【伊豆半島-熱海市】錦ヶ浦|[Atami City] Nishikigaura
The scenic cliffs located on the east side of Atami city,
from Atami Station it takes about an hour and 15 minutes on foot, and about 15 minutes by bus, getting off at “Nishikigaura Iriguchi (錦ヶ浦入り口).
Atami Castle and New Acao Hotel are located within walking distance.
The picturesque scene here is used in many Japanese TV dramas and movies.
But before, this place was known to be spot popular for suicide by leaping.
Due to the current still some bodies have not been found.
Some people had experience some spiritual feelings or seen ghosts when visiting this area.
Please be careful when visiting this place.
【熱海市 錦ヶ浦】写真 | [Nishikigaura, Atami city] Photos
【熱海市 錦ヶ浦】基本情報|[Nishikigaura, Atami city] Basic Information
住所 413-0033 静岡県熱海市熱海1993-250
目印 ホテルニューアカオ近辺
アクセス JR熱海駅より網代方面行きバスにて約15分→錦ヶ浦下車
解放時間 8:00-17:00
駐車場 なし
Address 1993-250 Atami, Atami city, Shizuoka 413-0033
Landmark Near Hotel New Acao
Access About 15 minutes by bus from JR Atami Station heading to Ajiro, get off at Nishikigaura
Hours 8:00-17:00 (the gates)
Parking N/A
Atami news page https://www.ataminews.gr.jp/spot/132/