Jade Jim Tanber - stream (Official Audio)

Official Audio for Jade Jim Tanber "stream"
From the Jade Jim Tanber New Album "LOVE"

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All songs written,composed,programed by Jade Jim Tanber
All Lyrics by Jade Jim Tanber
All Music by Jade Jim Tanber
All songs Arranged and Designed Jade Jim Tanber
Vocal: Jade Jim Tanber
computer program &Key : Jade Jim Tanber

►"stream" Lyrics:
Walking around outside for no reason
For no reason at all, I'm looking for that girl somewhere in my mind.
I'm listening to music, and I'm remembering.
I look around and I suddenly see a sign.
The date on it was your anniversary.
I can't believe it's been almost a year.
How did time fly by so fast?
How long must I contain these thoughts?
I have to keep these feelings bottled up?
How long must I keep these thoughts
I have to shut them away?
Meaningless, meaningless, seemingly meaningless
Meaningless, meaningless, searching to find meaning
I was remembering this while I was on the train.
I looked around, and I suddenly saw your back.
I felt a trace of you.

I can't believe it's been almost a year since then.
Why does time pass so quickly?
How long must I contain these thoughts?
I have to keep these feelings bottled up?
How long must I keep these feelings
I have to shut them away?
How long must I contain these thoughts?
I have to contain these feelings?
How long must I keep these thoughts
#music #electronicmusic #jadejimtanber_stream
Audio made by Jade Jim Tanber performing stream.
© 2024 Jade Jim Tanber All Rights Reserved.
