最近の傾向として、#情弱 な人々をカモにしようと企てている自身も#情弱な人 が過去に論破されたことを今頃再登場させて喧伝しているようです。
8カ月ほど前に #デマ吐き反ワクチン な人々を
方法としましては、2022年になってまた要らん事を言っていないかをgoogle Fact Check Tools と Open Feedback において各人の名前を検索してみました。出てきたのは以下の面々です。
Geert Vanden Bossche
Jane Ruby
Joseph Mercola
Claim by Mercola that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine causes immunosuppression is inaccurate, misrepresents study’s findingsClaim by Mercola that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine causes immunosuppression is inaccurate, misrepresents study’s findings - Health Feedback
COVID-19 is more likely to cause myocarditis as well as other
Claim that COVID-19 deaths have been "vastly overcounted" is baseless; the evidence suggests the oppositeClaim that COVID-19 deaths have been “vastly overcounted” is baseless; the evidence suggests the opposite - Health Feedback
On 1 March 2022, The Epoch Times published a piece by Joseph
Judy Mikovits
Kary Mullis
↑このおっさんの話を出してくる #デマ吐き反ワクチン が少ないあたりに力関係を測り知るヒントがあるのかもしれません。
Li-Meng Yan
Michael Yeadon
Multiple studies show that COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause pregnancy or fertility problems, despite widespread claims on social mediaMultiple studies show that COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause pregnancy or fertility problems, despite widespread claims on social media - Health Feedback
Pregnant women are more likely to develop severe COVID-19 com
Peter McCullough
Higher myocarditis risk after COVID-19 than mRNA vaccination; contrary to Peter McCullough’s claim, young persons decrease their risk by getting vaccinatedHigher myocarditis risk after COVID-19 than mRNA vaccination; contrary to Peter McCullough’s claim, young persons decrease their risk by getting vaccinated - Health Feedback
Myocarditis, an inflammation in the heart muscle, is typicall
Robert Malone
Robert Malone made multiple misleading or unsubstantiated claims about COVID-19 and vaccines on The Joe Rogan Experience podcastRobert Malone made multiple misleading or unsubstantiated claims about COVID-19 and vaccines on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast - Health Feedback
The highly contagious Omicron variant has led to record numbe
Robert O. Young
Ron Johnson
Sherri Tenpenny
Vladimir Zev Zelenko
There is no evidence that dietary supplements containing zinc and a zinc ionophore, such as the one promoted by Vladimir Zelenko, are effective against COVID-19There is no evidence that dietary supplements containing zinc and a zinc ionophore, such as the one promoted by Vladimir Zelenko, are effective against COVID-19 - Health Feedback
The combination of zinc and a zinc ionophore has been promote
Robert MaloneとRon Johnsonが何か出て来ているので、適宜和訳を付けます。暫くお待ち下さい。