忘備録 製造業の場合、noteは他のSNSにはない独自の特性



  1. 深い情報発信が可能

    • 技術解説記事: 製品の技術的な優位性や製造プロセスの裏側を詳しく解説。

    • 活用事例の共有: 実際の顧客が製品をどのように使って成果を上げたかを紹介。

    • 専門的な知識の共有: 製造業界全体のトレンドや課題についての見解を発信。

  2. SEOとの親和性が高い

    • 独自の技術名や製品名で記事を書くことで検索流入を増やす。

    • 「製造業」「製品名」「課題解決」などの関連キーワードを活用して、見込み客を引き寄せる。

  3. ストーリーテリングに最適

  4. 専門家や意思決定者との接点が増える


1. 技術情報を連載化する

  • 製造プロセス、開発の苦労、課題の解決策などをテーマに記事をシリーズ化。

  • 例: 「最先端X技術の開発ストーリー(全5回)」や「製造業界のDX最前線」。

2. 顧客の声や成功事例を特集

  • 実際に製品を使用した顧客の事例を具体的に記事化し、信頼を得る。

  • 「A社が我が社の製品で生産性を30%向上させた方法」など。

3. 展示会レポートや技術トレンドの発信

  • 業界の展示会やセミナーの参加レポートを記事化し、専門家の目に留まる内容を発信。

4. 動画や画像を効果的に活用

  • noteでは画像や動画も埋め込めるので、製品の動作や使い方をビジュアルで伝える。

5. 製造現場の裏側を公開

  • 「工場の1日」や「最新設備の紹介」など、普段見られない現場を記事で公開し、親近感を醸成。

6. ノウハウやTipsを提供

  • 例えば「製造現場でのDX導入5つのステップ」や「トラブルシューティングの方法」など、役立つ知識を提供。


  1. タグを有効活用
    noteのタグ機能を利用して、製造業界や技術に関連するキーワード(例: #製造業 #技術革新 #DX )を設定し、ターゲットの目に留まりやすくする。

  2. 他のSNSと連携

  3. 定期更新を継続

  4. 読者コメントを活用


  • 高度な技術や専門性を有するB2B向け製品

  • ものづくりの伝統やストーリー性がある分野(例: 精密機械、職人技術)

