Square-1: Full CPSB 日本語/English

最近JQ法が無事Speedsolvingでmethod登録されましたJack Tritonです
Hi, this is Jack Triton: inventor of JQ method

この記事ではSquare-1のJQ法の拡張、Full CPSBについて解説します
On this article, I'll explain Full CPSB for Advanced JQ

Before we continue, you have to remember the CPSB first so I suggest to read this article

Full CPSBとは / About Full CPSB

For CPSB, we only introduced how to do it from Corner - Edge on UFL, pair corner on DFR state

Full CPSBはそれ以外のパターンを加えた48パターンで揃えることができます
Full CPSB includes all 48 patterns to solve it

表記 / Algorithm Naming

Name the Corner - Edge sets as Wing sets (-W)

Patterns can be separated into 8 sets

  1. LW - B (Normal CPSB)

  2. LW - F

  3. RW - B

  4. RW - F

  5. L - BW

  6. L - RFW

  7. R - FW

  8. R - RBW

Upper 4 sets are 2-1, and latter 4 sets are 1-2 patterns and the face written before W on latter sets are where the edge is placed

1. LW - B

2. LW - F

3. RW - B

4. RW - F

5. L - BW

6. L-RFW

7. R-FW

8. R-RBW

お試しソルブ / Example Solve

Scramble: (1, -3) / (5, 5) / (3, 0) / (1, -5) / (0, -3) / (-1, 0) / (-3, -3) / (4, -1) / (-2, -2) / (4, 0) / (-2, 0)

(-2, -4) / (1, 2) / (-3, -3) / -- Cube Shape
(0, -1) / (-2, 1) / (-1, 2) -- Second Block Pairing First Block
/ (0, -3) / (-3, -3) / (3, 6) / (6, 3) / -- CPSB (L-RFW, All-Opp)
(1, -5) / (3, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-1, -1) / (4, 1) / (-3, 0) / -- Pairing Edge (Case 2) + Pair Slot
(-3, 0) / (-1, -1) / (6, -2) -- L2PE

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