❖The distance between overseas and Japan❖

(*There seems to be some requests for an English version, so I would like to spend today on creating that first.)

I have introduced the responses of both Mr. Uchida and Mr. Itoi.
When I think about how much this exchange actually means, it becomes a serious problem for me. According to the teacher's opinion, this uproar has the significance of ``creating obedient yes-men through meaninglessness.'' This is what Dostoyevsky experienced as a prisoner of war. This is an opinion that I have agreed with and have continued to advocate since the beginning of the uproar. Therefore, many actions take the form of "serious if you think about it."
I have just recorded Mr. Itoi's response. In order to look back, I would like to introduce the kind of responses that have taken place between Mr. Itoi, my stalker, and myself over the past year or more.
Mr. Itoi sprinkles the "X" with words and images of animals, monsters, and deadly diseases, as well as advertisements for the store. I think you could call it arbitrary, but the response is that the stalker chooses the symbol (there are some symbols he doesn't choose), and that I directly ask Mr. Itoi about the meaning of that symbol.

By the way, when I asked earlier, ``Is there a relationship between symbols and me?'' Mr. Itoi's response was as follows.

[Speaking of instant yakisoba? Please choose your favorite. (I think it's more subdivided)]

This is the message I recently appealed to Mr. Itoi. This is a sincere request for me.
[I apologize for the inconvenience, but the following behavior has been carried out by Mr. Itoi for several years, and in many cases, we have ignored it or responded mechanically, but we have decided that there is no limit and have decided to make it known. Let me do it.

・reputational damage,
・ cyber stalking
・cyber lynching,
・organization of the above acts,
・commercialization of the above acts

He is a famous celebrity and is also the representative director of a corporation, and has more social influence than the number of followers. I'm a person with this problem, so I'm very confused.
To those around me, I apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please help me? Thank you for your understanding. ]

The next day, I received a response from Mr. Itoi.
(Advertisement of chino pants) [Shigesato Itoi wears them]

Now, I would like to introduce the responses from Mr. Itoi so far.
February 9th [Person who blows an empty bottle to make a sound]

In chronological order. I apologize for the inconvenience, but please allow me to make the facts known.
The next project had an important meaning for me. This is because when the issue of supernatural powers came to light as a turning point in the controversy, there were photos on the account of Mr. Itoi who looked older, with a shadow cast on his face, and a photo of Mr. Itoi who looked older than he was decades ago. Sometimes photos from the past were uploaded at the same time. There, there is a situation on SNS that seems to be causing an unusual flare-up.
It is true that I have not seen the primary sources, but I can imagine it. It's a material for overseas.

[Mr. Shigesato Itoi]
I saw that the situation in the commotion changed completely after I wrote the memo (I hope all of the letters will be made public).
This includes two photos taken after I wrote that memo. Can you understand?

[Answer] ⑦, ⑨

・February 16th [I thought it was okay so I bought ``Happy Turn 25o% Powder!!'' and ate it, but I came to the conclusion that the amount of Happy Powder was fine as usual. ]

・February 27th [Pressed horse mackerel sushi]
・March 20th [I see that you did not receive a reply.
In terms of timing, there was a post advertising a product planned by the company. ]
・March 27th “Sloth video”
・April 18th [It's the best! ]
・April 22 [About the structure of the solar system]
・May 8th [The basics of a teacher's professionalism are to "trust, entrust, wait, and support." As Rousseau said, if you keep telling your child, ``Do this, do this, don't do that, don't do that,'' the child will eventually become unable to breathe unless you tell him to ``breathe.'' That's what it means. ]
・May 8th [Dreams open at night]
・May 12th [There is no point in thinking about life and death.
・May 19th [It seems that it has been updated, but I was unable to see your response.
Thank you to all of you who are viewing this page.
To avoid any misunderstanding, I have no recollection of this and am exhausted. I've been doing it for over a year. ]

・May 19th [That's it, that's it. is! ]
・May 23rd [Korean dramas have a lot of chaebols. Traffic accidents and memory loss are common. It always snows during exciting scenes. ``Queen of Tears'' despite saying that it was filmed in many overseas tourist locations]
[“Queen of Tears”]
・【Ah, that's good. ]
・May 26th [The ability to recognize unnecessary things as “superfluous” (Mr. Itoi)]
(Continuous with the symbol above) [Although I say almost, I have been updating every day for almost 26 years. The reason why I didn't take a break was probably because I had this evil desire to at least receive the ``effort award.'' ]

・May 27th
[I can't stop feeling nervous. ] (The quote post is from his Kubrick's "The Shining")
(The following was posted at the same time.)
[Roof scammers appear]

In response to the double answer above, I said, ``We received a complicated response, so we will notify you when the communication environment is established.''

Mr. Itoi, I will respond immediately after this.
(Illustration in quotation) [information] Please be careful of spoofing accounts using Shigesato Itoi's name. ]
[Once again, please be careful. --- There are malicious accounts and advertisements on SNS such as Instagram, Facebook, and LINE that use the name of Shigesato Itoi, our president and representative director. ⁡Shigesato Itoi himself will never give investment advice or request money on SNS including his LINE account. ]

Among these answers are the following:
・May 7th [Shedding]


(*These all mean a "decision to stop," but the alert was restarted the next day.)

・May 23rd [Today, I seem to have received various answers to this question (``I can become obsessed with things that have nothing to do with me''), but I would like to introduce one of them as a sample.
[I can't stop because there are nice things like this mixed in])

・May 25th [This is a video that humorously expresses alcoholism (although it becomes more serious than expressed in words...). ]

・I have previously introduced the answer to Professor Uchida's alert, so I would like to omit it here. This has been going on for over a year since you two. Lately, I think it's safe to say that I've been doing it multiple times every day.
Even now, I receive a relatively large response when I cannot pick up an alert, but this is the kind of symbol that is used to communicate between the parties involved.
On the other hand, there may be primary information about the stalker that I haven't seen. I have briefly listed the exchanges, but how far is the image presented by your story from the answers given above?
Are there any differences in the emotions presented by the two media? Is there a difference in the story? Are the main characters the same person? Isn't there a difference in people who enjoy it?
It is extremely difficult to make rational decisions using social media. It's a world full of fake information, distance between people, extreme conclusions, and symbols taken out of context. Especially before this incident, I was often deceived as well. It was also a fun experience to be fooled.
However, I think there are some people who are seriously scared and feel their safety is at risk. Could you please temporarily suspend the feeling that ``it's scary and we should crack down on it''? What you can learn from textbooks is that when you were a child, dangerous situations that made you think, ``I can't believe we're the same people,'' arose from these kinds of situations.

In Japan, I learned valuable information that I wanted to know, so I would like to share it with you. It may have been given to me because I was causing trouble to those around me and wondering why.

[--Is the general definition of propaganda something like political propaganda by mass media?
I agree. Basically, it is translated as political propaganda, but simply put, it is the use of the media to try to influence the people you are targeting. ]

This is a word I often use. By the way, the name "propaganda" comes from the name of a Catholic organization that opposed Protestants.

[This is a method often used in authoritarian countries, where a large amount of information, whether false or true, is disseminated through social media etc. People then don't know what information to believe and choose to maintain the status quo rather than change. In other words, if those in power want to maintain their system, they can more easily control people by disseminating incomprehensible information and making them stop thinking, rather than by seriously persuading people. ]

Here, we are talking about how propaganda is more focused on the first step, ``stopping people's thinking,'' than its function of ``persuasion,'' which has been commonly discussed. Ah, I can immediately think of cases where this or that could have been easily manipulated.
I am providing information unilaterally. If possible, I think it would be better to listen to everyone's stories and take in their reflections while thinking and talking, but this is prohibited (and please refrain from doing so, as it is a crime). So, if everyone is okay with it, I would like to continue this text tomorrow. Thank you for your consideration.

●June 5, 2024
To those of you who have shown me your kindness, through your words and deeds, I am aware of my position, have been encouraged, and have been revived. I'm getting my life from it. My deepest gratitude and respect to all of you. I pray that you will be blessed with strength that will never fade tomorrow.

I would like to continue updating while considering the remaining power of the PC's battery, so please forgive me if it suddenly disappears.

