#1 FTO: TCP+α 日本語/English
導入 / Introduction
!! Disclaimer !!
On this article, I use the modern color scheme
Comparing to LanLan's FTO, green and red face are swapped
どうも最近FTO沼にはまっているJack Tritonです
Hi, this is Jack Triton: currently in rabbit hole of FTO
On this article, I write the information about FTO's TCP
TCP (Triangle + Corner Permutation) は2つのコーナーがフリップした状態かつU面色がそれぞれコーナーとグループ化されている状態から揃えるFTOのLL(Last Layer)をそろえる時に使われるもので、多くのFTOソルバーが使っています
TCP (Triangle + Corner Permutation), which used by most of top solvers, is the step to solve LL (Last Layer) of FTO from flipped and U face grouped corner set state
回転記号・表記 /
Notation and Explanation
-w : 2層回転(小文字) Double turn (lowercase turn)
-s : 2層目のみを回転(2~) Slice turn (2-)
Assume as CIF and both flipped corners are placed on UB edge
[P | Q] >> P面をU、Q面をFに置く
[P | Q] >> Rotate the puzzle to get face P as U, face Q as F
例 Example.)
[U | BL] >> CIF, Uo' (Uv')
[F | L] >> EIF, Lo' Uo" (Lv' Uv", "は半回転(60度)を示す, " = half rotation (60 degrees))
U0 >> サイドの面がそろっている状態
U1 >> U'したらサイドの面がそろう状態
U2 >> Uしたらサイドの面がそろう状態
Images from left,
U0 >> No U-turns needed
U1 >> Needs U' AUF
U2 >> Needs U AUF
TCPの見分け方 / How to recognize the case
判断するときは[U | R]のEIF状態にし、F面とBR面が見れる状態にする
When you recognize the case, you have to rotate it to [U | R] EIF position
On this explanation, I'll use red as F and green as R face
コーナー / Corners
Recognize by the base color and each facing colors on corner on R face,
F側の面が同じ色 >> コーナーはそろっている
The ones on F has the same color as base >> Corners are solved
B側の面が同じ色 >> コーナーは時計回りになっている
The ones on B has the same color as base >> Corners are clockwised
どちらも違う色 >> コーナーは反時計回りになっている
Neither sides has the same color as base >> Corners are anticlockwised
トライアングル / Triangles
Recognize by the color of triangle on uBR and the color of F face and BR face,
!! If you got used to the color scheme, you can recognize the case by only looking at F face
F面と同じ色がuBRにありF面のピースはBR面と同じ色ではない >> トライアングルは時計回りになっている >> Even, Clockwise Triangle [1, 3, 6]
The piece on uBR has the same color as F but the piece on F is not the same color as BR >> Triangles are clockwised >> Even, Clockwise Triangle [1, 3, 6]
BR面と同じ色がF面にありuBRはF面と同じ色ではない >> トライアングルは反時計回りになっている >> Even, Anti Clockwise Triangle [2, 4, 5]
The piece on F has the same color as BR but the piece on uBR is not the same color as F >> Triangles are anticlockwised >> Even, Anticlockwise Triangle [2, 4, 5]
F面と同じ色がuBRにありBR面と同じ色がF面にある >> トライアングルはR側で入れ替わっている >> Odd, Clockwise AUF [7, 9, 11]
The piece on uBR has the same color as F and the piece on F has the same color as BR >> Triangles are swapped on R side >> Odd, Clockwise AUF [7, 9, 11]
uBRはBR面と同じ色だがF面はどちらの色でもない >> トライアングルはL側で入れ替わっている >> Odd, Anticlockwise AUF [8, 10, 12]
The piece on uBR has the same color as BR but the piece on F has neither of the colors >> Triangles are swapped on L side >> Odd, Anticlockwise AUF [8, 10, 12]
F面がそろっており、uBRはBR面と同じ色である >> トライアングルはそろっている >> 2-Flip, Solved Triangle [13, 14, 15]
F is slotted and the piece on uBR has the same color as BR >> Triangles are solved >> 2-Flip, Solved Triangle [13, 14, 15]
F面はそろっているがuBRはBR面と同じ色ではない >> トライアングルはB側で入れ替わっている >> 2-Flip, Triangle Swap [16, 17, 18]
F is slotted but the piece on uBR is not the same color as BR >> Triangles are swapped on B side >> 2-Flip, Triangle Swap [16, 17, 18]
Set-1 [Even]
[1] Clockwise Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: R B' R' B
