【EL Vol.2】在宅勤務、どれだけのポテンシャルがある?:How Many Jobs Can be Done at Home?
COVID-19感染拡大に伴い在宅勤務への移行が強制された中で、Dingel & Neimanは米国の各職業にどれだけの在宅勤務可能性があるのか算出した。米国O*NETに基づいたスコアは在宅勤務を検証する研究において米国以外の各国でも活用されている。
Evaluating the economic impact of "social distancing" measures taken to arrest the spread of COVID-19 raises a fundamental question about the modern economy: how many jobs can be performed at home? We classify the feasibility of working at home for all occupations and merge this classification with occupational employment counts. We find that 37 percent of jobs in the United States can be performed entirely at home, with significant variation across cities and industries. These jobs typically pay more than jobs that cannot be done at home and account for 46 percent of all US wages. Applying our occupational classification to 85 other countries reveals that lower-income economies have a lower share of jobs that can be done at home.
Dingel, Jonathan I., and Brent Neiman. "How many jobs can be done at home?." Journal of Public Economics 189 (2020): 104235.