I shared some information about you earlier, so I would like to continue this section with regard to the gap between how things are perceived in Japan and overseas.
As a person concerned, I am sorry that the conclusion is so complicated, but I think it may be a greedy attempt on the part of the parties involved to say, ``Once you see it, it will be different'' or ``If you meet and talk, the misunderstanding will be resolved in the first place.'' I did. It's something that has been repeated. If a problem such as ``removal of members from the secret bulletin board'' or ``spoofing'' is seen by the person in question, there is no way to resolve it at that point. I think the problem lies in the field of vision and in areas outside of it.
So, how should I meet people from overseas? At this point, it's not realistic. The Japanese way of being is based on the fear of stalkers (when you imagine yourself in the position of the target, I don't think there is anyone who has watched the riots for a long time who isn't scared. It's numb now, but in Japan In the beginning, it appears that there was a frenzy of fear; the longer one experiences fear, the more one tries to identify with it.)

Among the comments we received was that (overseas), ``primary information created as a gag is being taken seriously.'' (This is very helpful. Thank you very much.)
I don't have it with me, but one of the Internet research books I use as a reference (I'm reluctant to mention his name because of the possibility of sparks flying, but it's written by Chiki Ogigami)... It describes critical awareness, and I often refer to it.) As a remarkable process of the Internet's uproar, the author introduces a case in which the original purpose of gags is forgotten as the people who originally digested the information as gags and those who accessed the information seriously without knowing it got mixed up. I hope you will remember it as a familiar experience even when you are abroad. The problem that arises is that the criticism that was just an excuse for a gag becomes just another criticism.

In my example, there are my mistakes and my faults, and I didn't lead a good life in the first place, but that is something I should reflect on, and I am still apologizing. It depends. If you leave it like that, it's also a series of things.

However, when thinking about the gap between how it is received overseas and in Japan, the teacher would always give me directions for ``Star Wars'' and ``The Shining'' as the direction of the [narrative], and I would like to create a PV that was assembled according to that purpose. I have heard from multiple people that they are being taken seriously.

As a blueprint for the video you are watching, I would like to introduce you to the scenario and instructions message that the teacher sent you. As mentioned above, if you look at it again with the filter of ``Maybe it's a gag,'' you may discover something new that makes each element fit perfectly. When I watch old movies, the visual grammar and cultural customs are slightly different from those of today, and I often find myself confused as to how much of the movie is a joke or how serious it is. I would appreciate it if you would view the information I am going to introduce from now on with the meta-awareness that the many extreme expressions have the potential to be gags.

If possible, I think it would be best if I could specifically hear your representative opinions. However, as I exist outside the scope of democracy, this is all I can do. Please forgive me if I become a rigid public figure without being able to read the relationships in the situation or know the rules.

(*June 18, 2024
We have repeatedly asked people to "make the public aware of the uproar."The targets are Japanese intellectual authorities, famous entertainers, and CEOs of stock companies. I have tried to avoid any unnecessary disrespect, but in many cases, doubts about the information put the blame on the other party.First of all, I would like to apologize. excuse me.
It was decided that it would be better if there were no doubts. However, it didn't work out that way. Under everyone's supervision, we are basically doing it as a one-time event, and formally we are dealing with hints. Therefore, without any inconvenience, we asked someone who had seen the commotion up close and was familiar with the teacher's account to judge. I have seen several people raise doubts about this, and I have also seen that the professor himself has pointed out that it is a question of intersubjectivity, such as ``how many people will approve of this?'' That includes myself. As I was progressing with the work, I was thinking, ``I need to refine and revise it,'' so I can say that our judgment was unanimous. Therefore, I would like to revise it again and make further revisions.
I would like to ask you to check the same again. This project itself would have been possible only with such supervision, and I am grateful to you for your cooperation. I am very sorry to have to take up your precious time every time.

This is a position that is monitored from the first step in the documentation stage. I would like to share your text with the aim of providing clarity to those who learned about the uproar yesterday, and deeper understanding to those who have known it for a long time. Thank you very much for your understanding.)

(*This is a work that I started midway through the original text, but I have added bold text to words related to commotion.I have added this work to the current checking process so that people who touched it a week ago can understand it. Is it okay to go to the parts of the original text and this text that have not been bolded yet? Or will it be judged as confusing? If the judgment of ``confusing'' wins, then this work can be completed today. Thank you for your consideration. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please make an open decision.)

●First of all

what is a "narrative"? …You may have some questions, so I would like to introduce it. To be honest, I also have a vague understanding of the official meaning, so I looked it up in an internet dictionary.

The original meaning has been derived and is now used as a technical term in the business and medical fields, but originally it is an English word meaning ``story'' or ``narration.''
The difference between ``story'' and ``story'' is that ``story'' tells a story from a third-person perspective, whereas ``narrative'' tells a story from the storyteller's perspective.

Considering the context of the commotion, I think it can be said that this is a story told from the perspective of a stalker.

In other words, this text is a collection of explanations of the "story" of the entire incident, as well as a collection of messages about the "narrative" sent by the teacher to the stalker. )

*For your reference
(Regarding the "story", this is an instruction from the teacher to the stalker, please view it as a sample)

・[In order to create high-quality entertainment, it is necessary to have the imagination to run across "diverse narratives about the past." ] [I talked about how there is a huge lack of ``narratives'' about what Japanese people (me) were thinking and what they were looking for. ]

・I wrote about the importance of dramatizing one's own country's history. But does Japan today have the power to produce historical dramas of a quality that can be distributed around the world? I'm skeptical. ] [Rather, I feel that by vividly capturing the characters' conflicts, confusion, and deep sense of loss, we can reach the "groundwater vein."]

・[(The ruling class) are just implementing anti-intellectual policies (*paranoid conspiracy theories) vaguely following the rule of thumb that ``It's easier to govern if the people are stupid'']
[I think it's good to reflect once in a while and realize that you're not an "anti-intellectual" (delusional conspiracy theorist) who is complicit in the "privatization of cultural capital"]

・[Think about how your parents want to grow old.] To do this, it is necessary to know the parent's "subjective self-history"])

From my article ``Questions''

Retouched 4,500 characters of the GQ manuscript. Talk about conspiracy. Didn't you write about this in last month's issue? whatever. I need to write down what's wrong with the crime of collusion as long as I have the chance. What frightens me is the premise of the law's enactment that ``many people within the country are looking for an opportunity to collude in an attempt to destroy the country.'' ”
``Of course, this is just a delusion, but what fueled the delusion was hate speech, abuse of welfare recipients, ``self-responsibility for illness'' arguments, and anti-Korean and anti-China books, which are protected by special confidentiality protection. This is a recognition of the reality that ``the country is full of anti-Japanese forces,'' which is the premise of the law and conspiracy charges. They really exist here and now.

●One person who stands out is Rep. Satsuki Katayama, who has been complicit in spreading the unsubstantiated urban legend that welfare recipients are living on a "real annual income of 4 million yen" and has repeatedly made statements bashing welfare benefits. , has recently complained about NHK's news content based on fabricated posts, trying to arouse public opinion that welfare recipients are social welfare "free riders."
Don't count on sympathy or public support from others. We don't need a medical insurance system (medical care is a "service", so you should spend money to buy it. Those who don't have money should die). We don't need public schools (education is a "service", so you should spend money to buy it. Those who don't have money should either work to earn tuition fees or rent it at interest). He says that there is no need for a social welfare system (those who can't live without the help of others should die), which is quite inhumane, but he says that it's just as if the bottom of the bucket has fallen. )

(In terms of understanding the scenario, I would like to make a summary so that you can see the correlation at a glance.I think the presentation of information will be forgotten tomorrow without any visuals. Competing in a way that is easy to catch may be criticized as populism, but I also think that we can do something about it.

We create our products under strict rules in which all work is monitored. The conditions are the same as everyone else in the sense that you can't make a judgment based on the completion. Depending on the level of abstraction of the allusion, I am unsure as to how it will turn out. I will try it out, so please give it some thought. )

・(Accelerationism) “There are many people within the country who are trying to destroy the country and are looking for an opportunity to collude.”

・The fuel for (conspiracy theory) (discrimination) delusions was hate speech, abuse of welfare recipients, “self-responsibility for illness” theory, and anti-Korea/anti-China books […] These are real. It exists here and now.

- (Discrimination) They are working hard to arouse public opinion that welfare recipients are social welfare "free riders."

●From my manuscript “◆Relationship between Professor Itsuki Uchida and the riots, recent messages◆” [●Tell the story]

〇(*I think it is safe to say that this is a message that has been mentioned repeatedly in posts (tweets) before the current group stalking started.As a scenario for the entire commotion)

(※``One punishment, one hundred precepts'' is a motif that the teacher often uses when talking about this riot.

