【EL Vol.8】労働需要のショックに対する雇用の弾力性、通勤の重力方程式:Commuting, migration, and local employment elasticities
国際貿易における重力方程式(Gravity Model)では、取引する両国のGDPが大きいほど2国間の貿易額が増加し、反対に、両国の距離が遠いと額が減少すると考える。Monteら (2018) は地域の労働市場を分析において通勤に注目し、重力方程式をベースとしたモデルを開発した。
We provide theory and evidence that the elasticity of local employment to a labor demand shock is heterogeneous depending on the commuting openness of the local labor market. We develop a quantitative general equilibrium model that incorporates spatial linkages in goods markets (trade) and factor markets (commuting and migration). We quantify this model to match the observed gravity equation relationships for trade and commuting. We find that empirically-observed reductions in commuting costs generate welfare gains of around 3.3 percent. We provide separate quasi-experimental evidence in support of the model's predictions using the location decisions of million dollar plants.
Monte, Ferdinando, Stephen J. Redding, and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. "Commuting, migration, and local employment elasticities." American Economic Review 108.12 (2018): 3855-90.