English Below
趣味:二重跳び、 料理、ジョギング
主には東南アジアの金融業界に関心があったからです。就活時に初めてちゃんと新聞を読み始めました。その中で驚いたのは、フィンテックの最前線は今「東南アジア」にあるということです。中でも膨大な顧客データを応用できる金融業界では凄まじい勢いでビジネスが入れ替わっていて、いつかその最前線をこの目で見たいとずっと思っていました。元々開発ビジネスに関心があったこともあり、JC Financeで働かせていただくことになりました。
Hello, everyone! I’m Kentarou Sakurai. I began working as internship from this week.
・University of Tokyo, Laws and politics (fifth-grade)
・Countries I visited:Australia, Taiwan, Myanmar, Russia, Cambodia(←NEW!)
・Pastime:Skipping rope, Cooking, jogging
▷Reason for application
It is because I was interested in the financial institution in Southeast Asia. Last year, I started reading newspaper. I was stunned to know that Southeast Asia is at forefront of the development of Fintech all over the world! Particularly I was interested in the financial institutions since one after another the new businesses are created in that industry by using the customer data they have. Since I have free time before my graduation, I have decided to work in one of these local companies!
▷About pill bugs, the bugs I love
I am called “Mushi-mushi” or ”Dan-chan” among Japanese friends since I love pill bugs (In Japanese, pill bugs are called “Dango-mushi”). Pill bugs have been and will be my role-model.
They have an interesting feature. In short, however complicated maze they are put in, they can find the exit. It is because of the feature they have, called “turn alternation behavior”, by which they can keep alternating walking in left and right direction when facing walls. That can lead them to the exit.
Like pill bugs, however hard obstacles I face, I would like to keep doing my best and find solutions through a lot of trial and errors! And want to be a pill bug.
Thank you.