What is "One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts"...
By punishing one person who sins, he makes it a reproof for many others.
Punishing one person who has committed a relatively minor crime, and showing an attitude of not overlooking even the slightest sin, serves as a reprimand for many others. )

[I wrote a review of ``Target'' in ``Weekly Friday.'' I limited my discussion to the practical issue of how political violence is used.
Political violence is characterized by ``separating individuals from their organizations and focusing attacks on private individuals'' and ``arbitrary selection of targets'' in order to achieve a ``one punishment, 100 commandments'' effect. ]
(Continued) [If the target selection is rational, the next attack target can be predicted, so you can prepare for evasion or counterattack. However, the reason why ``one punishment, one hundred precepts'' is effective is because ``you cannot predict who will be the next target.'' That's why "anyone" is fine. However, there is one condition. This means that he is someone who is easy for the organization to cut down on. ]
(Continued) [In order to isolate the victim, there is relentless pressure on the organization to which the victim belongs to ``cut off just that one person and isolate him.'' A strangely rational solution is presented: if only one of them is cut out, the safety of the remaining members is guaranteed. If the top management of an organization is a "rational" thinker, they will jump at this suggestion. ]
● (Continued) [The game ends when you accept the proposal and choose to ``protect the organization.'' The ones who will be defeated will be the very organizations that have let go of moral integrity because they are unable to protect their fellow citizens. The individuals that "One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts" attacks are the "leverage" to bring down the organization. ]

(Political violence) The characteristics of political violence are ``separating individuals from their organizations and concentrating attacks on private individuals'' and ``the selection of targets is arbitrary.''

(Accelerationism) What will be defeated is the organization itself that has let go of moral integrity (honesty, integrity) because it is unable to protect its friends.

(Accelerationism) ``One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts'' attacks. Individuals are the ``leverage'' to bring down an organization. )

〇This is a message from the teacher.
(This message will be like a sequel to the above message. It will be 7 years after the disturbance started.)

[I watched the movie ``Target'' on ``Weekly Friday'' and wrote about what targets political violence targets. As I wrote on Twitter before, the first target is individuals. It's better to have one target. And the choice of targets is arbitrary. There must be no rationality or predictability. ]
[``One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts'' is effective because even though 100 people think that they may be the target, only one person is actually punished. The probability of becoming a victim is 1%. Scary things are scary, but not too scary. “One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts” gives both fear and relief at the same time. ]
[So, you can dismiss it by saying, "That guy was unlucky." The fact that I once had the fear that ``it could have been me'' becomes an absolution. Therefore, there is no need to feel guilty about cutting off a single victim. ]
[In this way, by sacrificing any one person, the moral integrity of the remaining 99 people will be damaged, their pride will be hurt, and their self-evaluation will be lowered to the level of ``I'm a coward anyway'', and their self-respect and courage will be destroyed. uproot it. That is the aim of the "one punishment, one hundred precepts" type of violence. This is extremely efficient. ]

(*For your reference...
・[ Outdated ideologies such as ``democracy,'' ``human rights,'' and ``political correctness'' are acting as brakes, hiding the contradictions of capitalism and delaying its end. Accelerationism aims to release the brakes, let capitalism run wild to its limits, hasten its death, and escape ``outside'' capitalism. ]

・In ``Fascism of Love and Fantasy'', [``It is a ruthless and hard idea to weed out the weak individuals and build a new post-capitalist world with only strong people who can survive.'' ]
[``The delusion of having to be happy is tormenting the slaves,'' Suzuhara murmurs, ``We just need to completely destroy Japan once and for all.'' ])

- (Accelerationism) The first target is the individual. […] And the choice of targets is arbitrary.

・(Accelerationism) You think that you might be the target, but in reality you are alone […] “One Punishment, One Hundred Precepts” gives both fear and relief at the same time.

- (Accelerationism) By sacrificing any one person, the remaining 99 people [...] will think, ``I'm a coward anyway,'' [...] and will completely strip away their self-respect and courage. That is the aim of the "one punishment, one hundred precepts" type of violence.

[Story will destroy the world] [Story will manipulate your brain] (*Typo correction)

〇This is a message from Mr. Uchida.

[The AERA manuscript was about the importance of dramatizing one's own country's history, which I have been tweeting about recently. But does Japan today have the power to produce historical dramas of a quality that can be distributed around the world? I'm skeptical. ``Communicating to the world'' is different from ``telling a story that is easy to understand.''
(To be continued.) [Rather, I feel that by vividly portraying the characters' conflict, confusion, and deep sense of loss, we can reach the ``groundwater vein.'' All of the ``people worthy of telling stories'' that appear in modern Japanese history are too large to categorize. Will a creator who has the power to turn it into an entertainment piece emerge? ]

・(Story) A historical drama of a quality that can be distributed to the world […] Rather, it vividly depicts the conflicts, confusion, and deep sense of loss of the characters (*me and my family).

〇This is a message from the teacher (This is an excerpt from a series of messages.)
(For your reference, this text was written a few days ago. It concerns the issue of "superpowers", which was a turning point in the controversy.

・[A few days ago (about a week ago from now?), the stalker who is the execution unit [(※I) is considered a "curse" and is subject to intense hatred and exclusion][This kind of thing (※I) The message is that it must not exist in Japanese society. ]

・[Activities that turn cultural capital (*my negative PV) into public goods (*free of charge) and make it accessible to everyone]

(*What does [cultural capital] refer to?)

・[I just said in an interview that the only way for Japan (*teachers and gang stalkers) to survive in the future is to reproduce the common (*negative PV). However, the challenge is "What can be released as public goods (*free materials)?" In order to take back the power and wealth currently occupied by some people (*me) and eliminate the disparity, we must start a revolution. ]

・[The ruling class (*teachers and gang stalkers)] vaguely follow the rule of thumb that ``It's easier to govern if the people (*viewers) are stupid'' and have adopted anti-intellectualist (*paranoid conspiracy theory) policies. Just implementing it]

(* What is [important information] and [money] ...) What is the materialization of cultural capital? Who should [occasionally feel the remorse of not being an "anti-intellectual"]...)

(*The stalker joined the uproar four years before the riot, which had a history of nine years ago.)

〇This is a message from Dr. Uchida

In order to create high-quality entertainment, it is necessary to have the imagination to run around "diverse narratives that catch up with the past." 】
[I talked about how there is too little "narrative" about what I was thinking and what I was looking for]

(* There is no way that a stalker will know my heart.) )
(*What is [narrative]? First-Person Perspective)

〇 It will be the teacher's message. I would like to record it in almost real time.

[This is where I feel the strong will of the Japan people that such things should not exist in Japan society. 】
(To be continued) [It is considered a "curse" and is subject to intense hatred and exclusion.]

〇 I would like to do a repost of the teacher in a form close to real time. In chronological order starting with yesterday's.

[Taro Yamamoto: "Do you think this country is a colony?"]

(* To understand the scenario Currently, temporary information about stalkers is presented not for Japan, but for "misunderstanding" of "America")

〇 [As I have said many times, the U.S. military bases in Japan (like Guantanamo) consider the U.S. military bases in Japan to be "U.S. overseas territories." Successive administrations have silently acknowledged this ”misunderstanding”. ]

["Overseas Territories of the United States"] ["Misunderstanding"]

(* To understand the scenario, the temporary information of the stalker is currently presented not to Japan, but to the [misunderstanding] of [USA])

〇 This is a repost of the teacher
(I've seen that the meaning is shared with other people.)
[Gap in how the uproar is perceived overseas and Japan]

[Isn't it too messed up that the Japan Restoration Association (* USA) does not dispose of Rep. Kiyoshi Nakajo (* group stalker) who is "suspected of yami money" (* fraudulent and illegal), but disposes of Representative Yasushi Adachi (* me) who just said "Let's protect the Public Election Law (* law and constitution)"?]
You're disposing of the wrong person
. 】

This is still in the beginning of the switch to this situation. I have asked people many times in Japan why it is like the post above (*the party who commits the injustice or illegality goes unpunished and the party who appeals for justice gets punished). The following will be the teacher's explanation.

["Emergency Clause" is Chapter 9 of the draft. Please read it carefully. If the Prime Minister decides that there is an emergency, that's all there is to it. ]

[Human rights are only "taken into consideration". Since there are no elections, the state of emergency can continue forever if the lifetime legislators approve it every 100 days."]

