【池袋平和通り商店街振興組合 加盟店(18)耳鼻咽喉科天心堂医院】
In addition to routine outpatient care and surgery, the clinic offers hearing aid consultation by specialists and is a cooperating organization for clinical trials and other projects.
In addition, the south side of our clinic is adjacent to the “Ikebukuro Forest,” so you can enjoy the seasonal scenery during treatment and other times of the year.
Even when you bring your children, you can wait with peace of mind as our waiting room is equipped with a children’s room and is well stocked with picture books and other materials.
住所;東京都豊島区池袋1-7-14 天心堂ビル1F
営業時間;月火水金/9:00~12:00 15:00~17:30
木/手術のみ 土/9:00~12:30
TEL; 03-3971-3387
FAX; 03-3983-3953
URL; http://tenshindo-iin.webmedipr.jp/
Store Name; Otolaryngology Tenshindo Clinic
Category; medical care
Address; ikebukuro1-7-14 Tenshindo Bldg. 1F
Business Hours; Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri/9:00-12:00,15:00-17:30,Thu/Surgery only,Sat/9:00-12:30
Regular day off; Sunday,Holiday
#池袋 #池袋西口 #豊島区 #東京都 #エリアリノベーション #都会のローカル #駅徒歩5分の別世界 #池袋さんぽ #都市 #都市更新 #池袋西口通信社 #池袋平和通り商店街 #池袋平和通り #池袋平和通り商店街振興組合 #池袋時間 #池袋のローカル #耳鼻咽喉科天心堂医院
#Ikebukuro #Ikebukurowestgate #Toshimaku #Tokyo #Tokyoikebukuro #arearennovation #anotherworldwithin5minutewalkfromthestation #urbanlocals #Ikebukurowalk #Ikebukuroheiwadori #Ikebukuroheiwadorishotengai #Ikebukurotime #OtolaryngologyTenshindoClinic