  • DXやAIなど新技術を活用している分野


1. コミュニティの形成


  • コメントや感想を募る: 記事の最後に質問を投げかけて、読者にコメントを促す。「皆さんの製造現場ではどのような工夫をしていますか?」など。

  • 定期的な更新で読者を固定化: 毎週や月ごとに新しい記事を公開し、定期購読者を増やす。

  • 読者のアイデアを記事化: 読者から寄せられた質問やリクエストを基に新しい記事を執筆し、双方向の関係を構築。

2. リードジェネレーションの仕組みを構築


  • 資料ダウンロードのリンクを設置: 「詳細な技術データシートはこちら」などのリンクを設け、リード情報を取得。

  • 無料セミナーやウェビナーの告知: 記事の中でセミナーを告知し、参加者を募集する。

  • CTA(Call to Action)の明確化: 「さらに詳しく知りたい方はお問い合わせください」「製品デモはこちら」などのアクションを促す文言を入れる。

3. エキスパートコラボレーション


  • インタビュー記事: 業界のエキスパートや企業のリーダーへのインタビューを記事化。

  • 共同執筆: 他の企業や専門家と共同で製造業の課題や未来について議論する記事を作成。

4. コンテンツの多様化


  • 画像ギャラリー: 製品や工場のビジュアルを豊富に掲載して、直感的に理解してもらう。

  • 動画埋め込み: 実際の製品デモや技術解説を動画で共有。

  • 音声配信: 製造業界向けのポッドキャストや音声記事を発信し、新しい層を取り込む。

5. 成果を定量化して改善


  • アクセス解析: noteの「スキ」や「PV(閲覧数)」のデータを分析し、人気のあるトピックを把握。

  • エンゲージメント率: コメント数やシェア数を分析し、どのコンテンツが反響を呼んでいるか確認。

  • コンバージョン追跡: note経由での問い合わせや商談件数を把握し、リード生成の効率を評価。



  • 公式ウェブサイトと連携: noteの記事リンクを公式サイトに埋め込む、または公式サイトからnote記事に誘導。

  • メールマーケティングと連動: noteで公開した記事をニュースレターで共有し、既存顧客や見込み客にも情報を届ける。

  • SNSでの拡散: TwitterやLinkedInでnote記事をシェアし、より広いターゲット層にリーチ。


6. noteを通じた教育・啓発コンテンツの展開


  • 初心者向けガイド

  • 業界トレンドの解説

  • 課題解決型記事

7. noteで読者参加型キャンペーンを実施


  • アイデアコンテスト

  • クイズ形式の投稿

  • フィードバック募集

8. コラボレーション記事の活用


  • 業界パートナーとの共同執筆
    例:「加工技術の未来について – 技術者A氏との対談」。

  • ユーザーインタビュー

9. noteとオフラインイベントを連携


  • 展示会前後の記事公開

  • 製造現場見学ツアーの告知

10. noteを用いたブランド価値の向上


  • 企業のミッションやビジョンの発信

  • サステナビリティへの取り組み

  • 社員ストーリーの共有


  1. 投稿の一貫性

  2. 読者のニーズを定期的に分析

  3. note内外でのシェアを強化


11. 有料記事・サブスクリプションモデルの活用


  • 有料記事の内容例

    • 詳細な技術レポートや調査データ。

    • 業界動向やトレンド分析の深掘り記事。

    • 他社では学べない具体的な製造ノウハウ。

  • サブスクリプションの活用方法

    • 月額制で「製造業に特化した知識共有プラットフォーム」を構築。

    • 専門家やエンジニア向けに、最新の技術情報やベストプラクティスを定期的に提供。

12. メディア化を目指す


  • 業界ニュースやトピックのキュレーション

  • トレンド解説の定期連載

  • 読者との共同作業

13. 他プラットフォームと連携したデータ分析

noteの記事の効果をさらに高めるために、Google AnalyticsやSNSプラットフォームのデータを活用してアクセス解析を行います。

  • 流入元を特定

  • コンバージョン計測

  • 人気コンテンツの傾向分析

14. 外部パートナーとの連携


  • ライターやデザイナーとの協業

  • インフルエンサーとのコラボ

  • 学術機関との連携

15. マルチメディア活用でリーチ拡大


  • インフォグラフィックの挿入

  • スライドやPDFの添付

  • 製品紹介動画の埋め込み


1. noteを基点としたエコシステム構築


  • オウンドメディアとの連動

  • 展示会やセミナーでの利用

  • SNSとのシームレスな連携

2. ブランドイメージの強化


3. 社内での知識共有にも活用


In the case of the manufacturing industry, note has a major advantage in that it allows for in-depth information dissemination, taking advantage of its unique characteristics not found in other SNS. Below, we will explain in detail how to use note and its strengths.

Note's strengths and benefits in the manufacturing industry

In-depth information dissemination possible

Note does not limit the amount of text or the depth of content, and allows for detailed sharing of highly specialized information and examples, just like a blog. In the manufacturing industry, the following content is effective:

Technical commentary articles: A detailed explanation of the technical advantages of the product and the behind-the-scenes of the manufacturing process.

Sharing use cases: Introducing how actual customers have used the product to achieve results.

Sharing specialized knowledge: Transmitting views on trends and issues in the manufacturing industry as a whole.

Highly compatible with SEO

Note articles are strong in Google's search engine, and if you write specialized content, it is easy to reach your target users.

Increase search traffic by writing articles with unique technical or product names.

Use related keywords such as "manufacturing industry", "product name", and "problem solving" to attract potential customers.