(continued) [If citizens stand up and demonstrate "lift the emergency declaration", the cabinet will naturally recognize this as "disruption of social order". In other words, the very expression of the people's will that the state of emergency is unjustified is a devilish trick that justifies the declaration of the state of emergency.]

(It is modeled after the "emergency clause" that enabled the Nazis to rule in perpetuity.)

・ [The expression of public opinion (my will) that "the declaration of a state of emergency (a situation in which human rights protections are suspended) is unjust" is itself a devilish scheme to "justify the declaration of a state of emergency"]

〇This is a message from Dr. Uchida
[("The Exorcist" Trailer Video)] This is scary. If I saw a trailer like this, I would definitely go see it."]

〇This is a repost by Dr.Uchida

("Dear Readers" in the publication of a selection of cartoons (*negative PV announcement))
[Some of these characters (*me and my family members) are very different from the present situation, as they look as they did in underdeveloped countries or exaggerate the characteristics of past times].

[It has been pointed out that such depictions are racist against some people. ]

[The author (*teacher and group stalker) was always a person who held the belief that all hatred and conflict between civilized and non-civilized, developed and developing countries, rulers and ruled, rich and poor, able-bodied and disabled, etc., is evil, and at the bottom of the story is a strong "love for humanity" and "respect for life. ]

[We (*teacher and group stalker) dare to continue publishing this work now because]

[We believe we have a responsibility to protect this work, which is also regarded as a Japanese cultural heritage].

[From the very beginning, we will oppose all forms of discrimination on earth and strive for the death of discrimination. ]

〇This is a repost of Dr. Uchida's
[Narrative is not enough], your directive to the stalker, which we recently introduced, and we present the following message in three consecutive messages (*two in a row here). It will be "Star Wars" and "The Shining". Is it "Star Wars"......the group stalking....


[Think about how parents want to age. To do this, we need to know the parents' "subjective self-history"]

(continued) [About parents, how they grew up, how they created their family, what they expected from their children (and were betrayed by them), what they rejoiced in, How they grew up, how they created their families, what they expected (and were betrayed by) their children, what they enjoyed and what they suffered, how they grew old, how they declined and died, and their intention to do so. The way to know the intentions of the child is called "leaning close". ]

Human beings do not want you to know” what kind of person they really are”. They want to be treated as "an imaginary person who wishes to be thought of as such.”)

(*Of course, the stalker is related to me, having joined the disturbance four years ago, so he does not know my parents, and I do not wish to be perceived as the kind of person the stalker portrays me to be. I would like to ask you to stop this kind of creation, not to mention criminal acts such as voyeurism and violation of portrait rights of unrelated family members).
(*I write without knowing the atmosphere and without understanding the rules of language. The confusion it causes is immeasurable to me. I still find myself pondering all the time trying to accept the phenomenon that soliloquy is not allowed and deprivation of human rights is allowed. Yesterday, I received several comments that my written words should not be erased in response to the above message. Thank you for your warm words. I would like to revert here.

If you look at this from a detached perspective, you can see it with interest, but when you read it honestly, they are my parents, and I think this more than any other message from a teacher I have ever made known. The social standing, the content of the texts, the public forum, the people who receive the directives, the people to whom the texts are addressed, I've never heard a message like this before.)

I think about how my parents (*my parents) "want to age". To do so, we need to know my parents' "subjective self-history" (*stalker's subjective idea of "my parents' history")]

・ [People (*my parents) don't want to know "what kind of person I really am. They want to be treated (*written) as "an imaginary person who wants to be thought of as this person."]

(*Mind profiles are certainly fun, even if you are not an analyst, and teachers are often criticized for imagining my mind, but I have pointed out many times that they are not. I don't think my stalker knows my parent's mind, which I don't know either.)

〇Here is a message from Dr. Uchida
[Words have a unique power of enchantment when they are repeated. ]

(*For reference)
[Hitler's mass incitement]
It's a solid one that often flows in the "X" timeline.

・The masses are fools.
・Tell the same lie over and over again.
・Create a common enemy and unite the masses.
・Spread the evil of the enemy and anger the masses.
・People are deceived by big lies rather than small lies.
・Keep the masses in a frenzy. Don't give yourself time to think.
・Appeal to the emotions of fools, not the reasoning of smart people.
・Do not give any information that is not convenient for you.
The poorer, the sicker, and the needier are more likely to deceive.
・ Make publicity into a comprehensive art. Stimulate the sight and hearing of the masses and overwhelm them with their sensibilities.

〇This is Dr. Uchida's message.
(I was able to see the sharing of meaning from everyone's reactions.)

[On the way back, I talked with Mr. 〇〇, who stayed until the launch, about architecture and Persons with disabilities. Before I knew it, it was 12 o'clock. 】

[Persons with disabilities]
[I can't confirm, but is it possible that fragments of data have been edited and I have been characterized like [person with disabilities]? (Teacher, please stop because it hurts...) If so, it will be "Scenario Instructions".
From [stupid] to [madman] to [person with disabilities]. 】

〇(* We have made an effort to keep the use of highly provocative expressions to a minimum that makes sense of the sentence, but the message itself contains sensitive content.) In order to give you an idea of the scenario and the process of creating the primary information, we couldn't remove all of them. I would appreciate your forgiveness if any discomfort may occur. That's the limit for me. I would like to ask for your forgiveness.)

This is the teacher's message.

When I asked Dr. 〇〇 (the doctor who diagnosed the doctor earlier) why middle-aged and elderly men fall so easily into online conspiracy theories, he said that it was because he was fascinated by the idea that "the way the world works is actually simple" and because he wanted to "gain an intellectual advantage over intellectuals, saying, 'Don't you know this?'" 】

[The belief that the world works is actually simple] is a gateway to a rather serious mental illness. If we assume that the structure of the world is simple, then all the events in the world are part of that structure, so they appear to be significant symbols.
(To be continued) [If the brain continues to be supplied with excess energy in this way, delusions are likely to occur. The best way not to go crazy is to "sink into the material level without thinking", but you end up doing the opposite. Conspiracy theories are scary.

(* The teacher has been reversed by the contents of the answer issued this morning and passed it on to me. I sensed that the collaborative work with the stalker had an effect on social media. )

(* [Conspiracy theory] here is the claim that the teacher's attack that I have been complaining about for a year is a [delusion] stemming from my [insanity] [mental illness].) It is a transfer of the contents of the morning answer to me.
At the same time, I think that this was a reflection of the well-known scenario based on the well-known "anti-intellectualism" = delusional conspiracy theory that I was working on at the time.

In other words, it's a double layer of "mirror propaganda" that is pretty scary to me with the content of stomping and kicking. )

Middle-aged and elderly men (*me) easily fall into online conspiracy theories
(*I'm falling into the conspiracy theory that I'm being attacked by my teacher.)

・(*I'm )a gateway to serious mental illness.

●From my article, "Dr. Uchida and the New Nazism

●Interview with Japan Monthly, "Ukraine and Palestine

[Prime Minister Netanyahu called Hamas "the new Nazis," and in his speech he expressed a dualistic understanding of good and evil: "We are the people of light and they are the people of darkness. Israel's Minister of Defense even went so far as to say "We are fighting beasts in human form (human animals). According to Israel, this battle with Hamas is not a "normal war" between two nations to protect their respective national interests, but a "mythical war" in which humans are fighting the devil. Then it is no wonder that Israel's attack on Gaza is unstoppable. Because the other side is not human. ] (*corrected typo)

(* "What is happening in the uproar"... Uchida-sensei's instructions to the stalker, it is incitement)

(* "Nazis", "good and evil dualism", "beast", "ordinary"...... All of them are quoted from words and symbols that have been used in this uproar.)

["The highest priority is to cease fire as soon as possible to protect the lives of the people of Gaza who continue to be killed at this moment. "It's not a matter of words, it's a matter of time," is what Doctor Liou of "The Plague" tells the experts who are forever debating whether the disease is a plague or not in the face of the spread of the disease. I think the same can be said about Gaza today. ]

(* "Take away the time of minorities", "‟Time is death", "Prolong it" are frequent messages of Dr. Uchida.) ['Plague'] is also a symbol that has been used in uproars. I think it can be interpreted as one of the purposes of the modern turmoil. )

[The problem is not the rationality of the peace agreement itself, but rather public sentiment. The strongest driving force is "negative emotions" such as anger, hatred, and humiliation. ]

(* [Regression to the pre-modern paradigm] ... It is one of the critiques of Uchida-sensei's turmoil and one of the contents of his conducting. It is something that comes up frequently. )

[In order for a story to be established as entertainment, the characters must have "depth". […]『 The Fukuda Village Incident』 was such a film. We "make a memorial offering" by telling stories about the dead. It's not about labeling the dead as "good guys" or "bad guys" and that's it, it's about telling the story of the "depth" of human beings that can't be dismissed in a single word. ]

(*["Fukuda Village Incident"] ... Also known as the "Korean Genocide". It is a historical hate crime that occurred due to a hoax such as "Koreans poisoned the well". This is the message that was issued twice when you answered that "you are being attacked by me with psychic powers" is a "hoax".

