
Marina City Park In Infrared

Whenever there is personal time available at home, I will browse through old photos pondering which photos to share. 

Last night, I came across a few photos taken in Year 2006 at Marina City Park. This location may not be familiar to many as it was not a well known attraction in the days before Marina Bay Sands put us onto the world map as a popular tourist spot.

In 2007, Marina City Park has made way for Gardens By The Bay which is a "must see" attraction if you are visiting Singapore, be it a business, social or tour visit. 

In this post, I would like to share 3 photos which I took in Marina City Park using infrared photography. I've only been there once in my life and there is this little bit of regret deep inside me of not visiting these places more often. Who knows places like these may be removed to build new establishments one day in the future?


The Sundial Plaza



View of The Promenade and Sundial Plaza

Have a great weekend ahead! 
