
フリーダ主演女優サルマ ・ハエック

映画 フリーダを制作主演したサルマ ・ハエック

メキシコの女性 画家 フリーダ・カーロの波乱に満ちた生涯を描いた映画「フリーダ 」で主演を務めた。 自ら 映画権を取得し プロデューサーとして十年越しに完成させた。自分が フリーダ だと信じきったという 入魂の演技。

「絵の素養 なんてないのに、練習で カンバスの前に座ってみると絵が描けた。霊が乗り移ったわけではないけれど、 一種の トランス状態で作品が出来上がったのは確か 。
人は情熱とともに生まれてくるという信念がある。フリーダは辛いことの多い人生を 狂しいまでに愛した。生、食べ物 、色彩、 セックスを愛し、 全てを受け入れて 芸術に転化する 起爆剤にした。死と さえも、 手に手を取って 官能的に踊った。 それは私も同じ」

彼女はメキシコのテレビ界出身。 苦手な英語も克服し アントニオバンデラスと共演したデスペラードで地位を確立 、フリーダでアメリカアカデミー賞主演女優賞候補に ノミネートされた。

「私の情熱は 人生が一度きりしかないことに対する反抗心から来ている」と笑う。
「常に限界にチャレンジし 人生を作り変えたい。 もしかしたら10年後は女優をやっていないかもしれない」



サルマ ・ハエック

Salma Hayek, who produced and starred in the film Frida

She starred in the film Frida, which depicts the turbulent life of Mexican female painter Frida Kahlo. She acquired the film rights herself and completed it as a producer after ten years. Her performance was so soulful that she believed she was Frida.

"Even though I had no artistic skills, I was able to paint when I sat in front of a canvas during practice. I wasn't possessed by a spirit, but I'm sure the work was completed in a kind of trance state. I believe that people are born with passion. Frida loved life, which was full of hardships, to the point of madness. She loved life, food, color, and sex, and accepted everything and used it as a catalyst to transform it into art. She even took death hand in hand and danced sensually. I feel the same way." She started out in the Mexican TV industry. She overcame her weakness in English and established herself in Desperado, where she co-starred with Antonio Banderas, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for Frida. "My passion comes from my rebelliousness against the fact that we only have one life," she laughs. "I always want to challenge my limits and remake my life. Maybe in 10 years I won't be an actress anymore."

From a newspaper article

This must be an article from when the movie "Frida" was released. I remember reading about her birthplace, "The Blue House," which is now a memorial museum, in "A Journey through World Masterpieces," and thinking about her life. It made me want to love something to the point of madness. I feel that her intense passion, her combination of light and darkness, is somehow rooted in the Mexican culture. I would like to go to Mexico once.