Algorithm: [B | U] U' R U R'
[2] Anticlockwise Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: L' B L B'
Algorithm: [L | U] R U' R' U
[3] Solved Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: R' F R' B' R F' R B
Algorithm: [B | U] (U' R' D R') (U R D' R)
[4] Solved Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: L F' L B L' F L' B'
Algorithm: [B | BL] (U R D' R) (U' R' D R')
[5] Clockwise Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: L' B L' F' L B' L' F L B L B'
Algorithm: [B | BL] (U R' U') (R' D' R U R' D) (R U' R)
[6] Anticlockwise Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: R B' R F R' B R F' R' B' R' B
Algorithm: [B | U] (U' R U) (R D R' U' R D') (R' U R')
Set-2 [Odd]
[7] Solved Corner, Clockwise AUF
Setup: U L' B L' F L' B' L F' L' U'
Algorithm: [F | U] F (R U R' D) (R U' R D') R F'
[8] Solved Corner, Anticlockwise AUF
Setup: U' R B' R F' R B R' F R U
Algorithm: [F | BR] BR' (R' U' R D') (R' U R' D) R' BR
[9] Clockwise Corner, Clockwise AUF
Setup: U L F' L B L' F' L' B' L F' L' U'
Algorithm: [F | U] F (R U R' D) (R U R D') (R' U R') F'
[10] Anticlockwise Corner, Anticlockwise AUF
Setup: U' R' F R' B' R F R B R' F R U
Algorithm: [F | BR] BR' (R' U' R D') (R' U' R' D) (R U' R) BR
[11] Anticlockwise Corner, Clockwise AUF
Setup: R B' R' B BR B' L' B L BR'
Algorithm: [L | U] U' D (R' U R D') (R' L R L')
[12] Clockwise Corner, Anticlockwise AUF
Setup: L' B L B' BL' B R B' R' BL
Algorithm: [R | BR] U D' (R U' R' D) BLw (U' R' U)
Set-3 [2-Flip]
[13] Solved Corner, Solved Triangle
Setup: L R' L' R B' R B R'
Algorithm: [B | F] (R U' R' U) (R' L R L')
[14] Clockwise Corner, Solved Triangle
Setup: R' B F' L' B' L B' F R B
Algorithm: [R | BR] (R' U' Rs' U') (R U Rs U)
[15] Anticlockwise Corner, Solved Triangle
Setup: L B' F R B R' B F' L' B'
Algorithm: [L | U] (R U Rs U) (R' U' Rs' U')
[16] Solved Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: D' B D F' D B D' F D' B D
Algorithm: [B | BR] (R' U' R D') (R U' R' D) (R' U' R)
[17] Clockwise Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: B' R B' F' L' B' L F R'
Algorithm: [R | BR] (U Rw' U' R) (U Rw R2' U') R
[18] Anticlockwise Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: B L' B F R B R' F' L
Algorithm: [L | U] (U' Rw U R') (U' Rw' R2 U) R'
覚えるといいL3T手順 / Notable L3T
L3T (Last 3 Triplets)は何個か覚えておくとTCPのみを覚えている時よりもかなり早くなるので自分がよく使うもの・覚えておくと良いものを書き留めていきます
Remembering L3T(Last 3 Triplets) would make you much faster than learning full TCP so I'll note the one I use and some useful ones
None Oriented L3T (PLT) [11]
[1] Clockwise Corner
Setup: R BR' R L R' BR R L' R
Algorithm: [L | F] (R' U R') D' (R U' R') D R'
[2] Anticlockwise Corner
Setup: R' L R' BR' R L' R' BR R
Algorithm: [L | F] R D' (R U R') D (R U' R)
[3] Clockwise Triangle
Setup: L R' L R BL' B' R B R' BL L
Algorithm: [L | F] U' Rs' (U' R' U) Rs (U' R U')
[4] Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: L' BL' R B' R' B BL R' L' R L'
Algorithm: [L | F] (U R' U) Rs' (U' R U) Rs U
[5] Clockwise Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: R' F R' B' R F' R B' L' B' L
Algorithm: [B | U] (L' U L) U (R' D R') U (R D' R)
[6] Anticlockwise Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: L' B L B R' F R' B R F' R
Algorithm: [B | U] (R' D R') U' (R D' R) (U' L' U' L)
[7] Clockwise Paired
Setup: B' R B R L R L'
Algorithm: [B | U] (L R' L') R' (U' R' U)
