Perfect Okonomiyaki Recipe


  • Flour - 100g

  • Dashi stock - 120ml

  • Egg - 1

  • Cabbage - 150g (shredded)

  • Green onions - as needed (chopped)

  • Pork belly slices - 100g

  • Tempura scraps - 2 tablespoons

  • Pickled ginger - as needed

  • Okonomiyaki sauce - as needed

  • Mayonnaise - as needed

  • Aonori (seaweed flakes) - as needed

  • Bonito flakes - as needed


1.In a bowl, combine flour, dashi stock, and egg. Mix well until you get a smooth batter.

2.Add shredded cabbage, green onions, tempura scraps, and pickled ginger to the batter and mix until evenly combined.

Tip: Mix until it feels like you might be overmixing. This step determines 90% of the final result. Many Japanese people also fail because they do not mix enough.

3. Place the mixed ingredients on the hot plate and shape them into a circle. Cook the pork on the side.

4.Once the pork is cooked, place it on top of the batter and flip it over.

5.Make small holes in the Okonomiyaki to let air in and ensure it puffs up nicely.

Tip: Do not press the Okonomiyaki against the hot plate and flatten it. Keeping it fluffy makes it more delicious.

6.Flip it over twice.

7.7. Generously apply sauce, sprinkle bonito flakes on top, and it's ready to serve.

The key is to apply the sauce generously, almost to the point of overdoing it.

Here is the Okonomiyaki sauce.

Make Okonomiyaki better than the Japanese and surprise the people of Japan!

Thank you.