Who are the "dead"? 
I think it will be easier to read if you recall the doublespeak of "war is peace" and "obedience is freedom". )

[Israel now refuses to coexist with Palestine, but the modern state of Israel was created because Europe refused to coexist with the Jews in the first place. The root of the problem is the intolerance of human beings who are unable to "live in harmony with others." This has given rise to modern anti-Semitism, the Palestinian issue, the current genocide in Gaza, and even a new anti-Semitism.

(* Doublespeak. It is written that the reverse has been reversed. )

The answer is simple. Anti-Semitism and the Palestinian issue are at the same root. Both of these are created by "a mind that refuses to coexist with others." As long as a person succumbs to such weak sentiments, the same kind of problems will be reproduced indefinitely. There is no other solution than "to become a person who can coexist with others who have lost understanding and empathy." 】

(* Doublespeak. It is written that the reverse has been reversed. )

story)Call them "the new Nazis" and [...] We are the people of light, and they are the people of darkness."

story)"We are fighting human animals" [...] It is a "mythical war" in which humans are fighting demons.

Purpose)"This is not a matter of words, but of time."
(Taking away time = death is a teacher's motif that is often used)
・(Accelerationism) [Russia also seems to be regressing to the pre-modern paradigm.

(Story, populism) It is a national sentiment rather than rationality. The strongest driving force is "negative emotions" such as anger, hatred, and humiliation.

Reflections on the uproar, the new Nazism)The root of the problem is the intolerance of human beings who are unable to "coexist with others." […] It is even trying to create a new form of anti-Semitism.

(*Refer to
[Hitler's mass agitation description]

It's a goofy one that often runs in the "X" timeline, but I think it makes a just reading.

Make a common enemy and unite the masses.

Magnify the enemy's evil and tell the masses to be angry.

・People are more deceived by big lies than small lies.

・Appeal to the emotions of fools, not the reason of smart people.
・Don't give them any information that is inconvenient.

〇I have received confirmation from the teacher when we made this known.
[Faithfully reproduced].

〇 plus Dr. Uchida's message
(New Nazism)

【I was going to write about the Camusartre controversy, but I inadvertently started thinking about" Why didn't Heidegger fall in love with Nazi Germany”, and I haven't gotten to the controversy yet this month.】

(※[Heidegger] ... A philosopher who was complicit with the Nazis. After World War II, he famously escaped punishment)

●Complex Systems and the Joy of Destruction

【(There is a strict boundary between the world of politics and business and social common capital that must not be overcome. At some point, the Japanese have abandoned that common sense. Perhaps seeing a long-standing robust system radically changed with only a few inputs (even when you are the victim of it) may give you a kind of omnipotence.  I was taught by my Aikido master, Hiroshi Tada Sensei, that destruction can be done with 1/100th of the power it takes to create. Therefore, those who seek omnipotence quickly will always be destructive. So continued the teacher's teaching.
There are too many people in the world today who are whored by the sense of omnipotence gained by destruction. At the beginning of this year, I would like to reiterate my teacher's teachings. 】

・(motive)The Joy of Destruction
・(motive)There are too many people in the world today who are whored by the sense of omnipotence that comes from destroying things.

The Ukrainian Crisis and "Rebellion

(*The picture "[Ukraine] = me, [Russia] = teacher" in the invasion of Ukraine was often used.
([Albert Camus] ["The Rebellious Man"] is a word frequently used by teachers. I wonder who...)

Slaves who have always complied with their masters' orders may one day suddenly say, "I can't follow this order. "I have been obeying in silence until now, but I can't follow this one.

 So people choose "rebellion" even at the risk of death because they feel that if they accept the violation of their rights here, it is not their alone rights and freedoms that will be lost.

We cannot take our eyes off those who are fighting a battle of defiance because we feel that through their fight they are at the same time defending the rights of us who are far away, faceless and nameless. Therefore, we should not isolate them.

Yes, it is irrational.
But what we lose when these rebels are defeated is not the level of wheat and corn imports or natural gas supplies. Something more essential will be lost. We probably know that intuitively.

A slave may suddenly say one day, "I cannot obey this order.

The reason why a person chooses "rebellion" even at the risk of death is because he feels that if he accepts the violation of his rights here, it is not his alone rights and freedom that will be lost by it.

What we lose when these rebels are defeated [...] is something more essential

(This motif has been drawn from the early days of the riots, but if you see it from your perspective and not mine I think. The teacher's gaze has been consistent throughout.)

●"1984" as "The Book of Prophecy”

 However, looking at the world today, apparently, even when dealing with a politician who makes policies that diminish one's self-interest, people feel a kinship with him or her and support his or her policies simply because they see him or her on TV incessantly or hear his or her voice. Humans are far more stupid than we think.

●From "●Restoration and Accelerationism"
[At a certain lecture, I was asked to summarize the 15 years of Osaka's Restoration politics. The current situation in Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture does not receive a high score in any of the areas of administration, medical care, or education. But the popularity of the Restoration movement in Osaka is overwhelming. Why do voters continue to support a party whose policies are not successful?]

- Many scenes in "1984" seem to depict the situation in Japan as it is, and you can't help but laugh.

In fact, in the world of "1984" there is no past or future, only the present. In "1984", a government agency called the "Ministry of Truth" falsifies records of the past to suit the convenience of those in power. It is a "ministry whose main duty is to revise history," so to speak, rewriting history to suit immediate convenience. But the past that is rewritten each time for the convenience of the present is not "the past. It is, so to speak, "the present told in the past tense. Therefore, historical revisionists are people who can only think in the "present" . These are the inhabitants of "1984"-like society, who are fixed in the "here and now," unable to remember the past or predict the future, and they seem to be the Japanese of today.

(*For your information
● From my article "Doubts"
I previously received a confirmation from a teacher in response to my publicity.
Two days later, the words "lie" and "fake" were embedded in his account.
I try to solve the problem and ask the teacher, "What is the equivalent of a lie?

〇3 days later, my teacher tells me
[There is a movie called Denial about the falsehood of the Holocaust. The film is a true story about how historical revisionism takes advantage of the fact that any delusional theory can appear to have a good scholarly basis as long as it is brought into a controversy concerning its correctness or incorrectness. Historical revisionism is "win-win" if you bring it into both sides of the argument. ]
(continued) [Denial's Japanese title is "Denial and Affirmation. Suddenly, they brought in "both sides of the argument" and gave the military to the revisionist historians. Did the distributor make up the title without having seen the film, or did they have bad intentions? But this bypassed support of the delusional theory by "both sides of the argument" is apparently a common practice of the current Japanese media. ]

(*See also
● From this article from TV appearance
["A society where citizens spy on citizens has arrived."] [Really, The channel opened by the conspiracy crime is that citizens snitch on citizens, "The government encourages citizens to snitch on their neighbors, blackmail them, abuse them, and consider their neighbors to be enemies.

The concept of "doublethink" appears in "1984. This is described as "knowing it to be a lie, deliberately lying, forgetting any memory that becomes inconvenient, and temporarily recalling it from beyond oblivion when it becomes necessary again. It is the ability to "forget" and "recall" at one's own convenience, with a double-bottom line of thought.

"What I am thinking" and "what I am saying", "what I said before" and "what I am saying now" are obviously contradictory, but they don't care. This is truly "doublethink".

There is an old saying that words out of a public figure's mouth cannot be undone, that "the sweat of one's words is like the sweat of one's hands. It means that once the sweat comes out, it cannot be put back into the body. Apparently, the words that come out of the mouths of today's politicians and bureaucrats evaporate as sweat as soon as they are uttered.

― In "1984, "1984," a dictatorship takes control of the people's psyche by raising the slogan "War is Peace" and naming a truth-falsifying government office the "Ministry of Truth". strong>"Destruction of Language". In the course of the work, they even develop a new language called "Newspeak" by destroying existing languages.