[8] Anticlockwise Paired
Setup: L R' L' R' B' R' B
Algorithm: [B | U] (U' R U) R (L R L')
[9] Triangle Swap
Setup: D R D' R' D' U L D L' U'
Algorithm: [R | F] (Rw U R' U') Rs' (U R U' R')
[10] Clockwise Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: R BR' R L BR R L' R' BR' R' BR R'
Algorithm: [L | F] (R D' R D) (R U R') D' U' (R' D R')
[11] Anticlockwise Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: R' L R BR R BR' R L' R' BR R' BR'
Algorithm: [L | F] (D R D' R) U (R' D R' D') (R' U' R)
Corner Flipped PLT [12]
[1] Flip Corner
Setup: R D' BR' D R D' R' BR U L D L' U' R'
Algorithm: [R | F] (U R') BR' (R U R' U') BR Rw (U R U') Rw' U'
[2] Clockwise Flip Corner
Setup: L R' F R L' U' L R' F R L' U'
Algorithm: [BL | B] (R D') U' (R D R') U (R D' R' D) R'
[3] Anticlockwise Flip Corner
Setup: U L R' F' R L' U L R' F' R L'
Algorithm: [BL | B] R (D' R D R') U' (R D' R') U (D R')
[4] Flip Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: BR' BL F' D R' D' R F R' D R D' BL' BR
Algorithm: [L | F] D' Rw (U R' U' R) BR' (R' U R U') BR Rw' D
[5] Flip Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: BR R U L D L' U L' D' L U R' BR'
Algorithm: [B | BL] Rw L D' (R' U R) D' (R U' R') D' L' Rw'
[6] Clockwise Flip Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: L R L' BR' D' L D BR R BR' D L' D' BR R
Algorithm: [R | U] U' Rw' (U R U') Rw U' Rw' (U' R' U) Rw (R U' R')
[7] Anticlockwise Flip Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: B' R' B F D B' D' F' R' F D' B D F' R'
Algorithm: [R | BR] U Rw (U' R' U) Rw' U Rw (U R U') Rw' (R' U R)
[8] Clockwise Flip Corner, Clockwise Triangle
Setup: L R BR B' L B L' BR' R BR' D L' D' BR R
Algorithm: [R | U] U' Rw' (U R U') Rw U' Rw (R U' R' U) Rw' U' R'
[9] Anticlockwise Flip Corner, Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: B' R' F' L B' L' B F R' F D' B D F' R'
Algorithm: [R | BR] U Rw (U' R' U) Rw' U Rw' (R' U R U') Rw U R
[10] Flip Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: B L' B' L U R B' R' B U' R B' R' B
Algorithm: [L | F] BR Rw' (U R U') Rs BR (U R' U' R) BR
[11] Clockwise Flip Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: B' R BR' D B' D' B BR B R'
Algorithm: [BR | BL] B R' U' (R' L R L') U B' R
[12] Anticlockwise Flip Corner, Triangle Swap
Setup: U B L' BL' L' D L D' BL B' L U'
Algorithm: [BL | F] BR R' B U' (L R' L' R) U R B' BR'
1 Triangle on U, Corner Solved [4]
[1] Triangle Swap
Setup: U' BL' D' R D R' BL B' R' B R U
Algorithm: [B | U] F' (R' U' R U) Rs' (U' R' U) Rw F
[2] Clockwise Triangle
Setup: U' R' F B' D B' D' B F' R B U
Algorithm: [R | BR] BR' R' U' Rs (U R U') Rs' U BR
[3] Anticlockwise Triangle
Setup: U' B' R' F B' D B D' B F' R U
Algorithm: [R | BR] BR' U' Rs (U R' U') Rs' U R BR
[4] 2 Triangle Swap
Setup : U' B D B' U' D' L' U D B' D' B U' L U'
Algorithm : [L | BL] BL U' Rw (U' R U R') Rw' U R (Rw U R' U') BL
最後に / Conclusion
Thanks for reading this article so far
今後はLLだけでなくSecond CenterやL2Cについてもまとめたいと思います
For next time, I’ll write articles about second center and L2C
If this article helps you, please leave a like and follow my account
I’ll see you on other articles
参考 / Referenced
FTOの揃え方~Bencisco Method~ by wajimaji
TCP notation by Edd Dibley and KITAMURA Akatsuki
画像 : InkscapeでAedan L3Tの図面を基に作成、Clipstudioで着色
Image : Draw lines using Inkscape based on Aedan's L3T, colored with Clipstudio