Jade Jim Tanber - 'Cheer you' (Official Audio)

Official music video for Jade Jim Tanber 'Cheer you'

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All songs written, composed, programed by Jade Jim Tanber
All Lyrics by Jade Jim Tanber
All Music by Jade Jim Tanber
All songs Arranged and Designed Jade Jim Tanber
Vocal: Jade Jim Tanber
computer program &Key : Jade Jim Tanber

►"Cheer you" Lyrics:
If you're alive, there are a lot of sudden events that happen to you.
But there are people who live through them
So let us overcome together
For today's happiness
For the smiles of tomorrow
There are many painful things in life
But there are people who live on the strength of it
So let us work together
For today's joy
For tomorrow's joy
Sometimes it's hard to feel positive
When that happens, remember this song
Sometimes it's hard to feel positive
When that happens, remember this song
Sometimes it's hard to feel positive
When that happens, remember this song
Sometimes it's hard to feel positive
When that happens, remember this song
Music by Jade Jim Tanber performing Precious.
© 2024 Jade Jim Tanber All Rights Reserved.