Ideal for storytelling

Note's users tend to "sympathize with backgrounds and stories," so you can enhance your brand image by sharing the development stories of manufacturing products and technologies, company history, and so on.

Increase contact with experts and decision makers

When experts and decision makers looking for information on the manufacturing industry read articles on note, they build trust and lead to lead acquisition.

Specific ideas for use

  1. Serialize technical information

Series articles on themes such as manufacturing processes, development difficulties, and solutions to problems.

For example: "Development story of cutting-edge X technology (5 parts in total)" or "The forefront of DX in the manufacturing industry."

  1. Feature customer testimonials and success stories

Write specific articles about cases of customers who actually used the product to gain trust.

For example, "How Company A improved productivity by 30% with our product."

  1. Share exhibition reports and technology trends

Publish reports on participation in industry exhibitions and seminars and share content that will catch the attention of experts.

  1. Effective use of videos and images

Images and videos can be embedded in note, so you can visually communicate how your product works and how to use it.

  1. Reveal the behind-the-scenes of the manufacturing site

Articles reveal unusual scenes, such as "A day in the factory" and "Introduction to the latest equipment," to foster a sense of familiarity.

  1. Provide know-how and tips

For example, provide useful knowledge, such as "Five steps to introducing DX at the manufacturing site" and "Troubleshooting methods."

Tips for further enhancing effectiveness

Make effective use of tags
Use note's tag function to set keywords related to the manufacturing industry and technology (e.g. #manufacturing #technological innovation #DX ) to make it easier for your target audience to notice.

Link with other SNS
Share your note articles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to attract customers from various directions.

Continue regular updates
Don't just post an article once and be done with it, but update the information regularly to maintain contact with your readers.

Utilize reader comments

Interacting with readers through comments will increase interest in your articles and help you set the next theme.

Manufacturing fields where note is particularly suitable

B2B products with advanced technology and expertise

Fields with a tradition of manufacturing and stories (e.g. precision machinery, artisan techniques)

Fields that utilize new technologies such as DX and AI

Applied strategies to further increase effectiveness with note

  1. Forming a community

You can use note to form a community related to the manufacturing industry. You can involve readers and increase engagement in the following ways.

Solicit comments and opinions: Ask questions at the end of articles to encourage readers to comment. For example, "What kind of ideas do you use at your manufacturing site?"

Regular updates to retain readers: Publish new articles every week or month to increase regular subscribers.

Turn readers' ideas into articles: Write new articles based on questions and requests from readers to build a two-way relationship.

  1. Build a lead generation system

In manufacturing B2B marketing, it is important to connect notes to concrete business negotiations and inquiries. The following methods can be adopted:

Links to download materials: Set up links such as "Click here for detailed technical data sheets" to obtain lead information.

Announcement of free seminars and webinars: Announce seminars in articles and recruit participants.

Clarify CTA (Call to Action): Include phrases that encourage action such as "Contact us for more information" and "Click here for product demos."

  1. Expert collaboration

Increase the credibility and attention of articles by creating collaborative articles with other experts and industry leaders.

Interview articles: Turn interviews with industry experts and company leaders into articles.

Co-writing: Create articles in collaboration with other companies and experts to discuss the challenges and future of manufacturing.

  1. Diversify content

In addition to text, note can utilize a variety of content such as images, videos, and audio. Examples of applying this to the manufacturing industry:

Image gallery: Post plenty of visuals of products and factories to help them understand intuitively.

Video embedding: Share actual product demos and technical explanations in video.

Audio distribution: Publish podcasts and audio articles for the manufacturing industry to attract new demographics.

  1. Quantify results and improve

It is important to measure the effectiveness of articles on note and improve your strategy. Specifically:

Access analysis: Analyze note's "likes" and "PV (number of views)" data to understand popular topics.

Engagement rate: Analyze the number of comments and shares to see which content is resonating.

Conversion tracking: Understand the number of inquiries and business negotiations via note and evaluate the efficiency of lead generation.

