
A Phrase Stuck In My Mind

"Redefining success to look beyond material wealth", a phrase used in a question posed by an influential figure to our Deputy Prime Minister during a conference caught my attention and I cannot stop thinking about it.

In brief, the question went, "How do we redefine success away from material success?" 

I think this is a very important question to ask ourselves and it's not easy to answer, or being able to answer it at all. The word "success" may carry a different definition or meaning for every individual. For instance, success can be living a healthy life free of illness, building a big corporation, becoming a world famous athlete or celebrity, retiring at an early age with enough money to last the whole lifetime, having a family with infinite happiness, the list goes on…

Now, what really hit me is I'm unable to identify my own version of success. 

When I began working to earn my own keep, like every young professional I was obsessed with material possessions such as owning luxury cars or watches, buying clothes from luxury brands and having the freedom to spend on everything I desire. Does possessing these material objects mean I am successful? Honestly, I am not sure now.

In Singapore, I wouldn't say everyone but quite a number of people measure success by the type of material objects one owns, be it the type of apartment or house one resides in or the brand of the cars they drive. Sadly but true, if one commutes on public transport these days, the general impression is this person has low social economic status, while driving a BMW or Mercedes Benz means one has high social economic status.

Regrettably, this toxic mindset has been instilled in our society perhaps since the 80s, when Singapore began to experience strong economic growth. With the increasing amount of income, we start to chase after material wealth and compare these possessions with our peers. Our position in society has been measured by what we own instead of being who we are.

So, I wonder how we are able to rise up to this new challenge posed by our Deputy Prime Minister to redefine success in a short time? To get people to change their mindsets in a short time is no easy feat at all… probably easier said than done.

At this instant, my definition of success is probably being contented by spending the remaining days of my life in a countryside of a foreign land surrounded by lots of nature, and do good to wildlife within my own capability.

With this, I shall end with warm wishes to all my friends here to finding their own "success". 
