were almost no psychopaths in the military. This made sense. They don't work for others. Moreover, there is no way they would risk their own lives.
As a result, military bases around the world remained normal.
Also, only soldiers necessary to protect military bases remained at the bases, while the majority of soldiers became farmers. This was not just for the purpose of delivering food to military bases, but because the soldiers themselves wished to become farmers. This was to protect the farmers and farmland from psychopaths. They were armed with heavy weapons such as tanks. Anti-social forces could not lay a hand on them.
However, this did not change the fact that androids would be responsible for all industries.
Once again, 10 billion androids must be made.
In order to restart nanobot factories around the world, the remaining androids repaired the factories.
The leaders who used nuclear weapons hid in nuclear shelters and did not come out. Eventually, they will be judged by the people.
This will completely replace the world's politicians.
I thought that if politicians were made unpaid volunteers, truly good people would become politicians, and I decided to spread this idea.
And so, something like a world federation will be created, and the military will be reduced in size.
This was what I had been aiming for.
I was drinking Scotch while looking at the Earth.
K, who was sitting next to me, said.
"So now we can isolate psychopaths in urban areas."
"Yeah, that's true. We don't have to do any trouble."
"This might be the best way to do it. Soldiers have become farmers, so they can protect non-psychopaths from psychopaths. There is no job that is better for your health than farming. You get sunlight and exercise every day. You also work together as a community. Research at Harvard University has shown that human happiness lies in the community."
I told him what I pray for every day.
"The next thing is to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligent life."
K's smile was dazzling.