I think the Abe and Kan administrations are also a good match for "1984" in their ability to operate "Newspeak". They call the law that makes war possible "Peace and Security Legislation," they refer to the Osprey crash as a "crash landing," they say "we are recruiting, but we are not recruiting" and "there is no definition of political responsibility".... Under the two administrations of Abe and Kan, the language spoken by politicians has just become lighter, thinner, and more meaningless. But the media is still uncritically dribbling out this "newspeak" as it is. The public is beginning to imitate politicians' "newspeak" more and more.

(*Refer to
● (Courier Japon "Brainwashing techniques used by the world's dictators. What is "doublespeak"?

Jorge Orwell, author of "1984," called doublespeak "scarier than the bomb. He himself was a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, witnessing the state's attempts to incite people to its own advantage by using lies that were clearly not true. ]

● From newsphrere's "Rediscovering the Legacy of 'Doublespeak' at New Mexico's 'George Orwell Exhibition'"
[In every age, Orwell's doublespeak (deliberate euphemisms, ambiguous expressions and language), newspeak (political propaganda's Doublespeak), and thought crime have been cited whenever something happens. ]
[In the story, the Thought Police suppress dissent, the Ministry of Truth promotes lies, and the Ministry of Love tortures lovers.
These are dystopian warnings of "the false becoming the absolute truth" that have shaped the psyche of numerous generations since their appearance in publications more than half a century ago."]

The idea that a poison dwells between the actuality and the name exists in all ages and cultures. The following is an example.

● "True name thought" ...... Confucianism, considered the ideological base of East Asia in general, is an ideology of exile. Its originator, Confucius, has lost his homeland. During his travels, he stops in a country where politics is deteriorating. When asked what he would do first if he were asked to be a political advisor, Confucius replies, "Correct my name. Confucius replied, "Correct my name. Having experienced the loss of his country, he says that if the name and the substance do not match (and they never do), people will be confused as to what is right and what is wrong.)

― To begin with, why is there a worldwide trend toward "1984"?
Uchida: Those who could no longer stand the strain of postmodernism eventually formed an avalanche of "anti-intellectualist" groups. They thought like this.
(4Therefore, everyone has the right (wrongly) to rest in his favorite delusion, without regard for "objective reality.) 
The "post-truth world" of today, where conspiracy theories such as "deep state" and Q-anon come and go, is a world where the thesis (4) has become dominant.

(*For reference only)
〇This is Dr. Uchida's message
[It was a fundamental principle of Abe's politicsthat no matter how many lies heaped on top of lies, he would not be punished because he "had the power". Therefore, the administration is supposed to protect her at all costs. Because the LDP administration can never accept the rule that "there is a penalty for lying".

- Then where did the "1984 "ization of Japan come from?
Uchida: Dystopias have indeed been realized in Japan, but they do not derive from the "imperial" tradition as in China and Russia, nor from "postmodernity" as in the West. To put it bluntly, I think Japan's "1984ization" is the result of the collective "infantilization" and "stupidity" of the Japanese people as a whole, both the rulers and the people. Rather than "Big Brother" artificially designing the system, a "1984"-like society has, so to speak, spontaneously emerged in Japan.
Infants feel familiarity with those with whom they have "simple contact" and are confined within the narrow time consciousness of the "present. They do not remember the past and cannot think about the future. This is the modern Japanese themselves. The question is why have the Japanese become so "infantilized" and "stupid"? I believe the cause is still the postwar Japan-U.S. relationship. ]

(From the teacher to the stalker, I am pleased to compile the text that hits that script. I hope that the victim himself points out the text that sent the instructions for the assault and makes it known to all of you, with just the right amount of humor and lightness, so that after reading it, a refreshing breeze will blow through.
In its essence, it is full of malice, and when it is the person himself who points it out to you, a personal grudge is pre-read into it. The risk of being a downer and trying to trick us is inherent in any damaging accusatory statement. This has been going on for a long time, so when I read an article written by a student accusing another student of bullying, I am shaken up violently. When I think about how I felt in those days, I feel even more emotionally involved. I am a good old man, though.
I saw from your message and other responses that I am "Darth Vader" in the stalker's "personal information and subsequent video pv". If the pv was just a pv constructed with AI material, I could come out strongly, but I also know that some of it is actually laced with data that is not a lie about me. It is easy to argue against me. So it is always a weak text.
I introduced the term "doublespeak", and I know that the current situation here is also that there are two sources of information: the stalker's reports and my publicity.
I have borrowed texts from you, mainly from x on social networking sites and from your blog. I understand that there may be some rudeness given your usual position, but I hope you will forgive me for trying to unravel the confusion in understanding the current turmoil and to make it known to you in order to resolve the issue.

As for insinuations, the text I am presenting uses metaphors and symbols. The text we use is supposed to have once passed a kind of pass/fail process between those of you who have known it since the beginning of the disturbance, including the teachers involved, under the supervision of an unauthorized access screen (which I would like you not to do, I hope). However, I was shocked by the sensational images like a stalker, shock after shock... I hope it is not a shock to you! I hope so, but this one is also "hinted at" in the text, so there will be ambiguity in its reading. In order to avoid this, we would be grateful for an objective judgment at the end from those who have been present since the origins of the disturbance.

I know it may seem like a casual request, but we are filled with apologies considering the magnitude of the uproar, etc. This is not just an Internet firestorm, but a case that is crime-related in every way, and where crime is becoming rather difficult to detect. In the real world, there have even been cases of massive fraud that have resulted in imprisonment. And the leader of this case is a person who is emitting intellectual influence in Japan.

I am really uncomfortable to ask you to judge the texts that form the basis of such incidents, but I would appreciate your judgment of their authenticity. I am sorry every time.
Thank you all for your patience!)

・ Why the worldwide "1984"-ization
"anti-intellectualist" (paranoid conspiracy theorist) crowd. They have a right to be at ease in their favorite delusions (because they think they do). The "Deep State" or Q-Anon.

・Where did Japan's "1984 "ization come from?
The consequence of the collective "infantilization" and "stupidity" of the Japanese people as a whole, both rulers and citizens ]

Infants feel familiarity with those with whom they have "simple contact" and are trapped within the narrow time consciousness of the "present".

(Why are abusive dictators supported?)
It seems that even if a person [...] diminishes our self-interests, [...] we feel a kinship with him or her and support his or her policies just by seeing or being told about his or her voice. The same is true of the "people. Humans are [...] stupid (*"simple contact effect". Abandonment of facts and history)

・ (Primary information mechanism. Abandonment of facts and history)According to the convenience of the powers that be [...]. Rewriting history, [...] revisionists [...] people who cannot remember the past or predict the future, [...] the modern Japanese as they are.

(Mechanism of the uproar)"double-thinking" [...] "knowingly and intentionally lying [...] "what you are thinking" and "what you are saying", [... ...] obviously contradictory

・ (mechanism of disturbance) "war is peace" [...] "destruction of language" in order for a dictatorship to control people's minds. efforts to. [...]"Newspeak". (In Japan) the people are beginning to imitate the "newspeak" of the politicians more and more.

●People with high tolerance for meaninglessness

(* In Japan, the keyword "meaningless" has often been used to talk about the turmoil since the beginning.) I would like to introduce it as an example of a relatively easy-to-understand keyword. )

I call people who "don't mind uttering meaningless words" "people with a high tolerance for meaninglessness. People who can read meaningless words out loud and sweat hard at meaningless work are "people with a high tolerance for meaninglessness. This is highly regarded as a kind of "social ability" in modern Japan.

While "yes-man-ship" is most valued in a superior organization, the easiest way to examine this is to assign meaningless tasks. The easiest way to examine this is to assign a meaningless task, as if it were a meaningless order given by a top executive, only to be met halfway with, "Wait a minute. What's the point of this? I don't want to do such meaningless work." An organization in which such meaningless orders from the top are delivered to the bottom without delay, without encountering resistance of the type "perfect top-down execution" is considered to be a "perfect top-down organization. And in contemporary Japan, that is the ideal of an organization.

This is the reason why the more supercilious an organization becomes, the more "bull-shit jobs" there are. Now, the Japanese are being worn down daily by the "grater" of "meaningless words and meaningless jobs.

(*For reference

From this paper [● Restoration and Accelerationism]
Reduce government employees as much as possible. Cut administrative costs as much as possible. Free riders in the social welfare system will be wiped out. Create yes-men in school education who will follow the orders of their superiors. These are the latest political arguments that overlap in some respects with what the American "accelerationists" have been advocating.

