Cell phone jammer prevents noise from happening

Some people like to complain, but they are not sure if suffering can meet their own demands or destroy the equipment they are trying to prevent. Which device can interfere with the source of interference? We're talking about it here.

The signal jammer is designed to block the electronic devices of different frequency bands according to its specifications. These specifications can contain many different frequencies that the jammer will successfully block.

Therefore, the key to determining whether the jamming signal interferes with the required equipment is to understand whether the work of the equipment requires signal transmission.

Just as a mobile phone jammer can disrupt a phone call, that's because it requires signal transmission, including GSM, 3G and 4G. It's important to know that the calls are different in different places. That's why we should choose a phone jammer that can block local phone signals.

In addition to cell phone jammer (based on GSM, 3G, 4G), GPS jammers can block GPS signals. You can use GPS tracker, GPS navigator, etc. Similarly, bluetooth, WiFi interference signal can interfere with wlan signal, which can block WiFi devices. Such as wireless networks. The UHF/VHF band (including LoJack) and satellite XM radio interference may interfere with the equipment used for this signal.

So, if you want to use WiFi and bluetooth jammers, remember that your own wireless network will also be blocked. Don't forget the satellite signals from TV, because if the frequency is the same, sometimes this exclusive interference can affect it.

And devices like landline phones, which are not affected by signal interference, because they use circuits. So even if you use a GSM / 3G blocker, your landline is good.

In a word, interference may interfere with the signal transmission equipment, especially in the work. Therefore, before you find the problem, please confirm the signal you want to disturb and select the jammer to meet your requirements.

