
Space, grids, and layouts #2

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#1の続編です。元記事は→Spacing, grids, and layouts (designsystems.com)
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What is a grid? グリッドとは何か

Spatial systems define the rules of sizing and spacing while grids help you arrange your content into structured propositions. Early print designers utilized grids to organize text blocks and images into pleasing visual hierarchies that aided readability. As design has evolved, the same basic principles still apply to the two-dimensional organization of information.


1. Column grid カラムグリッド

A column grid helps you organize content into evenly spaced vertical columns. The space between columns is referred to as the gutter size. Applying your spatial system rules to the gutters will help drive home a consistent rhythm in your designs. A common example is the 12 column grid because it allows you to divide the given area into half, thirds, fourths, sixths.


2. Modular grids モジュラーグリッド

A modular grid takes columns and rows into account to organize content into a matrix structure. Modular grids are ideal for a strict format layout like a book but can break down for a relative sized responsive web layout. Keep in mind this doesn’t have to encompass the entire page layout. Modular grids are an organizational tool. You decide where it starts and stops.


3. Baseline grid ベースライングリッド

Traditionally in graphic design, a baseline grid was used to set the leading from one line of text to the next. However, on the web, we place text by line-heights instead of the baseline. It’s a subtle difference but you should be aware of it when designing across platforms. Regardless of how your typography is measured, the same basic principle applies—setting the typography onto a consistent grid will be easier to organize, create vertical rhythm, and be aesthetically pleasing.