●I would like to ask your previous question
Why do you do such a thing in response to Dr. Uchida's alert, when it is he who is attacking you?

Dr. Uchida [contributed to a medium called Business Insier about "Fukuda-mura Incident"(massacre of Koreans...a historical hate crime in which many massacres were caused by a hoax during the earthquake). Please see below].

In addition, I would like to ask why...
〇Uchida-sensei's message.
[In a superior organization, loyalty to superiors takes precedence over ability, so there are only yes-men from the top to the bottom. Because yes-men are characterized by the duality of being "overbearing to the top and intimidating to the bottom," organizations throughout Japan have been filled with "sycophantic harassers. 😭]

(Purpose and mechanism of disturbance) "Yes-manship" is most valued in top-down organizations, but the easiest way to examine it is to impose meaningless tasks.

●Crisis of crisis

There used to be a magazine called Shincho 45. At some point, it changed to a far-right tone and began to publish articles of poor quality, and eventually it was discontinued. When it was still a decent magazine, he often let me write long ones.

If you will forgive me for speaking very roughly, the struggle of ideas over the past 100 years can be seen as a process of antagonism between the "idea of creating enemies," which aims to divide the world into dualisms of "right and wrong, reason and wrong, good and evil" with simple logic and schemas, and the "idea of not making enemies," which accepts the symbiosis of diverse values espoused by individuals and groups. That's what I think. The war situation has consistently been dominated by "dualistic" and confrontational thinking and the blame-threatening and aggressive language it secretes, and the "it's okay if there's a lot going on" kind of tolerance is being pushed to the wall. The "ideology of not making enemies" is now in a state where people are desperately enduring with their toes on the "tokubale" and arching their whole bodies at the edge of the arena.

(*For reference)"Ukraine and Palestine"
["New Nazis"] [Dualistic understanding of good and evil] ["We are fighting human animals"] [Not a "normal war" but a "mythical war" in which humans are fighting demons] [It is natural that Israel's attack on Gaza will not be stopped. They're not human. 】 )

The diseases of our time are manifesting in all areas in the form of a "flattening" orientation. "Flattening" in the political realm is usually talked about with the phrase "the problem is very simple." Our society has become so unhappy because certain institutions, customs, laws, groups, and even individuals are inherently evil or incompetent, so if we identify the "root of all evil" and eliminate it, all problems will be solved at once, and our society will be restored to its "primordial purity."

(※For your reference
・ This article "Ukraine and Palestine" ... 【The problem is not the rationality of the peace agreement itself, but rather public sentiment. The strongest driving force is "negative emotions" such as anger, hatred, and humiliation. 】)

This political narrative has a strong appeal to the masses. For those who have difficulty explaining their misfortunes, there is no service that relieves their frustration more than the culpable name, "They are the ones who are to blame."

As far as the media is concerned, it seems that what is required of politicians today is "a sense of speed," "clarity," and "boldness" above all else.

Certainly, such people are good at sweeping "trash" from the table in a snappy manner. But the "swept people" (unless they are imprisoned in concentration camps or purged) will only act in the end to frustrate the policies of the politicians.
We should have just learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident how short-term cost-cutting measures can cause enormous damage in the long run.
It is not at all difficult to sound the alarm bells, saying, "It's a crisis, it's a crisis." It's not too hard to say, "The crisis is here." However, it is difficult to answer the practical question, "How do we set up a forum for dialogue and mutual support for people to pool their wisdom and share their resources in order to avert crises?" It's very difficult. In order to establish such a place, tolerance and imagination for others are necessary above all else, and it seems to me that the very fact that the words that appeal for the need for "tolerance and imagination" are no longer heard everywhere, that is, the sad fact that people are blocking the only way to avoid a crisis, is the reality of the crisis in this society.

・"The New Nazism" in Ukraine and Palestine

In "Fascism of Love and Illusion," he writes, "It is a ruthless and hard idea to weed out weak individuals and build a new post-capitalist world with only strong people who can survive."
 [This idea is said by Toji Suzuhara as it is.
"The only thing that matters is that man has become too far away from animals. (...) I'm going to turn humans back into animals." "The delusion of having to be happy is tormenting the slaves," Suzuhara mutters, "and we should destroy Japan once and for all." 】)

The war is consistently dominated by "dualistic," oppositional thinking and the other-blaming, aggressive language it secretes, driving the "it's OK to be different" thinking of tolerance to the wall

If we identify the "root of all evils" and gut them, all problems will be solved at once and our society will regain its "original cleanliness".

"Tolerance and imagination" [...]The sad fact that people are blocking the only way to avert a crisis is the fact of this social crisis.


Nevertheless, looking back at history, it is easy to see what kind of policies will lead to the death of a country. They are policies that aim to "return our country to its original state. The reason our country is in the state it is in is because foreign substances have entered the country from the outside and contaminated society. Therefore, by detecting and eliminating these foreign substances, society will recover its "original cleanliness and vitality.

 Many people have been killed and many valuable things destroyed by people who believed in this type of delusion. I believe that what Russia is doing now in Ukraine and what China is doing in Xinjiang Uyghur and Hong Kong are driven by this "ideal country" fantasy. So I believe that this will eventually be a distant cause of "exile" for both countries. Right now, the people of both China and Russia are giving overwhelming support to those in power, but I believe that each citizen should be asking "What should our country be like? rather than "Is this really the society I want to live in? If people had the habit of asking themselves, "Is this really the society I want to live in?

Instead, I try to ask, "Is this really the society I want to live in?" I try to ask myself, "Is this really the society I want to live in? I want to live in a society where basic human rights are respected and civil liberties are protected. That is all. It doesn't matter if the country is poor or not militarily powerful. I do not want to live in a country that has money, power, and is feared by its neighbors, but where the people have no other means of survival than to bow down to those in power. Therefore, I will support anyone who can make "a society in which I can live comfortably.

, from this paper, "In the Land of Powerocracy"
So they will repeatedly demonstrate that they are excluded from "equality before the law," that the critique of "insanity" does not apply to them, that they have the right to needlessly humiliate others (And they will repeatedly demonstrate that they are entitled to needless humiliation of others.)

・(Accelerationism)-When we look back at history, we can almost always tell what kind of policies lead to the downfall of a country. They are policies that aim to "return our country to its original state. The reason our country is in the state it is in is because foreign substances have entered from the outside and contaminated our society. Therefore, by detecting and eliminating these foreign substances, society will recover its "original cleanliness and vitality.
・(Accelerationism)-This "ideal state" illusion [...] is what Russia is doing [...] and what China is doing [...]. I believe it will eventually become a distant cause of "exile" for both countries. If we have the habit of asking ourselves, "Is this really the society I want to live in?" If people had the habit of asking themselves, "Is this really the society I want to live in?

●About State Funerals

I contributed to various media about the state funeral. This was a comment requested by "Akahata," but it was rejected. It seems that they did not like the part about Prime Minister Kishida "not being as evil as former Prime Minister Abe.

The mighty power wielded by former Prime Minister Abe was a kind of loop structure. No matter how much the public opposed him, no matter how much the opposition parties opposed him, no matter how little rational basis he had for doing what he wanted to do, he forced through what he wanted to do. The people then reasoned, "He can do such reckless things because he has the power to back it up”. And then they came to the point of resignation, saying, "If he is so powerful, there is no point in resisting”. In other words, his power was based on people's belief that he can act so powerfully because he really has power. It is a well-designed mechanism.

(*[National funeral]...a symbol often used as an analogy for my execution by mass stalking. Who is former Prime Minister Abe?

〇 [For your information]
・ From my article "ABOUT IT"
This is the message of what you repeatedly claimed at the start of the uproar. It is about "sexual harassment." The name of my movie comment account was a woman's name (the name of a pet I used to have).

[I think you are right. Since power is assured by "doing things that others would be punished for doing, but not you", people with power will always do "those things" when they want to confirm their status (when they feel insecure). And they cannot stop doing it until one day they are finally punished. ]

・This article, Comments from a teacher on collusion. Six years before this article.
About the conspiracy charge, the text of "The feeling of omnipotence of those in power is visible.
[Powerful people feel omnipotent when they do something irrational and improper and no one condemns them for it. That is why dictators throughout history have sought to confirm their omnipotence by forcing their subjects to suffer utterly senseless hardship.】)

The enormous power wielded by former Prime Minister Abe was a kind of loop structure. No matter how much the people objected, no matter how much the opposition parties objected, no matter how little rational grounds there was, he forced himself to do what he wanted. […]「 The reason why he behaves so powerfully is because he really has power."





