
♡7月10日(月)北欧スウェーデン 幸福度トップランクなのになぜ映画作品はダークなのかの考察!♡Why are Swedish films so dark even though they rank top in happiness?♡





Hello everyone. SAI is here!
Now updating from the Swedish countryside.
It's early and the tour is over!

Thanks to everyone who supported me, Swedish live performance was a great success, and it was truly an irreplaceable experience in my life. thank you.Tack så mycket♡♡♡♡♡♡


This time, the purpose of the tour is to live perform in Sweden! That was one of the purposes. And "Why is the movie is dark story even though Nordic countries are high in the world happiness ranking?" It was one of the purposes to solve the mystery.


First of all, there may not be many people who can relate to Scandinavian movies, so let me introduce a little!

Famous for "Dancer in the Dark" starring Björk.

トラウマ・鬱映画として名高い作品。笑 / A famous work as a trauma and depression movie. hehe

It stars Björk from Iceland.

A film by Danish film director Lars von Trier.

No, before that,I have to show map….

ヨーロッパはこんな感じで / The position of European countries is like this
その中でも北欧はこんな感じです / Among them, Northern Europe is like this


So, back to the movies. One of the most famous Scandinavian films is the work of Lars von Trier. I'm especially interested in Sweden, even in Scandinavia, so I've been watching a lot of movies, but there are many movies that are very dark or where one person dies. Also, there are very few! Swedish films. 

有名なものだと『ドラゴン・タトゥーの女』とか。。/ The famous one is "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"…
『ぼくのエリ』とかもスウェーデン作品。/ "Boku no Eri - Låt den rätte komma in - Let the Right One In" is also a Swedish work.


I can learn about the country from books, but I like the sound…melody of the Swedish language, so I tried to get as much information from movies as possible. Visually, linguistically, and philosophically, I can learn many things.


About『Why are Nordic countries ranked high in the world happiness ranking, but the movies are dark? 』

①Because of the cold climate, They tend to feel depressed.



I thought, -  ”I don't think reason - why movies are dark? - that simple! !”but I think it's a big reason. smile

24 degrees in early July in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

日本からするとめっちゃ寒いね / It's colder than Japan.Japan is 35degrees now.hahaha


I was in Portugal. When it's cold, food doesn't grow that much, so food culture doesn't develop, and people tend to feel depressed.

これはスウェーデンのコンビニCOOPで売られてる桃。シナシナしてるでしょ。/ Poor peach in Stockholm coop
ポルトガルのフルーツ。写真じゃ伝わらないかもですが、どれも生き生きしていました! / Big Portugal fruits!


In Sweden, the summer is the summer solstice and the sun never sets, but the winter is the polar night and the sun hardly rises. I (We/They)need take vitamin D supplements during the polar night! (I'm pretty sure it's D….C?XD), I read in some article and learned from a friend living in Sweden, but I feel like there are many people who are depressed. Because it's cold.

② It is not a hedonistic national character

★Strict rules regarding alcohol.

When I went to Berlin - Germany, and Faro - Portugal, I felt Sweden is very strict alcohol. On a side note, I think the cannabis rules also strict. Cannabis secondhand smoke at festivals in Berlin and the Faro area! (lol)It smelled so much, I don't feel that kind of smell while walking in Sweden.


In Sweden, They can't buy more than 3.5% alcohol unless they go to a state-owned liquor store called System Bolaget. Moreover, the System Bolaget also closes at 18:00 and & closed on Sundays. It's a cold country, so They spend a lot of time in their room, and I feel like this system was adopted because there were many problems with alcohol, but in this kind of environment, I feel like it's hard to think optimistically.(Hmm many difficult word.I hope correct my trancelate)

俺らのシステムボラーゲット。なぜか表記が日本語。/ SAI wifi Hunter
あとスウェーデン産のワインが少ない!!!というかほぼない??というのも少しびっくりした。寒い地域ってぶどう育ちにくいのかも。And there are few Swedish wines! ! ! Or almost none? ? That's why I was a little surprised. It may be difficult to grow grapes in cold regions.

★Swedish ppl are serious about time as Japanese.
This is what I felt when I was working on a live performance in Sweden and had a long-term relationship with the Swedish people.and Swedish train arrived time, I felt seriousness. They are almost never late. On the other hand, in Portugal, arriving 30 minutes late is the default, and I felt the difference in national character.

ポルトガル時間だね、暑い気候のせいか、あんまり気難しくに考えないような気がする。 / It's Portuguese time, and maybe because of the hot weather, I don't think it's too difficult.I like it <333

③Isn't the movie industry developing in the first place?

ストックホルムの映画館!!/ Theater in STockholm!
その中でも、北欧映画はこの一つだけだった。しかもノルウェーの映画。/ Among them, Scandinavia film was the only Norwegian movie.The other was a Swedish anime.

このサイトでストックホルムの上映一覧が見れます(もっと良いサイトあるかも??)You can see a list of screenings in Stockholm on this site (maybe there's a better site??)


There were many films from the American film label A24, and many imported films were shown. So do Swedes speak English well? ? I thought that too, but in Portugal, there were quite a few English-language TV programs and programs with Portuguese subtitles, but there weren't many people who could speak English, so it's just a guess.

That's why Nordic movies are so dark! speculation about.

I mean, I feel like I could see a little of the reason why it was ranked high in the happiness ranking in the first place...


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