Combination with other platforms

Note is effective on its own, but you can expect even greater results by linking it to other SNS and web strategies.

Link with official website: Embed note article links on the official website, or direct users to note articles from the official website.

Link with email marketing: Share articles published on note in newsletters to deliver information to existing and potential customers.

Spread on social media: Share note articles on Twitter and LinkedIn to reach a wider target audience.

Examples of promotional activities using note

  1. Develop educational and enlightening content through note

In the manufacturing industry, educational content for target customers and people in the industry is effective in conveying the value of products and technologies. You can develop educational content using note, such as:

Guide for beginners
Explain basic knowledge about products and technologies in a way that even people without specialized knowledge can understand. For example, "First time with precision machining technology" and "Fundamentals of improving manufacturing processes using AI".

Explanation of industry trends
Gain readers' trust by explaining new technologies and market trends.

Problem-solving articles
Publish articles that propose solutions using products to common problems in the industry. For example, "Three ways to make quality control more efficient".

  1. Implement reader participation campaigns on note

You can increase engagement by developing campaigns on note that encourage reader participation.

Idea contest

We invite "new product ideas" and "new ways to use products" and introduce the best ideas.

Quiz-style posts

We create quizzes about products and technologies and offer rewards to those who answer correctly.

Feedback requests

We invite opinions on new product prototypes on note and use customer feedback in product development.

  1. Utilizing collaborative articles

By collaborating with other companies and experts to create articles, we can reach new readership.

Co-writing with industry partners

Example: "On the future of processing technology - A conversation with engineer A".

User interviews

We publish articles of conversations with actual customers to convey the actual effects and satisfaction of the product.

  1. Linking note with offline events

By linking information dissemination on note with offline events, we can create deeper customer contact points.

Publishing articles before and after exhibitions

Before the exhibition, we publish an "introduction to the exhibit contents" on note to attract visitors' interest in advance. After the exhibition, we publish an "exhibition report" to continuously deliver information to interested readers.

Announcement of manufacturing site tours
Announce factory tours and product experience events on note to attract interested readers.

  1. Improving brand value using note

Note is not just a place for product promotion, but can also be used as a platform to communicate your company's values ​​and vision.

Communicating your company's mission and vision
Create articles that communicate the issues you want to solve in the manufacturing industry and the direction your company is heading in.

Sustainability initiatives
Publish articles about environmental considerations and social contribution activities to appeal to readers who value social responsibility.

Sharing employee stories
Build a sense of familiarity with articles that introduce the passion of employees working on the front lines and the challenges they face as engineers.

Points to keep in mind for sustaining success

Consistency in postings
Maintain your brand image while keeping the accuracy and reliability of the information.

Regularly analyze your readers' needs
Understand the themes and formats readers are looking for based on comments and reactions, and improve your content.

Strengthen sharing inside and outside note
Create a culture of sharing your articles both inside and outside the company to expand your reach.

Application measures to further expand the use of note

  1. Utilizing paid articles and subscription models

If you have expertise and know-how in the manufacturing industry, you can monetize by introducing paid articles and subscriptions.

Examples of paid article content

Detailed technical reports and research data.

In-depth articles on industry trends and trend analysis.

Specific manufacturing know-how that cannot be learned from other companies.

How to utilize subscriptions

Build a "knowledge sharing platform specialized for the manufacturing industry" with a monthly subscription.

Regularly provide the latest technical information and best practices for experts and engineers.

  1. Aiming to become a media company

You can also use the note platform to position your company as an "industry media". You can increase your readership and build long-term influence in the following ways.

Curate industry news and topics
Summarize the latest news and important topics from your company's perspective and provide them to readers.

Regular trend commentary series
Example: "This month's top 5 manufacturing industry news", "New technology commentary series in the spotlight", etc.

Collaborate with readers
Collect ideas and insights from readers and create articles based on them to strengthen trust.

  1. Collaborate with other platforms