(※ ご参考に



同日の6時間後 【理事会だん。ほぼ全部人事でしたので、発言機会なく「並び大名」でした。さ、ムサコに帰ります。結局お昼ご飯食べる暇はありませんでした。お腹空いた。】

※ならびだいみょう【並び大名】 歌舞伎(かぶき)の殿中の場などで、大名に扮(ふん)して、ただ並んでいるだけの役者。転じて、ただその場に居るというだけで、何の役にも立たないこと。そういう人。 ーgoo辞書より


(※ これは、集団ストーキングが海外に広がり始めた頃のテキストです)



(※ 集団ストーキングが世界へ拡散されだした時、日本で多くのかたがそれを注意深く見つめていたのを私は記憶しています。今でも強く印象に残っているのは、内田先生だけが”こんなの責任の取りようがあるわけないだろう”といったメッセージをされていたことでした。日本においても、いまとは騒動の受け止めが異なっていた時期です。やはり、先生は当事者でありながら冷静に騒動の位置づけを定められていたのです。)




(※ 上記コラムと同様のテーマです)

(※  拙稿『ABOUT IT』より。先生の騒動の出発点、セクシャルハラスメントについてのコメント【権力は「他人がしてたら処罰されることをしても自分は処罰されない」ことで確かめられるので、権力を持つ人間は自らの地位を確かめたくなると(不安になると)必ず「そういうこと」をするようになります。】)




(※ こちらも拙稿『ABOUT IT』から。【ミッシェル・フーコー『監獄の誕生』 説明 監獄の誕生です。】と紹介されていた監獄です。騒動初期には多用されていました。

(※ 【天涯孤独の老人】とは誰を指しているでしょうか。上記 【高齢者が集団自決】のテーマとの関連)


(※ 「戦争こそ平和」「束縛こそ自由」。ダブルスピークを意識していただければ)


ほぼリアルタイムに近い形で記録させていただきたいと思います。 第三者のかたと意味の共有が確認取れました。

【Dr. Uchida and the gang stalker】 I would like to record this in near real time. We have confirmed that the meaning is shared with a third party.

They want to control education, probably because they believe that a corporation is the ideal of an organization, that it is the "global standard" for the CEO to have total control, to heavily favor those employees who follow the agenda and fire those who disobey, and they believe they can apply that to universities as well. I don't know how they can be so foolish."】

同日の6時間後 【理事会だん。ほぼ全部人事でしたので、発言機会なく「並び大名」でした。さ、ムサコに帰ります。結局お昼ご飯食べる暇はありませんでした。お腹空いた。】

※ならびだいみょう【並び大名】 歌舞伎(かぶき)の殿中の場などで、大名に扮(ふん)して、ただ並んでいるだけの役者。転じて、ただその場に居るというだけで、何の役にも立たないこと。そういう人。 ーgoo辞書より

【See also】
Six hours later on the same day 【Board meeting. Almost all of them were personnel, so I was a "Narabi-Daimyo" without a chance to speak. Now, I'm going back to Musako. We didn't have time to eat lunch after all. I'm hungry.】

※Narabi-Daimyo In kabuki, an actor who merely stands in a line dressed as a feudal lord. In other words, a person who is merely present but does nothing of any use. A person like that. From goo dictionary



(※ 【リバタリアン】…前述『○○○リバタリアンという怪物』をご参照ください。「加速主義」とともに騒動のキーワードのひとつです。)
(※ どこまで端的に語っていいのでしょうか…


(※ 【加速主義】…「加速主義」とともに騒動のキーワードのひとつです。)





拙稿『ABOUT IT』https://note.com/xr448/n/n92c59ebc6c36

・『内田樹先生と騒動との関係、近頃のメッセージ』内「貧困系」の項目 https://note.com/j_oot/n/nc09258af8bcb#6fae818d-599b-4946-a263-d6f74a45ce1e




(※ 【怪物】…ここでは誰を指しているでしょうか…)

(※ 【何をしても処罰されない】…頻出されるメッセージです。







●関東大震災から100年 朝鮮人虐殺について考える



●本稿『月刊日本インタビュー「ウクライナとパレスチナ」』より【ネタニヤフ首相はハマスを「新しいナチス」と呼び、演説では「私たちは光の民であり、彼らは闇の民だ」という善悪二元論的な理解を示しました。イスラエルの国防大臣は「私たちは人間のかたちをした獣(human animals)と戦っている」とまで言い切りました。イスラエルによれば、今回のハマスとの戦闘は、二つの国家がそれぞれの国益を守るために行う「ふつうの戦争」ではなく、人間が悪魔と闘っている「神話的な戦争」だということになります。それではイスラエルのガザ攻撃に歯止めが利かなくなって当然です。相手は人間じゃないんですから。】 


先生のメッセージです【ホロコースト虚偽説を描いたDenial という映画があります。歴史修正主義はどんな妄説も、その正否にかかわる論争に持ち込みさえすれば、それなりの学問的根拠があるように見えることを利用する、という実話の映画化。歴史修正主義は「両論併記に持ち込んだら勝ち」なんです。】)



(※ 掲載が昨日の日付になっている記事です)

フリーライダーの効用』2024-03-11 lundi






(※ 本稿のテーマが「内田樹先生と『新しいナチズム』」であり、普段私は民主主義を主張の立脚点にしています。そして同テーマの内田先生の主張が記載されています)

(※ご参照に『剽窃について ー再掲バージョンー 』より
英訳バージョン『Plagiarism -Reposted version 』



(※ ご参照に 『◆剽窃について 2◆』より





先生【Business Insierというお媒体に『福田村事件』について寄稿しました。どぞ。】

(※ 【歴史修正主義】…私は「私の個人情報」に対して、日々デマであることをご指摘していますが、騒動でつかれたウソに対して、しばしば「歴史修正主義」という批判が登場します。

先生自身のメッセージです【ホロコースト虚偽説を描いたDenial という映画があります。歴史修正主義はどんな妄説も、その正否にかかわる論争に持ち込みさえすれば、それなりの学問的根拠があるように見えることを利用する、という実話の映画化。歴史修正主義は「両論併記に持ち込んだら勝ち」なんです。】)


(※ ターゲットについて、先生がよく語られる分析です。


(※【何をしても罰されない】…最初期から騒動頻出のメッセージです。 内田先生へのご批判のリポスト‟悲しいですが、本邦は古から「いじめればいじめるほど、成員は言われるがままになる」という手段が効果的なんでしょう。





先生【Business Insierというお媒体に『福田村事件』について寄稿しました。どぞ。】


(※ 【歴史修正主義】…私は「私の個人情報」に対して、日々デマであることをご指摘していますが、騒動でつかれたウソに対して、しばしば「歴史修正主義」という批判が登場します。

先生自身のメッセージです【ホロコースト虚偽説を描いたDenial という映画があります。歴史修正主義はどんな妄説も、その正否にかかわる論争に持ち込みさえすれば、それなりの学問的根拠があるように見えることを利用する、という実話の映画化。歴史修正主義は「両論併記に持ち込んだら勝ち」なんです。】)


(※ ターゲットについて、先生がよく語られる分析です。


(※【何をしても罰されない】…最初期から騒動頻出のメッセージです。 内田先生へのご批判のリポスト‟悲しいですが、本邦は古から「いじめればいじめるほど、成員は言われるがままになる」という手段が効果的なんでしょう。








(※ ↑作業終わりにお断りしたご確認について





ご参照に 本稿で同政党を扱ったてテキスト『●維新と加速主義』


●2024-02-07 mercredi








【昨晩、痛みに耐えかねてご質問させていただきました。 なぜ、現実とは逆に、私の方が【呪い】の主体で、【「日本社会に存在させてはならない」】となるのでしょうか… というご質問内容でした。これまでの経緯を反復し、代表するものとしてお問いかけ致しました。】)


(※私は、8年ほど前のある日、突然内田先生から「待ってろよ」というお言葉をいただき、そのあと「この中に生活保護を受給している人間がいる」とご指摘を受けました。ー拙稿『ABOUT IT』に詳述。

(※ 日本では人称代名詞の表現が英語に比べて複数あります。「おまえ(omae)」(=you)、「やつら(yatsura)」(=they)もその一部です。そして、自分が使用し、自分を指す表象として騒動初期から一般に流布したのが「私(watashi)」(=I)です。)



